Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Web
    Sears Launches Bid For Tradespeople

    US retailer Sears today announced the beta launch of, an online marketplace specifically for home improvements and repairs. The goal of is to connect Sears customers online with local service providers. The core of ServiceLive is an auction system, in which users can name their price for doing...

  • Social
    Bad News for OpenID: People Still Using Same Password Everywhere

    A new survey from Gartner Research delivers some bad news regarding our online security practices: two-thirds of U.S. consumers use the same one or two passwords for all the websites they access. And they like it that way. Although people claim they're concerned about security, they still tend to use...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Guide to the SXSW Web Awards Finalists

    Next month Austin, Texas will fill to the brim with geeks from all around the world gathered to attend the South by Southwest Interactive festival. While smaller than the Music part of SXSW, Interactive is very big and very fun. One part of the event that always goes over our...

  • Work
    Switching From Gmail to Relenta (Cautiously)

    About 6 months ago, I switched from Outlook to Gmail and wrote about the experience. It was a move I haven't regretted, and I've never been tempted to return to Outlook. Despite a few glitches in the matrix that occur when Gmail goes down, the service is as close to...

  • Web
    Apture Packs a Lot of Media Into a Little Pop-up

    The most obvious feature of Apture is that it is a pop-up technology. Apture is a Javascript plug-in for publishers that adds contextual information to links - via pop-ups which display when users hover over or click on them. However, because of its association with pop-ups, Apture thinks it's gotten...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Recommender Systems, Social Media Trends, State of Blog Search, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarising the top stories of the week, we continue our series on recommendation technologies, outline 10 ways that social media will change in 2009, look at 8 mobile technologies to watch in 2009-10, review the state of blog search, and more....

  • Web
    BooRah Now Selling Semantic Restuarant Review Report Cards

    How will the semantic web be monetized? How about in the form of monthly reports tracking restaurant reviews on Yelp, CitySearch and hundreds of other websites, for sale to restaurateurs for just $25 per month? That's what semweb startup BooRah is betting on with its new product, the BooRah Restaurant...

  • Web
    Jinni: Wants to be Pandora for Movies

    We're currently running a series of posts about recommendation technologies and in the comments of our last post about the Netflix Prize, a company called Jinni made itself known. Jinni is a kind of 'Pandora for movies', because it aims to recommend movies and tv shows to you based on...

  • Web
    LetMeKnow Launches “Alerts-as-a-Service”

    From branchnext, the same company that delivered the personal web scout service Yotify (our coverage), there comes a new B2B alerts service called LetMeKnow. As with Yotify, LetMeKnow lets you track any number of changes that happen on the web - from price changes to new blog posts or comments...

  • Mobile
    SMS to Kwiry: TiVo Flight of the Conchords kthxbai!

    As the mobile handset continues to move from being one of our many computing platforms to becoming our primary platform, we want to be able to do more and more with it. We want to send messages with it, carry music on it, record video with it, and use it...

  • Social
    Could This Be Your All-in-One Social Network?

    Long time innovator Marc Canter has made a proposal for a system to let users integrate all their social networks from around the web into one central dashboard. He calls it the DiSO Dashboard. So far it's just a vision, albeit a pretty specific one, but we expect to see...

  • Web
    Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies

    In this article, we'll analyze the trends and technologies that power the Semantic Web. We'll identify patterns that are beginning to emerge, classify the different trends, and peak into what the future holds.In a recent interview Tim Berners-Lee pointed out that the infrastructure to power the Semantic Web is already...

  • Web
    A Guide to The Contextual Web

    It's the end of 2008 and everyone on the Web is hurting due to the economy. But we know that things will get better, because slow-downs eventually bury the old and give birth to new evolutionary ways of doing things.One of these evolutions started quietly in 2008. We are witnessing...

  • Web
    Top 10 Real World Web Apps of 2008

    Here at ReadWriteWeb, we love to talk about the latest and greatest Web 2.0 applications. However, while a lot of these services make our life on the Internet a lot easier, another group of services on the web helps to keep our offline life organized. Here is our list of...

  • Web
    Top Marketing Geeks Make Their Predictions for 2009

    Will 2009 be the big year for corporate transparency, for a global conversation - perhaps for bargain basement online marketing tactics instead of old-school huge commercial campaigns? Peter Kim, a former Forrester analyst now working on stealth enterprise software company, recently polled 14 of the most high-profile thinkers about social...

  • Web
    Shopping 2.0: Current E-commerce Trends

    This week's RWW Live, our regular podcast show, was on the topic of 'shopping 2.0'. In Part 2 of our analysis of the show, we explore how e-commerce has evolved over the past few years - what web technologies our expert guests are currently using and the trends they've picked...

  • Web
    Shopping 2.0: How to Target a Niche & Create Community

    Yesterday our regular podcast show, RWW Live, was on the topic of 'shopping 2.0'. The show was very illuminating about how the Social Web has changed e-commerce and what tactics leading apps use to target their audience and make money. Indeed many of the lessons can and should be used...

  • Web
    10 Wish List Websites For The Holiday Shopping Season

    It's coming up to Christmas and for many of us that means buying presents for family. If you're in this situation, "what to buy?" becomes the most pressing question in your Christmas shopping expeditions. But what if you could take a quick look at the online shopping wish lists of...

  • Web
    Report: Corporate Blogs Not Trusted

    According to a new report by Forrester Research, corporate blogs are the least trusted information source of all. Only 16% of online consumers who read corporate blogs say that they trust them. You can grab a copy of this report for free by filling in a form at Forrester. The...

  • Web
    Visual Explorer: New Browser Built on Top of Internet Explorer

    Today we came across Visual Explorer, a new browser that wants to provide users with a better, more tightly integrated browsing experience. Similar to what Flock does with Firefox, Visual Explorer is built on top of Microsoft's Internet Explorer and provides users with a new user interface, as well as...

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