Home Wuthering Waves developer issues apology for launch issues

Wuthering Waves developer issues apology for launch issues

The developer behind gacha adventure game Wuthering Waves has issued an apology after a series of hotfixes dampened the game’s release, with the latest hotfix logging players out of the game altogether and forcing a reinstall.

Kuro Games issues an apology

Chinese developer Kuro Games issued an apology on X via the official Wuthering Waves account. To make up for it, Kuro Games also offered affected players ten Lustrous Tides.

“We have identified some issues that have impacted your gaming experience and are now actively working on solutions,” the developer wrote. “We are committed to constant self-reflection and improvement, with your satisfaction as our top priority. We are incredibly grateful for your understanding and patience during our recent technical issues.”

The developer listed all the issues with the game in a lengthy post on the Wuthering Waves website. This includes a login timeout issue, an age authentication issue, and compatibility issues with certain Android devices. At the time of writing, there are eight known issues with the game, but arguably the most significant problem for players is localization, which the developers say they are trying to “continuously rectify.”

“Fixes to some of the known issues with the current localized texts will be included in the patches to be released soon,” the post reads. “Please rest assured that we are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our players, and we take performance concerns seriously. In future updates, we will continue to optimize the game’s performance to improve your gaming experience.”

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Charlotte Colombo
Freelance Journalist

Charlotte Colombo is a freelance journalist with bylines in Metro.co.uk, Radio Times, The Independent, Daily Dot, Glamour, Stylist, and VICE among others. She most recently worked as a Staff Writer for entertainment outlet The Digital Fix for two years and, prior to that, worked with Business Insider and Dexerto on their digital culture desks. She’s also appeared on BBC Radio 5 and The Guardian podcast to share her expertise on technology, influencers, and niche internet subcultures. She holds an MA in Magazine Journalism from City, University of London and has been freelancing for three years. She has a wide range…

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