Home Wuthering Waves Tower of Adversity location and how to unlock

Wuthering Waves Tower of Adversity location and how to unlock


  • Reach Union Level 15 to unlock the Tower of Adversity in Wuthering Waves.
  • Complete the "Alone in the Abyss" quest found in the Tutorial Quests section.
  • Find the Tower on an island east of Jinzhou, marked by gold-colored rings in the sky.

With a game like Wuthering Waves, it’s all about getting those quests completed so you can level up, secure more items, and essentially progress through the world. One particular point of interest that hasn’t exactly been made clear as to how to unlock it and where to find it is the Tower of Adversity in Wuthering Waves, so many have been left puzzled about its whereabouts.

We’ve cracked the case though, and if you read on we’ll reveal exactly how to unlock it as well as the Tower of Adversity location so you can take on some of the more tougher challenges in the game there.

How to unlock Tower of Adversity in Wuthering Waves

To unlock the Tower of Adversity, you’ll have to put some hours in the game as the first step is to reach Union Level 15. This is no mean feat and will take you quite a while to do so, even if you’re just motoring through quests. In terms of actual time to get to Union Level 15, you’re looking at approximately 10-15 hours with the former being possible if you focus on Union Level exp rich quests.

Once you reach 15, there will be a quest that unlocks called Alone in the Abyss. This is located in the Tutorial Quests section of your quests tab and may even be the only one in that list if you’ve been ticking off that area.

alone in the abyss tower of adversity quest

This quest will take you directly to the Tower of Adversity so you can step inside and wait for what’s in store.

Where to find Tower of Adversity in Wuthering Waves

As for the Tower of Adversity’s location in Wuthering Waves, if you do open up the quest noted above, you’ll get a direct marker for the roundabout area it is in.

Essentially, it is found on an island on the far east of the map, almost directly to the right of Jinzhou, a location you’re likely familiar with.

Once you get to the point where you can see the island, you’ll notice the gold-colored rings in the sky. You must use a combination of grappling and gliding to get through these, and ultimately land on the island.

Flying to the Tower of Adveristy island in Wuthering Waves

After touching the ground, if you head in a westerly direction and around the island’s edge, you should come across the Tower in all its glory. It’s the building with the large orange triangle on the door if you’re unsure.

It will open up once you make your way through the aforementioned quest so keep that in mind before trying to skip there early.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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