Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Web
    Zimbra: Mashing Up The Office

    Over the next couple of months on Read/WriteWeb, I'll be profiling the main Web Office suite candidates - such as Zoho, ThinkFree, gOffice, Zimbra, JotSpot, Goowy and Morfik. Plus of course Microsoft's Office Live and Google's current jigsaw puzzle of Web Office apps. Today I'm starting with Zimbra.Zimbra is an...

  • Social
    Trailfire: Building Vannevar’s Memex

    There are a plethora of bookmarking sites out there and only a few of them have become very successful - and Stumbleupon are two that spring to mind. Trailfire is a bit different from your average bookmarking site, because they don't just allow you to share bookmarks - they...

  • Web
    Top 10 Firefox Web 2.0 Add-ons

    With all this talk of the Web as a platform, it's worth taking a closer look at what web apps are using Firefox as their platform. Firefox is regarded as the best Web browser in terms of extensions - i.e. small browser add-ons which modify or add to existing functionality....

  • Web
    Web Email Market: An Overview has just released the fourth generation of its Web Email platform, replacing its legacy software with an AJAX framework. They're promising their users "a markedly faster, better performing experience" with its new Ajax version. provides email hosting services to more than 23,000 small-medium businesses and is one of...

  • Web
    Gotuit Launches Broadband Video Portal

    Gotuit Media, an established player in on-demand video, today announced the launch of its new broadband video portal - I got a sneak peak of the new portal and spoke with Mark Pascarella (president of Gotuit Media) and David Laubner (Director of Product Marketing) about the launch. is a...

  • Entertainment
    Rhapsody Web Services Expands – Interview and Profile

    RealNetworks is announcing today an enhanced set of Rhapsody Web services APIs and RSS feeds, along with a 3-month competition aimed at getting developers to build on their platform. Rhapsody is one of the biggest music subscription services on the Web. It has over 2 million tracks in its library,...

  • Web
    AIM Pages – AOL breaking down the Walled Garden

    Stowe Boyd and Mike Arrington reported today that AOL’s new social networking product AIM Pages is now live. I'm told by my sources that it's still in the testing phase, nevertheless it *is* live on the Web. There is a lot more functionality to come though. For example PaidContent wrote...

  • Web
    List of Web 2.0 Lists

    As a Web (2.0) consultant and analyst (about me), I track a variety of market segments and products. Luckily for me, nowadays I don't have to do as much grunt work on gathering high level product data as I used to. There are a plethora of product lists and data...

  • Web
    Review of Yahoo Tech – by The Gen X Web 2.0 Geek

    The big news of the night is Yahoo's release of a new technology portal, aimed squarely at non-geeks (see site tour). To make the point it's not for geeks, the site features 4 stereotypical "advisors" (aka bloggers): The Boomer, The Mom, The Working Guy, The Techie Diva.They are described as...

  • Web
    Microcontent Aggregators: 43Things

    Recently I wrote a series of posts about Microcontent Design, using BBC Backstage as the main casestudy. As a segue from that theme, one of the product types I've been looking at recently is Microcontent Aggregators. One type of Microcontent Aggregator is a service that aggregates microcontent about a person...

  • Web
    Microcontent Design, Part 1

    This is the first post in a series in which I will explore microcontent design."...content will be more important than its container in this next phase.That's a big shift for old media to come to grips with. Killer apps, such as search, RSS and video-capture software such as Tivo --...

  • Web
    Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2005

    Last year about this time I did a post celebrating the best Web companies of 2004. I was planning on doing a mega version of that this year, extending it to software and services. But then Dion came up with his excellent list of best Web software of '05, as...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 3 – 9 Dec 2005

    Here's the Top Ten Web 2.0 memes, issues or news stories of the past week, as judged by me.1. Lightnet: open up your media, the Lightnet revolution is here. Lucas Gonze is leading the charge of the lightnet brigade: "The strength of lightnet is that everybody who's not a media...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Nov 2005

    This week: Explaining Web 2.0 to normal people, Google Base, Yahoo Shoposhere, Amazon tags, Hypertext and the next 15 years.Sponsor OpportunityThe Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up has had 3 excellent sponsors over the past 30 weeks and now I'm looking for the next great sponsor. If you'd like to associate your...

  • Web
    Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0

    Summary: My Day 1 impressions of Windows/Office Live are positive and I think Microsoft is taking up the challenge of an increasingly Web-based software world, while at the same time sticking to their desktop software knitting. I'm particularly intrigued by the Xbox 360 relationship and I think we'll see a...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 24-30 Oct 2005

    This week: Microsoft's Web 2.0 strategy, Google Base, Yahoo! travel, Web 2.0 Humour, 2.0 Post of the Week.sponsored by:Microsoft's Web 2.0 StrategyThere's big news coming this week from Microsoft, on the consumer as well as business side. It sounds like Microsoft is really ramping up its Web 2.0 strategy. Meanwhile, this...

  • Web
    Food Fight!

    Lots to eat today in Dot Oh Cafe. Here are some of the tasty tidbits that caught my eye as I perused the tech.memeorandum and Rojo menus:Google's smorgasbord classifieds serviceGoogle Base is eating the lunch of many a hungry 2.0 start-up. Here are some of the mouth-watering dishes in Google...

  • Web
    Will mainstream people flock to Flock?

    By now most of you know that Flock, a trendy new Mozilla-based "social web browser", has gone live. Because it's said to be a quintessential Web 2.0 application, I feel duty-bound to try it out. So I've downloaded it and will give it a go as my main browser for...

  • Web
    Feedburner’s Network Effects

    Feedburner's released more stats to celebrate reaching 100,000 managed feeds. They highlight some impressive growth in the number of subscribers to Feedburner feeds - over 4.2 million subscribers per day by end of August. Paul Kedrosky noted that the number of subscribers has doubled every 2 months during 2005. Dick...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 25-31 July 2005

    sponsored by:Onfolio is offering R/WW readers a coupon code entitling the bearer to $30 off a purchase of Onfolio Professional before August 31st. Coupon Code: RM857202This week: Walled Gardens, Ajax backlash, Widgetmania, Asia update, The Web - Past, Present and Future.The Walls Come Tumbling DownLately there's been some progress towards...

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