Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Web
    DRM Helps Spore Make History as The Most Pirated Game Ever

    Spore, a Sim-like game about the evolution of creatures, was recently released as one of the most anticipated games of the year. Our initial impressions were high with the release of SporeCreator. However, Spore itself failed to meet our expectations. In the end, we found the game to be too...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 8-12 September 2008

    Join us now for our weekly review of Web Technology news and reviews. This week we reported on the launch of Apple's iTunes 8, analyzed AOL's move to bring RSS and lifestreaming to the mainstream, and covered some of the best web apps to come out of DEMOfall08. On the...

  • Web
    Spore Destined to Be a Complete Flop?

    Electronic Arts (EA) is the leading developer and publisher of some of the most popular games. EA has an impressive track record of releasing hit after hit with 27 titles that have sold over 1 million units. They company has a history of great franchises like the Madden NFL series,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 August 2008

    It's the weekend, so time to review the Web tech news, reviews and analysis we brought you this week on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reported on Facebook hitting 100 million users, checked out 10 great web apps for school, looked at the state of online accounting, and reviewed...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 18-22 August 2008

    It's the weekend, so time to review the week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we looked at the first reported Android phone, checked out the winners of the Firefox 3 Extensions contest, reviewed Microsoft's new 3D online photo app, dabbled with screencasting, and...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 11-15 August 2008

    It's the weekend, so time to review the week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we looked at rising music social network Imeem, reported on Yahoo's Fire Eagle project, checked in on the latest Web Office developments, and covered some new iPhone apps. On...

  • Web
    last100’s Smartphone Parade: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

    At last100[a ReadWriteWeb Network blog], we love the iPhone as much as anyone. Yet we remain convinced that for all of Apple's innovation - especially on the mobile browsing front and major improvements in usability - the iPhone in its current incarnation will have significant but limited appeal. There's only...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 4-8 August 2008

    It's the weekend, so time for our review the past week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we showed you how to create a custom search engine using social bookmarks, found out why online video is set for a boost at the Olympics, analyzed...

  • Web
    “Operation Aborted” in IE7 Because of Sitemeter

    Imagine waking up and your site is inaccessible for no apparent reason. If this happens, site owners could spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out what the problem is. Well welcome to that reality. Thousands of site owners have experienced this today after Sitemeter brings their sites...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 28 July – 1 August 2008

    It's time to wrap up the week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reviewed a super-hyped new search engine called Cuil, analysed the BT acquisition of web telephony platform Ribbit, looked at why Google bought video startup Omnisio, and investigated why popular Facebook...

  • Web
    Blackberry is Not Microsoft (Sorry Apple)

    I did it! I resisted the cravings all week. I did NOT buy an iPhone. It took a lot of deep Buddhist meditation to deal with my cravings. The iPhone is just gorgeous - this is user interface design at the highest level of art. Plus, the developer platform makes...

  • Web
    Adobe Gets Sensitive About “AIR” Trademark

    Two months ago we reviewed a neat Adobe AIR app directory called FreshAirapps. FreshAIRapps looked to be the premier destination for debuting Adobe AIR applications. Two months later and the creator, James Whittaker, is under fire by the very company he's freely promoted.Adobe Goes After the Little GuyAs of this...

  • Web
    Does Microsoft + Powerset Beat Google?

    What can the plan be with Microsoft's purchase of hot startup Powerset? The 3-year old company, founded by Dr Barney Pell, recently launched a semantic search experience for Wikipedia.It is doubtful that Microsoft bought the company just to enhance Live Search. Possibly the plan is to replicate the Wikipedia solution,...

  • Entertainment
    Rhapsody Embraces DRM-Free MP3s: Another Nail in The Coffin of DRM

    Real Networks' Rhapsody music service, which had only been a subscription service so far, is joining into the every expanding fray of music services selling DRM-free MP3 files. Real has signed deals with Universal, Sony BMG, Warner, and EMI to sell songs at $.99 cents a song and $9.99 per...

  • Web
    Rumor: Microsoft to Acquire Powerset for $100 Million

    Venturebeat reports that Microsoft might be close to acquiring the San Francisco based semantic search engine Powerset for about $100 Million. No announcement has been made yet by either party. We contacted Microsoft, but did not get an answer beyond "Microsoft does not comment on rumors or speculation." We will...

  • Web
    Skydeck: Will It Be The First Billion Dollar Social Graph Company?

    "...someone is going to build a billion-dollar company around the implicit social graph. And I'm betting on Skydeck." Jason Devitt Welcome to the second installment of our new People in Tech series. In this post we interview Jason Devitt, CEO/Co-Founder of Skydeck. It's a mobile web startup built on the...

  • Mobile
    Bonnaroo Mobile: Buzzd Brings Mobile Social Networking to Music Festival

    Back in February we reported that Buzzd, a Mobile Web social networking service used at bars, clubs and restaurants, had won a bunch of awards at the MobileMonday Peer Awards. We noted that Buzzd is a great example of how location-based services will be the killer app for the Mobile...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Pushes Search Results Customization to Users

    Yahoo!'s SearchMonkey platform got a little more public today with the unveiling of the Search Gallery -- the platform's official application repository. The gallery has already been open to developers and curious bloggers for a couple of weeks, but Yahoo! is now pushing it to the public at large via...

  • Web
    Full Text of Ray Ozzie Mesh Memo

    As we wrote last night, the new Live Mesh service that just launched as an invite only "technology preview" is Microsoft's attempt to tie all of our data together. Live Mesh synchronizes data across multiple devices (currently just Windows computers, but theoretically it will extend to mobile and other devices...

  • Web
    Super Hot: Muxtape With Coverflow

    MP3 "mix tape" site Muxtape has been my preferred source of new music for the last few weeks now, in large part because the simple interface is such a joy to use. Now, internet and organic root-beer lover Colin Sproule has come up with a great way for Mac users...

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