Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • 7 Benefits Startups get From HR in the Early Stages
    7 Benefits Startups get from HR in the Early Stages

    When you are the founder of the start-up, you have no roles to perform, aside from being the CEO to doing the basics. You have to be a marketer, IT head and even customer care at times. Managing a start-up is quite perilous and chaotic both. Things become a little...

  • A Comprehensive Guide To Google Accelerated Mobile Pages Using AMP In E-commerce And AI
    A Comprehensive Guide To Google Accelerated Mobile Pages

    The rise of mobile device usage has surpassed that of the desktop from previous years. Now, the mobile page rankings, the volume of organic search traffic, and the load on the servers -- all require equal momentum on mobiles as on desktop web page. But, how can you keep pace?...

  • IoT
    How a VPN Can Enhance Your IOT Devices Security

    Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), despite their somewhat esoteric name, aren’t unknown to everyday users. Many people, including myself, use VPN apps or Chrome extensions like Hola to get onto sites that are blocked or otherwise inaccessible in certain countries. Many people find themselves using a VPN for the sake of...

  • How Gaming Can Inspire Your Office
    5 Unexpected Gaming Tech Innovations That Can Improve Your Office

    Gaming industry innovations can make your office a healthier, better place to work. Building a great workplace takes more than ping-pong tables and arcade games. But fun and games certainly don’t hurt. In fact, casual gaming might actually make workers more productive. In a study published in Human Factors, researchers...

  • Security
    Is Your Chief Security Officer Prepared for M&A?

    Very few data breaches have garnered as much attention recently as the Starwood/Marriott breach in which up to 500 million records may have been accessed by an unauthorized user. It’s suspected that the encryption keys that protected personally identifiable information (PII), specifically payment card data, were also compromised. Much has...

  • Product Reviews
    Ikonick Canvas Art Makes a Statement

    Whether you work in a traditional office space or work remotely from a home office, personalizing the space creates a conducive environment for feeling productive. One way to make such a statement is with artwork. However, art can be expensive. Except, there's Ikonick canvas art that makes art accessible to...

  • IoT and Machine learning in Transportation
    Customers are Making Traditional Transport Movement Obsolete, Fast

    Let’s get down to the basics before we delve in more advanced tech. What is a business? An entity that offers a solution (or a set of solutions/products) to more than one customer. It caters to a defined or latent need. It offers this ‘value’ and accepts value back as...

  • Technology
    How Do QR Codes Work?

    The emergence of latest technology and use of remote devices in every field of life has changed how  businesses tend to their marketing needs. Instead of printing an advertisement in newspaper, business marketers are more likely to utilize social media marketing. This is as a direct result of people, customer's...

  • Increase Ecommerce Sales With Adaptive Ecommerce
    Increase Ecommerce Sales With Adaptive Ecommerce

    Traditional commerce and trade practices have always kept the customer in dark about the products being sold and it’s business information. Sellers always had the upper hand while interacting with buyers. This means the true product value was never really made clear to the customer before the purchase. Even when...

  • getting millennials through tech
    Customer Service
    How Tech Can Help You Tap into Substantial Millennial Spending Power

    Retailers can tap into an immense source of spending power if they can successfully market to Millennials, who currently make up more than a third of American workers. Not surprisingly, considering the world in which this generation has come of age, creative uses of technology are proving to be very...

  • Platforms
    How Digital Marketplaces Will (Again) Redefine Commerce and Experience

    Over the past 20-plus years, digital marketplaces have fundamentally transformed commerce and consumer expectations around the world. But although names like Amazon and Uber have become household names at this point, the evolution of and disruption caused by digital marketplaces is far from over. In 1995, eBay launched the mainstream...

  • 7 Do’s and Don’ts for App Preview Videos If You Want a Shot at Going Viral
    7 Do’s and Don’ts for App Preview Videos If You Want a Shot at Going Viral

    More companies are relying on apps to succeed, whether the app is the primary source of revenue or whether it’s merely an extension of the business. In any case, social media is one of your greatest tools for finding new potential customers and keeping your existing users up-to-date; with the...

  • Health
    It’s 2018, and We Still Have No Idea If Mobile Healthcare Apps Work

    What was the promise of reduced admissions and improved health outcomes in patients? This goal has not been achieved and is not happening how we thought it would. Usage of mobile devices in healthcare is basically what mHealth is. App development for healthcare. Using the continuous mHealth-powered, patient-provider connection --...

  • News
    SanDisk Extreme PRO 128GB Deal!

    DEAL ALERT!!! The SanDisk Extreme PRO 128GB has a nice discount. You get this microSDXC Memory Card with a Sandisk SD adapter for £37.49 on Amazon UK for today only. Isn't that great? The customer reviews say so too with over 80% of people giving this product a whopping 5 stars on Amazon...

  • artificial intelligence
    Website Automation- A Dream or a Reality

    Artificial intelligence is a known phenomenon in the world today. Its root started to build years ago but the tree started to grow long after. Right now, artificial intelligence is at the complete stretch and with increasing knowledge of what its potential is, the world is jiggling with it. Now...

  • customer feedback
    Customer Service
    The Importance of Customer Feedback And 5 Ways To Obtain It

    Customer feedback is one of the easiest ways for a business to learn more about what their customers want, don’t want, like, and don’t like. It’s easy to read articles online and listen to podcasts on the way to work that make educated guesses on what people want, but those...

  • AI
    Compete in Acumos AI Open Source Developer Challenge $100,000 in Prizes

    The Acumos AI Challenge is an open source developer competition seeking innovative AI solutions from both individuals and teams of students, developers, and data scientists Finalists will be flown out to San Fransisco on September 11 to compete for prizes The Challenge is sponsored by AT&T and Tech Mahindra with $100,000...

  • Unit4 and the XaaS economy
    The XaaS Economy is Here: How Well Are You Serving Your Customers?

    We recently commissioned an independent global study of senior management and C-suite executives that looked at the business model changes services organizations are making in the Everything as a Service (XaaS) economy. The XaaS economy is where products and services are delivered in a continuous relationship with the customer, rather...

  • ReadWrite
    Users’ Advantages of Big Data and IoT in E-Commerce

    If it’s true that “IoT is the senses and big data is the fuel” of a smart connected world, then what’s the role of big data and IoT in today’s ever-evolving e-commerce industry?   First of all, IoT is about the deployment of smart devices that use data and connectivity....

  • Security
    Does Big Data Affect Our Daily E-Commerce Experience?

    There’s no getting around it: the way marketers and retailers harness the power of big data can be a little on the creepy side. An innocent Google search on a specific subject can often result in you seeing nothing but targeted ads on that subject for the rest of the...

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