Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    New Analytics Service Applause Ranks App Quality

    How do you know when a mobile app is any good? Quality is difficult to quantify. What is my cup of tea might be your wretched horror show.Businesses with several popular apps on Google Play and Apple’s App Store need to know what people think of their apps without having...

  • Web
    6 Signs Yahoo May Actually Get It (Finally)

    Disclosure: I used to work with Yahoo in my two years as an editor for the website Tecca. While I was never on Yahoo's payroll, our companies had a close content partnership and some leadership overlap. (It's complicated.)Yahoo is a strange, many-headed beast. Not often commended for its corporate vision,...

  • Work
    Don’t Write Off Relational Databases For Big Data Just Yet

    Big Data may be the poster child for NoSQL databases and date warehouses, but one industry veteran isn't giving up on SQL databases for Big Data just yet. As most IT watchers know, Big Data is perceived as so large that it's difficult to process using relational databases and software...

  • Social
    Stop Whining And Embrace Google+ Already

    Oh, the horror! Google is so evil it's making everyone use its stupid social network.As the Wall Street Journal pointed out earlier this week, Google+, the social network all about the circles, is now inescapable.  Besides Google employees being forced to use it (and now bitching about using it to...

  • Web
    Google Escapes Unscathed From FTC Settlement

    The FTC's 19-month investigation into allegations of search engine bias and manipulation has ended with a unanimous decision that Google did not perform antitrust practices, a decision that clears Google of allegations from competitors like Microsoft that the company was biasing its search engine results and therefore was anticompetitive.The results...

  • Entertainment
    Top Web Series of 2012 Set New Bar For Quality

    2012 saw a lot of great new web series from surprising new sources. For what seemed like the first time, tech companies invested big money - and pulled big names -  into original online video programming.In this digital programming horse race there was one clear, seemingly from left field, winner:...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Industry Matured In 2012 – And Grew Like Crazy

    Velocity Of Mobile AdoptionThe overall velocity of smartphone adoption may be starting to slow in the United States and other first world markets like Western Europe, but the rest of the world is starting to see extraordinary mobile adoption rates. For instance, according to analytics firm Flurry, China’s growth rate...

  • Social
    Cheating DeathWatch: Myspace

    The ReadWrite DeathWatch is known for serving up plenty of doom, gloom and grumpiness. But for the Holiday Season, we're taking a slightly different tack - highlighting companies, technologies and perspectives that have managed to cheat death.This week, we're taking a look at MySpace, that social network that showed Friendster...

  • Social
    Guy Kawasaki On Self-Publishing In The 21st Century [Video]

    Last week, Guy Kawasaki joined us ReadWrite Editor-in-Chief Dan Lyons in San Francisco for the second ReadWrite Mix event, he shared the secrets of his new book: APE – Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. In the following clips, Guy discusses his unique writing process and how to leverage social media for promotion....

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Devices Of 2012

    2012 was a big year in mobile. We have never seen a year like this where there were so many quality devices from so many disparate suppliers all competing for the interest of consumers and enterprises. What were the best of the best? We rank the top 10 smartphones and...

  • Social
    Foursquare Is Now Irrelevant, Thanks To Facebook’s ‘Nearby’ Update

    Facebook just home-brewed its own Foursquare - and the giant social network isn't stopping there. Places, Facebook's first "Foursquare-killer", got nixed last year. Now the company is back in the mobile check-in sphere and it's way better prepared. With an update to a quaint little tab called “Nearby” on Monday, Facebook’s expanding mobile...

  • Work
    Was Microsoft’s Surface A Mistake? Of Course Not

    In a column for, well-known analyst Tim Bajarin argued Monday that Microsoft has "betrayed" its hardware partners with the launch of its Surface tablet, and that it should abandon its infant hardware business. It's a strange, protectionist argument mired in the past. And it's dead wrong.Bajarin's argument can be...

  • Work
    OptioCore: Super-Secure Android Wants To Invade The Enterprise

    OptioLabs has just released OptioCore, a secure version of Android, to handset makers. It's pretty cool, but does it mean Android is ready for the enterprise?From a security standpoint, Android has always been a case of untapped potential.The Two Sides Of Android SecurityOn one hand, it's an open and popular...

  • Work
    Cheating DeathWatch: ARM Holdings Holds Out

    The ReadWrite DeathWatch is known for serving up plenty of doom, gloom and grumpiness. But for the Holiday Season, we're taking a slightly different tack - highlighting companies and technologies that Cheated Death. Companies that might have died, but didn't.At the plate this week is ARM Holdings, a company that...

  • Mobile
    The Era Of Easy Riches In Mobile Apps Is Over

    Earlier this week I sat down with a startup working on an iPad app for news discovery. For several hours the talk revolved around user interface and experience, user acquisition and retention and the difficulty in penetrating a mobile market that is so flooded with apps that individual apps find...

  • Work
    Cheating DeathWatch: Microsoft Isn’t Dead Yet

    The ReadWrite DeathWatch is known for serving up plenty of doom, gloom and grumpiness. But for the Holiday Season, we're going to take a slightly different tack, and highlight companies and technologies that Cheated Death - that might have died, but didn't. First up for the Cheating DeathWatch is Microsoft,...

  • Web
    Chill Direct: A Farm System For Video Distribution

    What's the biggest hurdle to getting people to watch your film or video? Getting it in front of them in the first place. Unfortunately, your options are limited.Chill Direct, a new service from the social-video site Chill, hopes to expand those options and act as a new farm system to get content...

  • Work
    Oracle Has Problems Telling The Truth In Its Advertising

    Oracle seems to have a problem with truth in advertising. Since April, the tech giant has had to pull three ads that claimed Oracle computers performed much better than IBM's.Each time, Oracle offered no proof of its claims and the ads were dropped after IBM complained to the National Advertising...

  • Work
    Microsoft: Don’t Get ‘Scroogled’ By Google Search Results

    On Wednesday, Microsoft began running a national ad campaign to warn users to avoid being “Scroogled” by Google search results that have been influenced by paid placement.Specifically, Microsoft’s campaign attempts to portray Google as basing its Google Shopper search results on the amount of money each vendor has paid, rather...

  • Mobile
    A Tablet For Every Member Of My Family

    If you are looking to give the gift of gadgets this holiday season, the hottest items on the market are tablets.  It is no longer just an iPad world, this year, there are more and better tablets to choose from than ever before. But that means there is no longer...

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