Alongside just about everything else you can make in Infinite Craft on the Neal.Fun website we shouldn’t be surprised that as well as creating life, monsters, Pokemon, and disasters, real people are included too. You just need to know how to get to them.
Generally, there are several ways to get to all things as a rule. In getting to this version of Donald Trump we also managed to create one just called Trump, but this was far quicker so we will cover this one.
Once you have The Donald you can start to add him to things such as USA etc and a variety of other items you might have crafted. We assume Joe Biden is in there too so we can have political parity, and who knows what you will get combining the two, but as yet we haven’t managed to unlock him. We have added the recipe below for Barack Obama however, who you will also need for some other stuff.
Make Donald Trump in Infinite Craft
You can actually unlock Donald Trump quickly in a little over 10 moves if you know what you are doing and already have Man. It all starts with the base elements of Fire and Water and then we can progress through the steps below to start creating continents and putting leaders into them.
You will need to have Adam/Man in your inventory before starting this. If you haven’t then just head over to this page and follow the recipe there to generate them.
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Wind + Steam = Cloud
- Cloud + Earth = Rain
- Rain + Fire = Rainbow
- Rainbow + Continent = America
- America + Earth = USA
- Earth + Adam = Man
- USA + Man = Uncle Sam
- Water = Water = Lake
- Water + Lake = Ocean
- Fish + Fish = Shark
- Uncle Sam + Shark = Donald Trump
Don’t forget you can play Infinite Craft for free at the Neal.Fun website.
Featured Image: AI-Generated by Ideogram
Make Barack Obama in Infinite Craft
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Fire + Water = Mist
- Planet + Mist = Venus
- Water + Earth = Mud
- Venus + Mud = Adam
- Venus + Adam = Eve
- Eve + Adam = Human
- Human + Human = Family
- Family + Family = Village
- Village + Village = Town
- Town + Town = City
- City + City = Metropolis
- Metropolis + Metropolis = Megalopolis
- Megalopolis + Human = Politician
- Politician + Human = President
- President + Human = Obama
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