Home Best interactive map for Wuthering Waves

Best interactive map for Wuthering Waves

These days plenty of hardcore gaming sites are out there to provide interactive maps for your favorite game. A game only needs to have been out for a few hours and players and mappers will be out there placing markers on maps to help you find everything in the game with the minimum of fuss.

However, not all interactive maps are created equal. Some outlets will go hell for leather to put as many markers on as possible, taking part in some shallow arms race of marker numbers, rendering the map an unfollowable mess. Others will simply copy others with no verification at all. Then there are few that deserve your time and effort and that you might genuinely feel are helpful.

Wuthering Waves interactive maps

Wuthering Waves is a game that has a lot of locations and also a lot of resources to gather, not all of which are easy to find. We have had a look at some of the Wuthering Waves maps out there and have picked the ones we think will help you the most. Below we will explain why we think they are worth your time.

Remember, every interactive map has taken ages to put together, but depending on the process some will always be more accurate than others.

Let’s dive in:


MapGenie has been around for a good while now and concentrates on providing high-quality maps for many games. Its Wuthering Waves map has hundreds of markers on it and its most populous category so far is Medium Chests, of which it has marked the locations of 350 of them. In fact, chests make up pretty much 800 markers on its map.

Thankfully Ascension Materials are also marked and probably what you will look for the most. So filter out the pointless low-end chests and it will be much easier to read.

Genshin Impact Wuthering Waves Map

Making titles difficult for us, this Wuthering Waves map comes courtesy of the Genshin Impact map site as they obviously figure this is a gacha game worth farming.

We really like the look of this one and the fact that not everything is turned on when you get there. You can easily turn off those 900 chests and just click something like Wintry Bell to instantly see where the resource is. Good effort.


This is the only Wuthering Waves interactive map that gives us a calm vibe to start with. Everything is turned off and you just head to the filter box and click on what you need. I don’t need to start with a map with 900 chests on, the first thing I have to do then is turn them all off. The site may not look as nice as some of the others but for a functional map where you can easily find the locations of the stuff you need this is decent.

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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