Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Startups
    It’s Cool That Staples Now Sells 3D Printers — But You Don’t Need One

    Would Dunder-Mifflin, the fictional paper company of The Office, buy a 3D printer? Undoubtedly. Here's how it would play out: After an airline magazine declared 3D printers the next new thing, boss Michael Scott would buy one, install it in the office, and christen it by printing out a coffee cup....

  • Mobile
    The Smart TV Is Dead. Long Live The Second Screen

    People want their television to work like a TV. Sending tweets on Twitter, posting photos on Facebook and browsing the Web are best left to smartphones and tablets. Indeed, more than 40% of U.S. households with Internet-enabled TVs haven't even bothered to hook them up to the Web, according to...

  • Cloud
    Why Cloud Development Environments Are Better Than Desktop Development

    Guest author Tyler Jewell is CEO of Codenvy, a cloud development environment.Over the past decade, cloud computing has disrupted nearly every facet of IT. Sales, marketing, finance and support - all of these applications are being reengineered to take advantage of cloud's instant access, no download and pay-as-you-go attributes. According...

  • Entertainment
    Is BioShock Infinite The Last Gasp For The Triple-A “Art Game”?

    When it comes to video games, the death knell is rung loudly and frequently. In an industry so intrinsically tied to technological innovation, we won't stop hearing any time soon about what former trend or gaming mainstay has its head on the chopping block. The most recent forecast from worried gaming...

  • Web
    A Goodreads Spoiled: All Your Books Are Belong To Amazon

    Last week, Amazon bought the social book-discussion site Goodreads for an undisclosed sum. My immediate Twitter reaction was, well, cynical:My second tweet was still snarky, but more on the money:Basically, those two tweets — about which more in a moment — are the two best reasons to think the Goodreads...

  • Web
    Amazon Buys Goodreads, A Possible Step Toward Getting More Social

    Could Amazon be going social? The online retailer announced today that it has reached an agreement to acquire Goodreads, which bills itself as the world's largest online community for book recommendations. Terms of the deal weren't disclosed.According to the official statement:Goodreads has helped change how we discover and discuss books and,...

  • Mobile
    Google Keep: The Second Coming Of Android’s Voice Actions

    Last week, Google unveiled Keep, a note-taking service similar to, but much more limited than, established apps like Evernote and Apple's Notes. But there's another service to which Google Keep bears an uncanny resemblance: Voice Actions, an Android feature Google launched more than two-and-a-half years ago, only to see it almost...

  • Mobile
    Apple Fixes Its Busted Podcasts App (But I Still Won’t Switch)

    Yesterday, Apple made up for one of its biggest mobile missteps yet. No, I'm not talking about Maps (it's still working on that). The company pushed out an update to its native Podcasts app for iOS, overhauling the interface and tacking on impressive new features. It's still not the best...

  • Mobile
    Take That, Android: iPhone Still Wins At Customer Satisfaction

    People sure do love their iPhones. Despite growing competition, Apple was just ranked #1 in smartphone customer satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates for the ninth time. In a survey measuring customer sentiment about things like ease of use, feature set and design, Apple beat out Nokia, Samsung and Motorola. For...

  • Social
    Anita Sarkeesian, I Love You. But Please Show Us The Money

    Feminist media critic and video blogger Anita Sarkeesian raised $160,000 in Kickstarter funds last summer after she publicized the online bullying she endured upon announcing the project. Earlier this month, to much fanfare, Sarkeesian finally delivered the first installment of her controversial Tropes Vs Women in Video Games video series.But Sarkeesian...

  • Entertainment
    Will SimCity Launch Disaster Stop Online-Only DRM?

    If you went to Amazon on Thursday and tried to buy the new SimCity, the first major release of the classic urban planning PC series in 10 years, you wouldn't have been able to. Amazon wouldn't sell it to you.Why? Because the servers of the game's publisher, Electronic Arts, were...

  • Mobile
    Another Top-Tier Apple Fanboy – Andy Ihnatko – Jumps To Android

    One by one, many of Apple's biggest, loudest, best-known fans are jumping ship. First came Guy Kawasaki, who has become not only an Android fan but now is consulting for Motorola. Then Robert Scoble made the leap. Now Andy Ihnatko, a tech reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, has switched to Android....

  • Mobile
    Quantifying Quality: Ranking The Top 60 Apps In iOS & Android

    When app quality analytics service Applause was launched at the end of January, it caused a bit of a firestorm when it used an algorithmic analysis of inherently subjective data to quantify iOS and Android app quality. And you know what it revealed? People think that iOS apps are better...

  • Work
    Microsoft Cuts Windows, Office Prices For Manufacturers – Is Windows 8 In Trouble?

    Unable to light a fire under Windows 8, Microsoft is holding a fire sale instead.On Wednesday, The Wall Street Journalreported that Microsoft is offering significant additional discounts on both Windows 8 and Microsoft Office to PC makers that will include the software in small laptops that include touchscreens.Specifically, the Journal...

  • Web
    Microsoft Stays Conservative On Web Standards In IE9-To-IE10 Shift

    Microsoft launched Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 on Tuesday, providing a substantial speed increase over Internet Explorer 9 as well as more support for modern Web standards. But Microsoft added that it will continue its conservative approach to supporting Web standards - no doubt disappointing some in the Web...

  • Mobile
    HP Frees Itself Of WebOS, Unloading It To LG

    Hewlett-Packard is throwing in the towel on WebOS, abandoning the dream of dominating the smartphone industry with its own mobile operating system. According to reports, HP is selling webOS to consumer gadget manufacturer LG for use in the company’s smart televisions. The sale, first reported by CNET, marks the end of a...

  • Mobile
    Hurray! Microsoft Surface Chief Panos Panay Provides Real Answers

    Stung by criticism that his Surface with Windows 8 Pro tablet can't measure up in terms of battery life, Microsoft's Surface chief responded that the company made sacrifices to ensure the highest performance possible.And members of the team led by Panos Panay, Microsoft's general manager in charge of Surface, implied...

  • Social
    Yelp Reports Q4 Losses As Local Gets More Crowded Than Ever

    Yelp just reported its fourth quarter earnings and things aren't looking that sunny for the stalwart local discovery site. In Q4 Yelp raked in $41.2 million in revenue, losing $.08 cents per share for a net loss of $5.3 million, an outlook a bit grimmer than projected losses of $.03...

  • Fund
    10 Views On What To Look For In An Investor

    Money - most startup founders need it at some point. But when you're raising outside capital, cash can come at a very high price if you're not on the same page as your investors.Where many startup founders go wrong in the fundraising process is focusing more on the offer than...

  • Mobile
    The Data Doesn’t Lie: iOS Apps Are Better Than Android

    The horse race between the app stores has become a tedious exercise. Apple says it has 800,000 apps in the App Store. Google Play is about at 800,000 and is likely to hit the million app benchmark before iOS. But, as our readers so dutifully informed us, they do not...

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