Results for "Product Reviews"

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  • Social
    Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Mobile Platform

    The tech press have been invited to Facebook HQ today for the second time in as many months. Today's invitation reads "Mobile Event," and there are a number of speculations about what Facebook will unveil.Perhaps it's an expansion of Facebook Places, with the addition of Groupon-like shopping deal check-ins. Perhaps...

  • Web
    BizTechDay Connects Entrepreneurs in San Francisco

    Edith Yeung has a knack for bringing smart people together. For evidence of that, one needed to look no further than the fourth floor auditorium of the Metreon in San Francisco last weekend. It was there that Yeung and her team hosted a series of speakers, panels and product demos...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s PDC Keynote with Steve Ballmer and Bob Muglia

    Microsoft is holding its Professional Developer Conference (PDC) on its Redmond, WA campus this week. The event kicks off with a two-hour keynote hosted by the company's CEO Steve Ballmer and Bob Muglia, Microsoft's president of its server and tools division. Microsoft generally holds these events when it wants to...

  • Web
    Apple Launches its Own Check-in Service

    Don't worry - Apple isn't trying to launch the next Foursquare - but the company has developed its own check-in service that integrates with Apple's in-house applications. The new service went live this week. The lineup of Apple-owned applications that make up the service includes "Concierge," a push-enabled app used...

  • Web
    PBS Rolls Out Major Expansion Featuring National-Local Integration

    As a continuing effort toward becoming a "a multi-platform media leader," today, PBS rolled out an extensive expansion of its website, featuring an improved back-end, significant increase in national-local integration, expanded video offerings; as well as new iPad and iPhone apps. 18 months ago, PBS launched an initiative to make...

  • Web
    Apple’s Guidelines Revealed: Apps You Can’t Sell in the Mac App Store

    Yesterday, at Apple's "Back to the Mac" press event, the company announced an App Store for the Mac, similar to the stores it already runs for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad within iTunes. There's no doubt a computer-based "app store" is an interesting concept, and it will likely attract...

  • Web
    Read Their Lips: Steve Jobs, and Measuring CEO Truthiness

    Before today's Apple press event and all its announcements, Apple CEO Steve Jobs took the opportunity at Apple's earnings call yesterday to quell rumors that a 7" iPad was on the way. What Jobs said was true: so why are some people still calling Jobs a liar?Perhaps it's the usual...

  • Web
    How Yahoo’s Latest Acquisition Stole & Broke My Heart

    "What do you think about Dapper?" That was the question it felt like everyone asked me for weeks after I wrote up a startup called on TechCrunch in the Summer of 2006. "Create an API for any website!" was the company's unofficial slogan. Almost no one understood exactly what...

  • Mobile
    Battle of the Barcode Scanners: eBay vs. Amazon

    This morning, eBay announced its recently acquired mobile barcode scanning application Red Laser will now support QR Codes, also known as 2D barcodes. In addition, the updated version of the price comparison shopping app, available now in the iTunes App Store, will also incorporate eBay Marketplace and listings in...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Barcode Scanning up 700% This Year

    ShopSavvy, BarcodeHero, Stickybits, CheckPoints, Tecca, Microsoft Tag, RedLaser, SnapTell, Shopkick, the recently updatedAmazon Mobile - if you're like many smartphone owners, you've used at least one (if not more) of these mobile barcode scanning applications. In fact, you're now part of a growing trend of users who do.According to a...

  • Web
    Exploring How the Cloud Redefines E-Commerce

    The 2010 holiday season may be remembered for the distributed nature of the shopping experience more than anything else. Mobile technologies are on the rise and application platforms are serving as hothouses for any number of developments to buy and sell products and services.The iPhone, Android and now Windows Phone...

  • Web
    5 Check-in Apps to Check Out

    One of the leading trends this year has been check-in apps. Typically mobile apps, they allow you to announce that you're at a place or doing something. The excitement started with the location check-in apps: Brightkite, Foursquare, Gowalla, Google Latitude and others. But over the past year the practice of...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Why Facebook Groups Matter, Top Mobile Apps, Freak Out For Google Goggles, And More…

    Earlier this week, Facebook kept us on the edge of our seats wondering what their big announcement was going to be. Evidently it did the same for you because our coverage of that event was our top story of the week. In real-time Web news, Google tested mind reading (aka...

  • Web
    Pew Study Finds 58% of Americans Research Online First Before Buying

    The Pew Internet and American Life Project has just published the results of a study on American's e-commerce habits. Among the findings: 58% of Americans say they perform online research on the products and services they're considering buying. That's up from 49% who performed online research in 2004. If you...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Do Not Spray and Pray

    At today's roundtable, we had three niche e-commerce entrepreneurs and two e-commerce infrastructure entrepreneurs. I will describe their businesses briefly, below. You can vote on which one you like most by clicking on our Facebook page. If you missed the session, please listen to the recording before voting. GrillGrateFirst up...

  • Work
    15+ Enterprise Apps for Android

    Android has seen astounding growth in both the consumer and enterprise markets, but the iPhone and BlackBerry have dominated enterprise-specific app development. That may be starting to change. Today released its cloud storage app for Android, and other enterprise-focused apps have been released recently as well. Given the enterprise...

  • Social
    Twitter Aims to Duplicate YouTube’s Success

    Yesterday Twitter announced a major redesign of its homepage. The new is designed to make it easier for mainstream people to consume content on Twitter. "You don't have to tweet," said Twitter co-founder Evan Williams at the press gathering yesterday, "any more than you have to make a webpage...

  • Mobile
    Apple Says “We Have Enough Fart Apps,” Here’s Why That’s Wrong

    Earlier this week, Apple announced it was rolling back previous restrictions on the use of third-party development tools for building applications for the iOS mobile operating system and that it would be, for the first time ever, publishing its once-secret "App Store Guidelines" for all to read. These guidelines explain,...

  • Social
    How to Hack Nike+ for Automatic Foursquare Check-ins

    Have you ever wanted to walk into a building and be automatically checked into Foursquare, without any action on your part? That's the promise of an intriguing DIY project from electronic engineering hobbyist, Casey Halverson. He has come up with a low-cost solution that involves a Nike+ sensor, a $25...

  • Entertainment
    How Entertainment Weekly Embraces the Digital Age

    YouTube Channels, Mobile Apps and Barcoded Pages In partnership with Entertainment Weekly, YouTube just announced the launch of a specialized site for getting a sneak peek at the new television season which includes "bite-sized previews of programs, reality TV, comedies, dramas and more." The site, which is essentially just an...

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