Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Wolfram Alpha’s $50 iPhone App: Too Expensive or Worth the Extra Money for the Premium Experience?

    When Wolfram Research released its iPhone app for Wolfram Alpha earlier this week, most of the attention quickly shifted away from the features of the app itself and towards the high price of the app. At $49.99, Wolfram Alpha is far more expensive than most apps in the App Store...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Blogging Was Made Possible by…

    The new FTC guidelines for disclosure by bloggers have stirred up some anger among bloggers accustomed to getting free stuff and blogging about it without the heavy hand of governmental Big Brother yadda yadda - oh, you can finish the sentence yourself.I can respect that it might get people's backs...

  • Work
    Google Enterprise Campaign Shifts Into High Gear on Eve of Sharepoint Conference

    On the eve of Microsoft's Sharepoint conference in Las Vegas, Google is launching the international phase of an advertising campaign that is the largest ever for its push into the enterprise and one of the most extensive in the company's history.The "Gone Google" campaign is significant in a number of...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Revamps Mobile Homepage with Better RSS & Multimedia Content

    Today, Yahoo!Mobile SVP David Ko introduced the company's new mobile homepage calling it "the world's most advanced mobile homepage."At once rich and simple, the new homepage is accessible by more than 1,900 different mobile devices, which Yahoo! says represents a 500 percent increase since the mobile site launched in April....

  • Web
    FTC to Bloggers: Disclose Freebies or Face $11,000 Fine

    According to new guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), bloggers who fail to disclose that they have received freebies when they write about a product can now be fined up to $11,000 per post. The new FTC Guide Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising argues that...

  • Web
    Justin.TV’s Sub-Sites Are a Surefire Profit Generator

    With almost half a million broadcasters, popular lifecasting service Justin.TV could probably create a section for clown fightclubs and still have thousands of video voyeurs clamoring to entertain us. The company just launched its first in what is likely to be a long list of sub-sites. is a sub-site...

  • Web
    Should YouTube Scrap its Ratings System and Rely on Implicit User Data?

    Last week YouTube blogged that it is considering moving away from the familiar 5-star system of reviews. According to YouTube product manager Shiva Rajaraman, the stars system is being used bluntly by the majority of YouTube users - most give videos a perfect 5 star rating. Rajaraman noted that "when...

  • Web
    2 Billion Downloads Later, Apple’s App Store is Still Going Strong

    Apple today announced that a total of 2 billion apps have now been downloaded from the App Store. There are now over 85,000 apps in the store, up from 65,000 on July 14, and the number of developers has grown from 100,000 in July to around 125,000 today. iPhone and...

  • Web
    The Best of DEMOfall 09: 5 Companies to Watch

    Now that the DEMOfall 09 conference has wrapped, we can look back to see which companies have the most potential out of the 70+ exhibitors. Despite what the DEMOgod awards crowned as king, we can't say we agree with the judges' every pick. For example, award winner DateCheck from Intelius,...

  • Social
    Nokia Buys Dopplr: The Ovi-Based Foursquare?

    Social networking travel site Dopplr has apparently been acquired by Nokia for somewhere between $15-22 million dollars. A year ago ReadWriteWeb named Dopplr one of the Top 10 International Products of 2008 and it looks like the community's social features have garnered significant interest from investors. According to TechCrunch, just...

  • Web
    @Pistachio Launches OneForty, Twitter’s App Store: 140 Beta Invites

    After months of breathless anticipation, the waiting world can now catch a glimpse of oneforty, a collection and curation of the Twitter third-party app universe from consultant and Twitter for Dummies author Laura Fitton (@Pistachio).From TwitPic to HootSuite and everything in between, oneforty is a 1,300-apps-and-growing marketplace that includes descriptions,...

  • Social
    The Dirty Little Secret About the “Wisdom of the Crowds” – There is No Crowd

    Recent research by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) professor Vassilis Kostakos pokes a big hole in the prevailing wisdom that the "wisdom of crowds" is a trustworthy force on today's web. His research focused on studying the voting patterns across several sites featuring user-generated reviews including Amazon, IMDb, and BookCrossing. The...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Userbase to Pass US Population Numbers

    Facebook just announced passing the 300 million active user mark. In early April ReadWriteWeb asked about the size of Facebook with the answer being - "bigger than the population of all but 4 countries in the world." As of today it's bigger than the population of all but 3 countries...

  • Web
    Twine Traffic Falls – New Version Coming, But it’s Make or Break Time

    Since it was first unveiled to ReadWriteWeb back in October 2007, Semantic Web application Twine has traveled a rocky road. The product is a knowledge management service, in practical terms similar to social bookmarking site Delicious. However, almost from the start there have been vocal critics of Twine. The latest...

  • Web
    To Those About To Demo: How to Deal With Your 15 Minutes of Fame

    For the fortunate startups selected to present at any of several large tech conferences this summer and fall, the experience is fraught with excitement, opportunity, and pitfalls in equal measure.Here's a round up of words from the wise, including veteran investor Mark Suster on surviving the hype cycle, analyst Sean...

  • Web
    The Real-Time Web: A Primer, Part 3

    This is part 3 of a three-part series on the fundamental characteristics of the real-time Web.In part 1 and part 2, we looked at how the real-time Web is a new form of communication, creates a new body of content, is real time, is public, and has an explicit social...

  • Web
    The Real-Time Web: A Primer, Part 1

    This is part 1 of a three-part series on the fundamental characteristics of the real-time Web.Like cloud computing less than a year ago and social networking two years ago, the real-time Web is the new black on the tech circuit. The trend has been publicly bandied about this summer, starting...

  • Entertainment
    RobotVision: A Bing-Powered iPhone Augmented Reality Browser

    Bing Local Search has some interesting features you won't find in Google, so the prospect of seeing Bing listings appear on top of your iPhone's camera viewer when you point at a restaurant or business is intriguing. That's what forthcoming iPhone app RobotVision offers - and it displays a view...

  • Web
    Opera Mini Is Most Downloaded Mobile App

    The Opera Mini application is now considered not only the world's most popular mobile browser, but also the world's most downloaded app. According to independent applications marketplace GetJar, the browser has been downloaded more than 25 million times from its store. "The fact that Opera Mini is the most downloaded...

  • Web
    Philly’s Freshest: DreamIt Ventures Graduates Class of Ten Startups

    Philadelphia-based early-stage investment outfit DreamIt Ventures is in the business of finding, funding, and accelerating great startups.Like many similar programs we've covered in the past, DreamIt, now in its second year, sees startup founders through the summer with seed funding and advisement, allowing them to demo their wares for media...

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