Results for "Product Reviews"

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    Best Web BigCo of 2007: Facebook

    Every year in December Read/WriteWeb does a Best Web Companies round-up. This is the 4th time and, like last year, we're splitting it over two posts. In this post we'll announce the Best Web BigCo of 2007 and later in the week we'll announce Best Web LittleCo and Most Promising...

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    SavvySource Launches Customized Educational Toy Gift List

    SavvySource, an online parenting site that reviews toys, preschools, camps, and books, and lets parents share activity ideas, will on Wednesday launch a creative way to capitalize on the holiday shopping season. In partnership with a non-profit organization that deals with early childhood education, the web site has put together...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 November 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Note: If you would like to sponsor the Weekly Wrapup - which...

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    SpringNote Launching Impressive Wiki Platform from Korea

    SpringNote is a hosted Korean wiki service that's been in the works for some time but will make a public launch at the Web 2.0 Expo Tokyo next week. It's a strong product. The site offers a number of features that are worth a look, evidence too that there's still...

  • Web
    Amazon Dynamo: The Next Generation Of Virtual Distributed Storage

    A few weeks ago, Werner Vogels, the CTO of Amazon, published a long technical paper on his blog about Amazon's highly available storage system called Dynamo. The paper itself is quite complex and technical and includes a description of the architecture, algorithms and tests that Amazon has been doing with...

  • Web
    AdaptiveBlue Feeds the Top-Down Semantic Web with Automatic SmartLinks

    AdaptiveBlue makers of the popular Firefox plugin, BlueOrganizer, has launched a new version of their SmartLinks product that makes it easy for blog and web site publishers to include the links automatically within their pages. Previously, SmartLinks were only accessible via the BlueOrganizer. Now, web site publishers can add SmartLinks...

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    Internet Marketing for Novel Writers

    This is a guest post by TK Kenyon, author of the bookRabid. Writing, especially fiction writing, is a tough business to get into and a tougher one to stay in. Generally, neither authors nor publishers make a significant profit until an author’s fifth novel is published. Most of the time,...

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    Criticker – Movie Recommendations Based on Taste

    Born out of a closet dislike for "Shrek 2," Criticker is a new movie review community and recommendation engine that aims to match users with like-minded individuals who share the same cinematic taste. Once you've rated 10 movies at Criticker it begins to form what they call a Taste Compatibility...

  • Web
    No, Really – How Was it For You? Kumquat Launches Simple Performance Review Service

    Portland, Oregon based Kumquat went live today in a limited beta release. The service is a very light-weight but well thought-out tool for gathering self-initiated performance reviews in any field. Account registration will be open for the next 24 hours at the URL - after that you'll have to...

  • Web
    Google Custom Search: Setting The Bar For Vertical Search Engines

    Google already dominates the web search market, with between approximately 55% and 65% of the market depending on who you ask. The company's flagship product has been responsible for its phenomenal growth and everyone knows that Google made its fortune by tying its genius search algorithm to advertising. It is...

  • Web
    Jooce – Challenging Facebook and WebOS Naysayers

    Jooce is a new Flash-based WebOS product from France, currently in private beta (we have invites at the bottom of this post). The primary use case for Jooce is for people who use cyber-cafes a lot, instead of or in addition to their own PCs or laptops. Jooce enables users...

  • Web
    Facebook at Work – Slacking or Networking?

    Earlier this week a Sydney Morning Herald article claimed that Facebook "may be costing Australian businesses $5 billion a year." The quote is from an analytics firm called SurfControl, in a report which calculated "that if an employee spends an hour each day on Facebook, it costs the company more...

  • Web
    Text and Banner Ads on Amazon: Has the World Gone Mad?

    I was shopping for a digital camera this weekend and my first stop was naturally Amazon. While browsing pages I noticed the new look and feel: There is even more information on each page, the reviews are displayed in a new way and tags are being leveraged more. These changes...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 13-17 August 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.NewsThe latter part of this week was dominated by the major outage suffered by popular VoIP product Skype. Also this week...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 23-27 July 2007

    Sponsor:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.News It was a relatively quiet week in terms of Web technology news. Perhaps the most exciting thing to happen was...

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    The Web’s Top Takeover Targets

    This past year has been a very eventful one in the M&A arena, with many of web 2.0's biggest names being snapped up. A few stand-outs include the likes of YouTube, Photobucket, Feedburner,, and StumbleUpon.Yet, there still remains a number of juicy, mouth-watering targets available on the market. This...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 9-13 July 2007

    Sponsored by:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Top Web News After all the iphone buzz of the last couple of weeks, it was a relatively quiet week...

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    Flock Version 0.9 Focuses on Social Media Discovery

    This Tuesday social web browser Flock will release Version 0.9, as they inch towards the full 1.0. Version 0.9 is currently available to early adopters as a 'Release Candidate'. I had an in-depth chat with Flock's CEO Shawn Hardin last week and I have been testing the 0.9 version too....

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    Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 June 2007

    The Weekly Wrapups have been a feature of Read/WriteWeb since the beginning of January 2005 (when they were called Web 2.0 Weekly Wrapups). Nowadays the Wrapup is designed for those of you who can't keep up with a daily dose of RSS. Here then is a summary of the week's...

  • Web
    Standard URLs – Proposal for a Web with Less Search

    This post is a result of an email exchange between Greg Pass from Summize and myself (Alex Iskold). Big thanks to Greg for his original ideas and the technical collaboration. We spend most of our time online searching for information. This is not surprising, since the Web is a vast...

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