Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Web
    Why Coding Bootcamps Should Be Regulated

    Learn to code bootcamps are all the rage these days. Hundreds are cropping up across the world, and that number continues to grow. As these schools become popular among job seekers and students, government regulators are cracking down on programs to make sure they comply with state law.Coding bootcamps are...

  • Entertainment
    Turn Your Lego Fantasies Into Reality With Lego Cuusoo

    Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at PopSugar Tech.Ever wanted to see an X-Men Lego set? Or, say, a Golden Girls kitchen set? Well, that might just happen. If you're not familiar with it, the Lego Cuusoo project allows users to submit ideas that can turn into...

  • Entertainment
    Hey, TV Makers: Televisions Are Not Smartphones

    Televisions are not smartphones, no matter what TV makers would have you believe. But if there's any confusion about that, it's understandable. Both have increasingly large screens and are highly effective time-wasters. And given the proliferation of Internet-connected smart TVs, both phones and sets are platforms for an ever-growing range...

  • Hack
    6 Toys To Help Your Kids Geek Out

    ReadWriteShop is an occasional series about the intersection of technology and commerce.An early start learning science, technology, engineering, and math—what educators formally, though clunkily, call STEM—can make a huge impact on a kid’s entire life. People with technical degrees tend to find better paying jobs, and those technical jobs remain in...

  • Entertainment
    Hacking The Connected Home: When Your House Watches You

    This is a post in the ReadWriteHome series, which explores the implications of living in connected homes.When it comes to the connected home, it’s natural for people to assume they’ll be masters of their domestic domain. Unfortunately, some may wind up becoming victims instead. Just ask Marc Gilbert. He and his wife...

  • Developer
    Gamesalad and Appbackr prove Tizen to be a rising star!

    Images to be added: logos of Gamesalad - appbackr and lara croft's eyes? OK, when some of the leading app-facilitators like Gamesalad and Appbackr  start working on branching out to Tizen it means they have high expectations of the platform for their industry. This also means they take Tizen to be...

  • Social
    Twitter In 2013: The Road To An IPO

    Twitter is set to start publicly trading later this week, and as the company gears up for its public entrance, we’ve put together a list of how Twitter has changed in the last year to supercharge its efforts to make money. Twitter released a significant amount of updates this year. And...

  • Work
    Sorry, Open Source Isn’t The Panacea For

    Over the past decade, I've watched open source become standard operating procedure within large and small enterprises. Once confined to software, open source is at the heart of a hardware revolution led by Facebook, not to mention bleeding over into other industries. There's even an open source ski boot now. But...

  • Social
    Twitter Images And The Anti-Social Social Network

    Think you somehow "own" your social media presence? Think you control the updates you see, and how others see you? Think again. From recent Twitter's changes to the its visual experience to Facebook's inexplicable culling of friend updates, we truly are the product, not the customer, when it comes to our...

  • Social
    What Foursquare Must Do To Make Its Ads Work

    Foursquare finally rolled out a self-service advertising product on Monday, after years of hesitant experimentation with ways of making money.The new ads display suggestions for local businesses when users search within Foursquare's mobile app, in a format similar to the search results it already displays.Businesses will pay per action—saving an...

  • Mobile
    Is Microsoft Doubling Down On the Exact Wrong Mobile Strategy?

    Poor Microsoft. In acquiring Nokia's Devices and Services business, the company has signaled its intent to double-down on a vertically oriented product strategy that now seems passé. More poignantly, Microsoft may be turning its back on a horizontal product strategy for mobile at the very moment that Google has proven...

  • Cloud
    Where To Get A Chromecast Now, And Why You May Want To Wait

    Google's $35 Chromecast TV-streaming device remains in high demand. A month after launch, retailers still can't keep the tiny gadget on its shelves, whether real or digital.Last week, Google Play showed a September 3 ship date for the product, but it has since pushed that back to 2 to 3...

  • Work
    The Future Of How Businesses Connect With Customers

    What's the biggest software business nobody seems to talk about?The numbers suggest it's customer-relationship management, the suite of software tools businesses use to track sales prospects, customers, and marketing campaigns.And the vast majority of businesses aren't using sophisticated software from Salesforce, Oracle, or Microsoft. They're stuck using email, contact managers,...

  • Mobile
    Why Can’t I Find An Awesome Compact Smartphone?

    Last year, I couldn't wait to give the bigger iPhone 5 a whirl. Now I can't wait to give it up.Although I loved the way the 4-inch screen made reading, gameplay and video-viewing feel more immersive, over time that love turned to hate. Fighting to cram it into my small go-bag...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s WWDC 2013 Keynote: iOS 7, iTunes Radio And New MacBook Airs

    Apple's biggest event of the year is over. Today's announcements included a big revamp to the iOS interface in the form of iOS 7, new MacBook Airs and a preview of the new Mac Pro, and the unveiling of Apple's long-rumored streaming-music service, now called iTunes Radio. Here's our live blog of...

  • Web
    Can A Fitness Tracker Really Change Your Life? Part One Of A First-Person Experiment

    In 2013, fitness tracking is all around us: in iPhone apps like Map My Fitness and DailyBurn; built into your Samsung Galaxy S4 phone; in a device on your wrist if you own a Nike+ Sportswatch or a Pebble smartwatch. But does any of it really work? Not just do they track your fitness,...

  • Entertainment
    Geek Film Review: Iron Man 3 Reveals It’s A Tech World After All

    Iron Man 3 is a great - nearly classic - summer blockbuster, filled with awesome special effects, stellar performances, fewer plot holes than explosions and a heartfelt geek message at its core: technology drives and inspires us, enables us to save the world - and how we control our tech...

  • Lead
    6 First-Hand Tips On How Startups Can Cope With Success

    Startups are fast-paced, sometimes hectic places to work. In the early days, everyone wears multiple hats and is expected to lend a hand where needed, leading to close bonds between team members.But when a startup stars to become successful - and outgrows its all-hands-on-deck philosophy - the founder's job is...

  • Mobile
    Android Is Fading Into The Background—And That’s A Good Thing

    This week's Google I/O conference is promising to be an anticlimactic event when it comes to new products running Android, Google's mobile operating system for smartphones and tablets. And that may be a good thing.The Year of Android was 2011. That was the year that Android became a stable platform...

  • Mobile
    Why Google Glass Will Crater

    Google Glass is now “unofficially officially” out in the wild, early reviews are in, and they’re not spectacular. I’ve been a Glass skeptic from the start, but now I’m just going to come right out and say it: If the developer version is at all an accurate representation of what...

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