Results for "Product Reviews"

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  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Wave, Microsoft Bing, What’s New in ’09, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we report on Google's announcement of a new communications and collaboration platform called Google Wave, look at Microsoft's latest challenger in the search market with Bing, analyze the current trends we're seeing on the...

  • Web
    Bing It On: Microsoft Rolls Out Its New Search Engine

    It was no secret that Microsoft was getting ready to roll out a new search engine, and today, the company began the official roll-out of Bing - the successor of the company's less than successful Live Search efforts. Formerly known as Kumo, Bing, which should become available worldwide by June...

  • Web
    Stop Trolling Craigslist & eBay, Try Easy E-Commerce at Woya

    I am not a shopper. I am a buyer. I need something; I locate it; I buy it. By some accounts, this makes me a total gender traitor. On the other hand, it makes me a prime target for any startup willing to do the shopping for me.Take consumer electronics...

  • Web
    Google@Omgili Mashes Traditional Web Search With Social Buzz

    Omgili, which we reviewed in 2007 as a top alt search engine, has focused on culling results from the weird corners of the web: Forums, boards, discussion groups - basically, anywhere you'd find purely or mostly subjective information. It's the polar opposite of Google search, which is practically a peer-reviewed...

  • Mobile
    LouderVoice Releases Android Application

    This weekend Ireland based reviewing platform LouderVoice announced that it has launched its first private beta application for the Google Android platform. It is the first Irish Android application and one of the very first reviewing applications on the platform. The application is "all about writing and finding reviews when...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Linked Data, Facebook Adds OpenID, What’s New in ’09, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we report on why and how Facebook has opened up to OpenID, explore the rising popularity of Linked Data, analyze the current trends we're seeing on the Web, look at the future of the...

  • Mobile
    Your Favorite Location-Based Mobile Apps

    One of the web trends we're noticing this year is more location-based mobile phone applications - i.e. apps that know where you and/or your friends are and utilize that data in some way. Some of this activity was fueled by Google's entrance into the market as a serious player, in...

  • Mobile
    Is This The Future of the iPhone? Push, Background, Bundles

    Version 3.0 of the iPhone operating system is in beta testing among developers and if all the actual and rumored changes come to fruition, the iPhone user experience is likely to be very different soon.In this post we'll take a brief look at three of the biggest changes being talked...

  • Web
    Shopping 2.0: Current E-commerce Trends (Redux)

    In a RWW Live podcast from last December, we discussed 'shopping 2.0'. In this analysis of the show, we explore how e-commerce has evolved over the past few years - what web technologies our expert guests are currently using, and the trends they've picked up on.We had 4 expert guests...

  • Web
    Introducing the ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management

    Our First Premium Report for Businesses We're excited to announce the availability of ReadWriteWeb's Guide to Online Community Management, our first premium report. It's been in the works for more than four months and we believe it's unlike anything else you've seen. Businesses seeking to engage with online communities on...

  • Web
    Augmented Reality & The Web: Present and Future Scenarios

    Augmented Reality (AR) is when virtual graphics and/or data are overlaid onto real world objects. Many of you have seen this portrayed in movies such as Minority Report and The Matrix. It still seems a bit far fetched in 2009, yet there are apps that are beginning to make it...

  • Web
    Google Search Evolves – But Has Google Finally Lost its Core Focus?

    Yesterday at Google's Searchology event, which we live-blogged, the search market leader announced two significant features to its search product: Search Options and Rich Snippets. It also previewed a new fact-finding search product called Google Squared. The first two features are already live on and they've notably extended Google's...

  • Web
    Searchology: State of the Union of Search at Google

    While Google CEO Eric Schmidt is over on the East Coast helping the Washington Post and the New York Times work out how best to make money out of their content, Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Products and User Experience, along with a team of Googlers is in building 40...

  • Web
    New York Times Desktop Reader Gets a Makeover

    The New York Times launched a new version of its Times Reader desktop application today. The Times Reader allows users to read the New York Times offline on their desktops or laptops, though full access to the application is only available to those who subscribe to the printed version of...

  • Web
    Lessons from the Ant Colony: Overcoming the Biases of Web 2.0

    Operating as a collective, an ant colony can achieve remarkable things, complete tasks, and solve problems that would be unimaginable for a single ant. Colonies are responsible for building elaborate nests, waging battles, and creating efficient highway systems to food sources. The collective intelligence of an ant colony can serve...

  • Web
    Lunch Launches a Personal Recommendation Network (+Invites)

    A new online community site called has just launched into private beta here at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco. The site, essentially a recommendation network, aims to bring the sort of casual conversations you would have with friends over lunch to the online arena. Using a proprietary...

  • Web
    Twine Could Soon Surpass Delicious, Prepares Ontology Authoring Tool

    Nova Spivack's semantic web company Twine is developing a free service to write and host semantic ontologies; the classification trees that enable machines to put concepts in topical context. Ready to play Aristotle and create an ontology of cheese, model airplanes, global anti-hunger organizations or any other topic? What blogging...

  • Social
    Facebook’s New Public Profiles: Good for Businesses, Bad for People

    Over the past couple of days, Facebook has been rolling out a revamped home page to all its users which delivers several major changes including real-time updates, new filtering controls, a new share box (called "the Publisher"), and an area that highlights some of the more important updates from your...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s Guide to the SXSW Web Awards Finalists

    SXSW Interactive begins today, bringing thousands of geeks from all around the world to Austin, Texas, to talk shop and party. One of the key stories about SXSW history is that Twitter blew up there (in a good way) two years ago. Everybody wants to know - will there be...

  • Web
    MyBuys: Recommendations as a Service

    In this latest installment in our series on recommendation engines, we look at MyBuys - a company purely focused on providing recommendations services to retail websites. We've noted in previous posts in this series that each recommendations vendor has a different approach. What distinguishes MyBuys is that it takes a...

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