Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Work
    Where Were You When Apple II?

    The iPhone, some of its earliest reviewers had said, was so unlike anything that had previously been called a telephone - so much so that it instantaneously un-defined everything heretofore that had gone by that name, making itself the singular specimen. No other device, I've read a hundred times now,...

  • Work
    The Way We Were c.1995

    Lots of memories of my computing past flooding through me this morning, and no, this won't be another Jobs tribute. But a post yesterday talking about whether you were using the Internet back in 1995 brought me back to that era, and I thought it would be a good time...

  • Cloud
    Cost Effective Clustering with ScaleMP

    Where traditional virtualization divvies up computer's resources into many (smaller) virtual machines, clustering seeks to combine them, for failover/reliability, or added performance. (See 3 Ways to Virtualize Applications with Distributed Computing.)However, traditional clustering approaches can require specific expertise, along with investments in along with storage infrastructure and management. And, points...

  • Web
    Are You Ready for Backup Bingo?

    Making backups - more to the point, setting up automatic ongoing backups - can be easy and affordable, as I wrote in Choosing the Right Local/Cloud Hybrid Backup For SMBs. Is your backup up to the full range of scenarios for Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery? Can you win at a game...

  • Web
    iPad As A Notebook Alternative, Part 2 of 2

    The iPad comes with a dozen or so built-in apps. But if you want it to serve as a passable substitute for a Windows or MacOS notebook, you'll need some additional ones. Here are some suggestions, based on polling a number of business colleagues and other research. (Disclaimer: I haven't...

  • Web
    iPad as a Notebook Alternative, Part 1 of 2

    An iPad or other tablet isn't a notebook computer, any more than a smartphone is a tablet, or a notebook computer is a desktop computer. But, with the right understanding of what it is and how it does - and doesn't - work, along with a modest, affordable handful of...

  • Work
    Spiceworks Automates Printer Resupply

    Tired of tracking down when you need to refill your printer supplies? Then check out the latest innovation that IT management vendor Spiceworks has implemented today: an automated printer ink and toner reminder and restocking program. The company claims its users are responsible for maintaining more than 10 million printers,...

  • Web
    If You’ve Never Heard of Pinterest, You’re a Big Dork

    I was just such a big dork myself until this afternoon. Pinterest, it seems, is one of the hottest new startups online - growing fast, piling up almost 10,000 glowing reviews for its iPhone app and now reportedly raising a large sum of money at a 4x pre-money valuation. Perhaps...

  • Mobile
    What Third Party Android Browsers Offer the Best Functionality?

    One of the beautiful things about the Android ecosystem is that third-party functionality is not just highlighted, but wholeheartedly endorsed. Nothing shows this better than the third-party browser ecosystem. A good portion of the innovation done in with Android browsers is being driven by two factors. 1) The native Android...

  • Web
    Trend Micro Runs Deep with VM Security

    Trend Micro announced at VMworld last week a new version of its Deep Security suite to offer protection across both physical and virtual servers and desktops. Trend purchased this software last year from Third Brigade, and the new version is a significant upgrade in that it consolidates protection across both...

  • Web
    New Yorker Creates Standalone App for Arts and Culture Events

    Magazine publisher Condé Nast has added to its diverse portfolio of mobile app offerings with the release of Goings On for Android and iOS, a free, ad-supported app for browsing arts and culture events from the New Yorker's weekly listings. In addition to event listings, reviews and useful maps, the...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for iPhone & Android, July 2011

    In our continuing tradition of rounding up new mobile application releases we found interesting and/or exciting over the past month, we present you with this new list of apps for July 2011. This month, we found a lot of great new iPhone apps, some Android and tablet apps, and a...

  • Mobile
    Amazon’s Growing Appstore Problem: Android Developer Relations

    When the Amazon Appstore was announced, there was great hope for the new platform. But application developers are growing unhappy with the e-commerce king. The promise was to bring eyeballs and dollars to apps. For some, only half of that has proven to be true and the gripes are starting...

  • Mobile
    Ansca Mobile Releases LaunchPad: New Marketing & Analytics Services for App Developers

    Ansca Mobile, in partnership with InMobi and PapayaMobile, has today announced LaunchPad, a suite of marketing and analytics services targeted towards mobile application developers using Ansca Mobile's Corona SDK. The services will allow developers to better market their apps, increase distribution, improve monetization and better understand their audience, the companies...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2011: Second Screen Apps

    This week we're reviewing five trends that have helped define 2011. So far we've covered online privacy, group messaging and HTML5. Today we're looking at a still emerging trend, but one which is (pardon the pun) very much worth watching: second screen apps. By that we mean apps that run...

  • Mobile
    Adobe Shuts Down Its App Stores

    Adobe is shutting down two of its app stores dedicated to mobile and desktop application distribution, Adobe InMarket and the Adobe AIR Marketplace. The decision, the company says, was based on developer feedback. Adobe says it will now focus its efforts on helping developers publish their apps on multiple platforms,...

  • Web
    A Day Without Native Apps: My Chromebook Experiment

    I've had a chance to test-drive a Chromebook already, but having received my very own this week (See disclosure at the end of this post), I decided to see if, indeed, I could make the Web-only netbook work for me. I mean really work for me. Many of the early...

  • Mobile
    Multiple APKs: More Freedom or More Headaches?

    As promised back in May, multiple APK support has now arrived in the Android Market. Originally said to be launching in June, the actual arrival took a bit longer, it seems. The new publishing option will allow developers to maintain separate copies of their apps for different devices, whether those...

  • Web
    Color, Now Down Two of Three Leaders, Looks Like A Lesson in Lean Startup Philosophy

    Just three and a half months after the company launched to the public, proximity-based photo sharing mega-startup Color has lost a second of its three high-profile initial team members, Michael Arrington reported this morning. Arrington said DJ Patil, who was LinkedIn's chief scientist until this Spring, has resigned. Co-founder Peter...

  • Web
    Poll: Dropbox Updated Its ToS Again – Are You Satisfied?

    Dropbox has updated its Terms of Service yet again. The latest revision is much more clear about what rights Dropbox reserves with regards to stored content. This follows an uproar over a revision to its terms last week. Earlier this week we compared Dropbox's ToS with that of similar cloud...

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