Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Web
    Goodbye Scrabulous, Hello “Scrabble by Mattel?”

    Scrabulous, the extremely popular but unauthorized Scrabble Facebook app, has been under fire thanks to Hasbro and Mattel, the two companies who own the rights to Scrabble - Hasbro in North America, and Mattel in the rest of the world. The companies threatened to take Scrabulous offline, a move which...

  • Web
    FirstRain Research Suite: Look and Drool

    FirstRain is a web research tool-suite that markets itself to buy-side professionals in hedge funds. It costs $10k per year per user and is today announcing a distribution deal with CapitalIQ, an upstart Bloomberg competitor. That price is less than a Bloomberg box, but it's still a substantial chunk of...

  • Web
    Study: There is No Tipping Point, Blog Readers Are Skeptical

    A new study by Canadian research firm Pollara has surfaced data indicating that Malcolm Gladwell's popular theory about key influencers moving markets may not be valid. Gladwell's arguments in the 2000 book The Tipping Point had reached levels of cliche approaching The Wisdom of Crowds, in large part because of...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 17-21 March 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. This week includes social networks and lifestreaming analysis (Facebook, FeedFriend and more), a look at new Semantic Apps, and a new service from Amazon. And don't forget to click through to our website and leave a...

  • Web
    6 Projects to Change Your Life? Social Innovation Camp Ideas Announced

    The six ideas that will be developed into web products at Social Innovation Camp, which convenes in London on April 4th-6th, were announced today. The unconference-style event, which is being sponsored by Yahoo! Developer Network Europe, NESTA, mediaguardian, The Young Foundation, CabinetOffice, and madgex, and includes Bebo-founder Paul Birch and...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 10-14 March 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. It's been a busy week, with a RWW interview with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, iPhone analysis aplenty, a special look at Web visualization, reviews of Semantic Apps Twine and Reuters Open Calais, and much more. And don't forget to...

  • Web
    HiveLive Partners With Marketer, Responsys: It’s More Enterprise 2.0

    HiveLive, a B2B social software platform provider, brings the social web to businesses by providing them with customizable tools like user profiles, blogs, discussion forums, wikis, and RSS which they can skin, edit, and secure easily, and without any coding. The platform is based on a building block called a...

  • Web
    Twine Disappoints After Semantic Web Hype

    Twine is the most hyped semantic app of the season and recently opened up for some press previews. General availability of this smart, social bookmarking and research tool may come in a matter of weeks.If that's the case, it will probably be too soon. Twine has some major shortcomings that...

  • Social
    Enterprise Community Provider Mzinga Swallows Propsero

    Burlington, MA-based Mzinga, which provides social networking, community, and e-learning solutions for the enterprise, is today announcing that it has acquired Prospero. Prospero is itself a provider of enterprise community solutions, but where Mzinga mainly deals with corporate social networks, Prospero's product line focuses on the consumer side of community...

  • Web
    Top Health 2.0 Web Apps

    Health 2.0, web-based apps and services for the healthcare sector, is a nascent but potentially huge market for web 2.0. As of now, many of these apps have an emphasis on communication, information sharing and community. These are relatively easy things to address using Web tools. However we're starting to...

  • Web
    Assetbar Aims to Bring Scalability to Social Web Apps – RSS Reading is First Up

    Prelaunched social RSS reader Assetbar calls itself the first application built on the company's new “Media Participation Platform” and has a number of remarkable features already that you'll want to check out if you can get in. (invite code below)The experienced team of entrepreneurial engineers behind the application says its...

  • Web
    The New Browser War: Mobile Firefox vs. Opera Mini

    Last October, Mozilla announced that they were working on a mobile version of the Firefox browser. As it turns out, they were working on two versions: one designed for touchscreen devices like the iPhone and another for traditional phones. Now Mozilla has finally given us a glimpse of their designs...

  • Web is Priceline for Local Services

    UK-based, which officially launched out of private beta on Tuesday, is attempting to bring Priceline-style economics to the local services industry. The site is cultivating a services marketplace that matches buyers to services providers with a catch: buyers are allowed to name their own price, while service providers compete...

  • Web
    Author Uses Blog Comments to Peer Review Book

    Anyone who has scanned the comments at Perez Hilton would understandably be puzzled by the idea of relying on blog readers to peer review a book. The idea seems especially ludicrous if the book is being published by the MIT Press. But as we're well aware here at ReadWriteWeb, some...

  • Web
    Humans Interupting Algorithms: Wales v. Calacanis on Human Powered Search

    A large group of international tech rock stars are at the Digital Life Design conference in Munich today and friend of RWW Martin Källström of pre-launch search startup Twingly sent us a rough transcript of a particularly interesting panel this morning. In this discussion, titled Humans Disrupting Algorithms, WIkipedia founder...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 14-18 Jan 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Highlights this week: we covered the big news coming out of Apple's...

  • Web
    Top 10 Web Tech Stories of 2007

    2007 was an eventful year in Web Technology, with the rise of Facebook, some frenzied acquisitions from the likes of Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, and of course the iPhone. To round out the year (and put an end to the December lists!) here is a look at what we think...

  • Web
    36 Startup Tips: From Software Engineering to PR and More!

    This is a collection of startup tips covering software engineering, infrastructure, PR, conferences, legal and finance. They describe best practices for an early-stage startup. We hope that you will find these tips useful, but also please remember that they are based on subjective experiences and not all of them will...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps & Sites of 2007

    It's the end of the year and so time for 'best of' and prediction posts, which are a lot of fun. Today I've been re-organizing my Firefox bookmarks, which made me reflect on which web apps and sites I've used the most this year. I encourage you all to add...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 17-21 December 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Highlights this week: Marshall Kirkpatrick tells us how sexy librarians and YouTube...

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