Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • net promoter score
    Customer Service
    A CEO’s Perspective on Net Promoter Score

    What differentiates a great business from a good business is the power of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. A great CEO understands how a satisfied and loyal customer can accelerate business expansion. They have transformed their companies into industry leaders by building loyal relationships with their customers and employees. They...

  • seo trends 2020
    9 SEO Trends of 2020 So Far: How Businesses Go Online

    With the launch of the BERT algorithm from Google and the large-scale update from Yandex, Vega, a special stage in the history of search has come. In order not to get lost on the Internet, businesses will have to think about quality content and user experience, as well as giving...

  • project management
    Effective Tips to Ensure Project Management Success

    The job of a project manager is a challenge itself, whether you are involved in construction projects or software development projects. There are often hindrances that threaten to derail projects. From managing resources to ensuring adherence to budget and keeping up with the timelines, there is a lot that needs...

  • marketing trends
    7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2020

    There is no doubting the effectiveness of quality content in driving more clicks -- regardless of what your niche is. Nonetheless, since 90% (demandmetrics dot com) of all organizations leverage content in their marketing efforts, producing engaging, just informative content is no longer sufficient to cut through the noise. It...

  • net promoter score
    Customer Service
    Why You Should Measure Net Promoter Score (NPS)

    Many times, when I want to make big decisions like buying a new phone, any new gadgets, or investing in any mutual funds and share market -- I always follow three rules. Might I suggest these rules to you? Here is why you should measure the net promoter score (NPS)....

  • Entrepreneurs
    Remote Work in the Time of COVID-19

    The world has changed... Two months ago, if I told you that remote work would be the global norm by mid-April, you'd have thought I was hanging out with Elon Musk too much. And, if I told you that by the beginning of May, you'd make every hire remotely, you...

  • Blogger outreach for beginners
    Blogger Outreach: The Definitive Guide for the Beginners

    Blogger outreach is developing relationships and is maintaining the same with some relevant bloggers as well as offering them high-value and relevant content which their audience and readers will find useful and engaging. It can, therefore, increase your organic search visibility when bloggers with established and trusted sites link to...

  • Health
    What Will Telemedicine Look Like in 2030?

    The COVID-19 crisis put telemedicine in the spotlight faster than ever thought possible. Patients are staying home, meaning nurses and doctors are using technology to administer care from a distance. The telehealth platforms currently in use may be a bit rudimentary. The coming years, however, are poised to shake up...

  • business management apps
    Best 10 Business Management Apps

    Technology is GREAT -- and it has changed the game. Tech has given us new ways to manage the businesses that are fine as they are -- maybe -- but it's important to adapt. Now, managing the business workloads becomes efficient and less time-consuming. Here are ten of the best...

  • AI and ML analysis
    Understanding the Role of AI and ML in Sentiment Analysis

    As we all know -- customer opinion and feedback is vital. But how can we convert this feedback into meaningful customer insights? Businesses gather information and use things like polls and other data to gain insights from the feedback. It is important to understand the customer to be able to...

  • quizzes for leads
    How to Use Quizzes to Get More Leads for Your Business

    Most people who have access to the internet have probably taken an online quiz – and we’re sure you might have too. The truth is that we love quizzes, mostly for their ability to give us a sense of belonging and exclusivity. When so many quizzes online go viral, an...

  • mobile app
    Make a Plan Before Building Your Mobile App

    With the rise of smartphones, the demand for mobile app development companies and mobile app developers are also in demand. The market and advantages for the mobile app in any organization should convince every industry to search out professionals who can build apps to fulfill their requirements. The mobile market...

  • customer satisfaction survey
    Customer Service
    How to Turn Customer Satisfaction Survey Results into Action

    The concept of customer satisfaction has prevailed since the beginning of commerce. In other words -- customer satisfaction is certainly not a new concept. However, the way feedback is being gathered to improve customer satisfaction level has totally changed. Here is how to turn your customer satisfaction survey results into...

  • big data banking finance
    Will Big Data be a Game Changer for the Banking and Finance Sector?

    Today, analytics is becoming a significant game-changer in the financial sectors. Following the tradition, the banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) sectors are putting their full potential to widen their business opportunities and enhance the services that they provide their customers. According to an article recently published by Forbes, “over...

  • Branding
    What We Can Learn from Purple and Gearbox About Brand Building

    Hindsight is 20/20, as they say. It's easy to look back and see why something came together, why some things fell apart, and why you shouldn’t have worn acid-washed jeans. But in the moment, it’s much harder. As we're looking for answers amid the coronavirus pandemic, a couple of trends...

  • Best Mattresses of 2020
    Best Mattress Brands of 2021

    It is no secret that sleep plays a significant role in our health and well-being. Recent medical reports show that healthy adults who suffer from short-term sleep issues experience increased stress response, pain, reduced quality of life, emotional distress, and mood disorders. Symptoms of long-term sleep disruption are even more...

  • training feedback loops
    Why Future-Proof Employee Training Always Includes Feedback Loops

    If you consider yourself as having a “super hardcore work ethic, talent for building things, common sense and trustworthiness,” then great news. You just met all of Elon Musk’s criteria for stellar career-building spaceships, proving it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get a job at SpaceX. The outspoken entrepreneur...

  • future of mobile shopping
    Customer Service
    How Voice Search is Changing the Future of Shopping

    The continuous growth of e-commerce businesses like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon is a clear indication that the consumers’ preference for online shopping is here to stay. Consumers love to explore their options and buy what they need without physically visiting a store. But the emergence of voice-activated devices and voice...

  • ecommerce in 2020
    Trends that will Characterize the eCommerce Industry in 2020 and Beyond

    In 1994, when Amazon was launched, its first package consisting of a Physics book was sent via post. Fast forward to 2020; today, drones are being deployed to deliver packages at customer doorsteps. Folks! The utopian future that was depicted in The Jetson’s Family cartoon is almost upon us. eCommerce...

  • bots
    The Top Ways Apps are Stopping Bots and Fake Accounts

    Every year, we spend more and more time on the Internet. With the arrival of COVID19, millions of people are using it from home more than before. From work to online shopping, social media, and dating, apps integrate with our lives in new ways all the time. But as more...

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