Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Web
    Why Every Startup Founder Needs a Mentor – And How to Find One

    Why does founding a startup sometimes feel like the loneliest journey on the planet? Yes, you may be surrounded by family and friends who want to support you emotionally, but do they really understand what you’re going through?The answer: Find yourself a mentor.No "Yes Men"Surrounding yourself with “yes men” is...

  • Web
    Rise of the Tech Bandits: John Gruber & Josh Topolsky, the Cool Kids

    Editor's note: In the Summer 2012 issue of SAY Magazine, Dan Frommer chronicles the history of tech blogging. For the rest of this week, Richard MacManus, who founded ReadWriteWeb in 2003, will be looking back on the early days.In our final look at the leading tech bloggers of this era,...

  • Web
    Rise of the Tech Bandits: AllThingsD & Sarah Lacy, the Business Reporters

    Editor's note: In the Summer 2012 issue of SAY Magazine, Dan Frommer chronicles the history of tech blogging. For the rest of this week, Richard MacManus, who founded ReadWriteWeb in 2003, will be looking back on the early days.When Sarah Lacy launched the oddly named PandoDaily earlier this year, the...

  • Web
    Meet Apple’s Secret Feline App Tester

    UPDATE 3:22 PM: Is this for real? Well, she disappeared as soon as this article was posted, so what do you think? What goes on in Apple's app testing lab? Just ask Dive Apple. She may be a cat. She lives in San Francisco. She takes lots of photos of Apple products. And her Facebook...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: How an API Can Transform Your Enterprise

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Mobile
    Amazon’s Kindle Fire Sales Fizzle in 2012, Market Share Slips to Third

    That Apple remains in first place in the tablet market comes as no surprise. IDC's latest research shows that in the first quarter of 2012, Amazon's once-hot Kindle Fire is struggling. According to IDC, Amazon's share dropped from nearly 17% of the tablet market to 4%, with fewer than 700,000...

  • Smartphone
    Unicorn White Nokia N9 64GB for 439AUD/279GBP?

      This Article originally appeared on MyNokiaBlog: I’m not familiar with this retailer, though it does have a top 4000 Alexa Rank in Australia. They have a listing for the 64GB White Nokia N9 for only 439 AUD. That’s only about279GBP. That’s quite a bargain if this is legit. Is...

  • Web
    Salesforce Builds a Cloud-based Apps Market Just for Governments

    Public sector technology workers can only look with envy on what Salesforce and its apps have been able to achieve in commercial enterprises.Even as more and more enterprises eagerly move to the new social apps model, public sector IT functions remain solidly stuck in the 20th century, if not...

  • Web
    The Power & Peril of Saving the Web for Later

    Today, Read It Later relaunched as Pocket, a free app for saving any Web content for later. It breaks content shifting out of the mold of apps specifically for reading. Pocket's clean, colorful interface may be the first in the category suitable for a mainstream audience. Is that a good...

  • Mobile
    The Rise of Mobile Cloud Services: BaaS Startups Grow Up

    "Backend as a Service" (BaaS) companies provide easily integrated cloud-based backends for mobile app developers. Though not as well known as Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS), the BaaS ecosystem has quickly evolved from a niche vertical into an important...

  • Web
    Found: All Your Local & Cloud Documents in One Place

    Files are not going away anytime soon. Apple, Google and Microsoft can try as hard as they want to push users and our stuff into their clouds, but we still need files for a reason those companies won't face: We're not just Apple users or Google users or Microsoft users....

  • Entertainment
    6 Ways Spotify Could Improve Its Mobile User Experience

    Spotify hasn't even been available in the U.S. for an entire year. Still, its growth has been phenomenal, and it appears to be continuing unabated, thanks in part to its deep integration with Facebook. The product's other big initiative of the last several months has been its third-party app marketplace,...

  • Work
    What Will Be Windows 8’s Killer App?

    Raise your hand if you want a Windows 8 tablet just so you can use that cool new Start screen. Wait, first put your iPad down. Now raise your hand.After two public previews of Microsoft's new Windows 8 technology, the one major difference we've seen thus far in what it...

  • Web
    How Google Fights “Bad Ads”

    Google is an ad company with a humongous technology stack. We don't always think of it that way, but Google's business is actually content, not technology. All that infrastructure is devoted to improving the delivery and relevance of the stuff Google shows us. Ads make the money, and other content...

  • Mobile
    The Uninspired Smartphone Buyer’s Guide for the Early Adopter

    Every day we are bombarded by news about a new smartphone on the market. It's fast! It has Ice Cream Sandwich! LTE! Yet, for all the new innovations in mobile technology over the last couple of years, the current bumper crop of smartphones on the market is relatively uninspiring. Every...

  • Web
    The New Blueprint for App Provisioning: VMware’s Application Director

    The presumed "elasticity" of cloud technology tends to fall apart whenever the bindings change. That is, when a virtual machine or virtualized application relies upon the specific configuration of the hardware providing its infrastructure, it isn't exactly cloud-like when you have to migrate that element to a new host. You...

  • Hack
    IBM VP Anjul Bhambhri: Must Big Data Alter the Enterprise?

    There's a public relations brochure template someplace that reads, "________ is changing the way the world does business." If this were a Mad-Lib, you could insert the proper noun of your choice. Historically, evolutionary changes in both business and the economy that supports it, have mandated the need for subsequent...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Facebook’s Offsite Mods May Know More Than You Think

    The offsite moderators for Facebook may have user information that might make some Facebook users uneasy. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a...

  • Social
    Experts Weigh In On What Facebook Premium Means For Users, Advertisers

    The premium advertising platform Facebook launched last week, which includes an increased emphasis on mobile, is getting mixed reviews from industry professionals."Bottom-line- this is gonna fail because People don't want to recommend an ad," said Natalie L. Petouhoff, a former senior analyst at Forrester Research. "They want to recommend a...

  • Mobile
    Samsung: One Tablet Closer to Irrelevance

    Samsung has a history of its executives contradicting themselves. Especially when it comes to tablet sales. In January 2011, Samsung reported on its earnings call that its tablet sales were "quite small." A minor controversy erupted when the company said that statement was an error in the call's transcription. Samsung...

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