Results for "Product Reviews"

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  • Startups
    5 Startups That Could Shake Up Money, Shopping And More In 2015

    ReadWritePredict is a look ahead at the technology trends and companies that will shape the coming year. Startups are all about innovation, although it's often difficult to distinguish in advance between world-changing technology and mere novelty. And the competition to break through is fiercer than ever; there are over 40,000...

  • Entertainment
    Samsung On Why (And How) Your Future Smart Home Will Probably Be Theirs

    At the Consumer Electronics Show on Monday, Samsung Electronics CEO B.K. Yoon talked up his company's strategy to connect everything in your life. "The Internet of Things is ready to go," he said in his keynote address. Turns out, Samsung's latest and perhaps boldest IoT campaign is already underway. The not-so-secret ingredients: Its big...

  • Web
    2014: The Worst Moments In Tech

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.At ReadWrite, we like to focus on things that are working and ideas worth pursuing, not the false starts and failed experiments that inevitably accompany innovation. But it's important to learn from mistakes—lest we repeat them....

  • Mobile
    Smartphones: ReadWrite’s 2014 Gift Guide

    Smartphones aren't like most other gifts, since they're quite possibly the single most personal gadgets in our possession. They're constantly in our hands. We entrust them with our private messages and photos. Increasingly, we're starting to talk to them and even to count on them knowing us well enough to suggest...

  • Web
    That GoldieBlox Ad Doesn’t Challenge Beauty Stereotypes The Way You Think

    GoldieBlox, the toymaker that markets its wares as a way to introduce girls to engineering, debuted a new ad and product that digs at the toy industry’s love of beautiful Barbie dolls and princesses. And from the reaction around the Internet, you'd think the company had struck a resounding blow...

  • Mobile
    BlackBerry Goes Back To The Future With Its “BlackBerry Classic”

    To salvage its business, BlackBerry's exciting new strategy is to deliver a modern smartphone … circa 2006. It sounds like a joke, but the company's serious about its upcoming Blackberry Classic Q20, heading to the market in December.CEO John Chen took to his company's blog on Wednesday hoping to appeal to the...

  • Entertainment
    Amazon’s Fire TV Stick Aims To Compete With Chromecast

    Amazon is ready to compete with Google thanks to its just-launched Fire TV Stick.At $39, it is a tiny and affordable alternative to other streaming media options on the market. And good news for Prime users—it's only $19 with free shipping until this Wednesday, October 29. Lest you think for a...

  • Entertainment
    American Psycho: Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs, Obviously

    Is that an iPhone 6 Plus, or are you just happy to see me? An actor famous for playing disturbed, difficult characters has been cast as the brilliant a––hole of big tech capitalism, Steve Jobs.Christian Bale, the Oscar-winning actor behind the Dark Knight with a throat disorder, will play the reality-distorting...

  • Web
    The Fire Phone May Have Cratered, But It Hasn’t Dented Amazon’s Tech Delusions

    If Jeff Bezos has taught us anything, it’s that anything Amazonian is big—including his company's e-commerce muscles, fodder for comedy and ambitions as a consumer gadgets company.Apparently, so are its flops, as well as the CEO and founder's power of denial. Because, as the spectacular failure known as the Fire...

  • Lead
    8 Ways to Prepare for Your Startup’s Next Board Meeting

    Board meetings can be incredibly stressful, but you can alleviate some of that stress by preparing ahead, familiarizing yourself with key talking points and of course, anticipating important questions about your company's progress.Since it's an activity we all have to face at some point, I asked 8 founders from YEC about...

  • Web
    Flickr Co-Founder Caterina Fake: Making Art And Technology Work Together

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.Entrepreneur, designer and artist Caterina Fake was one of the early pioneers of the Web. She was one of the first online graphic designers and a blogger before people thought it was normal to post...

  • Mobile
    As Lotus 1-2-3 Dies, A New Numbers Wrangler Is Born

    When is a spreadsheet not a spreadsheet?The answer, according to Bret Taylor, is when it's a Quip document.Taylor, whose startup is challenging Microsoft, Google, and Apple in the market for mobile productivity tools, has just added features for slinging numbers alongside its existing tools for creating documents made of words.See also:...

  • Startups
    Not All Hot Startups Live Up To Their “Change The World” Billing—And We Have Data

    There has never been a better time to be an engineer, with companies feverishly competing to recruit the best and brightest. But while some engineers may be motivated to work for the highest bidder, most are driven by something more intangible, according to VisionMobile survey data: They want to change...

  • Mobile
    Apple Might Bring Back The iPhone Camera Roll

    Just a couple of weeks after it removed the Camera Roll from the iPhone’s new operating software, iOS 8, Apple may be bringing it back from the dead.According to tech site Product-Reviews, the early version of Apple’s first major iOS 8 update, iOS 8.1, went out to app developers recently....

  • Social
    What The Ell Is Ello? The Ad-Free Social Network Everyone’s Talking About

    By now you might have heard about a new social network called Ello—plenty of other people sure have. With more than 34,000 Ello invite requests every hour, the site, still in beta, reportedly came very close to cutting off access on Thursday. But while the site soldiers through, it's not  something...

  • Entertainment
    Will Google Drop Big Money On These YouTube Stars?

    From teen fashion gurus to tipsy chefs, bedroom video blogs may be coming to an end for some of YouTube's biggest stars. The Google-owned video site announced it'll soon start paying the production bills for new content. "We’ve decided to fund new content from some of our top creators, helping them not...

  • Developer
    Tizen Samsung Gear S to launch with some impressive Apps

    The Smartwatch market is certainly going to be a lucrative space for the companies that can be first to release their products, go through the lessons learnt cycle, and also be able to build a viable application ecosystem on top of it, which shouldn't be confused with standard smartphone apps,...

  • Entertainment
    With Twitch, Amazon Has To Prove It Can Manage A Social Site

    So Amazon is buying Twitch, the video-game livestreaming site, for $970 million in cash, apparently beating out Google's YouTube unit in the process. That unites the e-commerce giant with the world's largest site for the gaming community, on which users can upload or stream video of games or commentary.Which raises an interesting...

  • Web
    A Replacement For Windows 8 May Be Nearing The “Threshold”

    Some Windows 8 users who installed Microsoft's August update are once again seeing the dreaded Blue Screen of Death—the sign of a PC suffering a  hard, unrecoverable crash. Microsoft says it's investigating the problem and has pulled the update, which can also inflict somewhat less catastrophic typeface problems in some...

  • Social
    Why Download One Facebook App When Eight Will Do?

    It's now officially a trend. Big social-media companies are now so dead-set on getting you to use their apps that they're taking a sledgehammer to them, busting up perfectly serviceable software into collections of mini-apps they hope will have a better chance of catching your eye.Foursquare, Facebook and LinkedIn are...

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