Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Social
    One Year On: Imeem Hype Falls Flat

    One year ago we reported that music-based social networking site Imeem was experiencing strong growth and making key deals with record labels. Our conclusion at the time was that "Imeem's growth rate and buzz is reminiscent of that of YouTube just before it got huge."Big words indeed. To see if...

  • Web
    MySpace to Unveil Integration With Sites Around the Web, Using Open Standards

    MySpace will announce in the next few weeks a major new feature being added to its MySpaceID product that will allow third-party websites to write updates into the MySpace activity feed just like Facebook Connect, but will also incorporate open semantic microformat code in order to comprehend what those updates...

  • Web
    MiFi Gets an API: A Wifi Hotspot In Your Pocket, With Apps

    The product that used to be a personal wifi hotspot in your pocket will now become an API-enabled connectivity hub with apps. The MiFi portable multi-person wireless router that we first wrote about in December and joined a chorus of positive reviews for in June now allows outside developers to...

  • Web
    The Favorite iPhone Apps of Five Geek Rock Stars

    Apps on the iPhone are a big deal, but there are so many of them that it can be hard to find the good ones. It's fun to compare your own selections with favorites from friends and we thought it could be fun as well to see what some well...

  • Web
    Free Alternatives to Photoshop With All the Bells, Whistles, Filters, & Layers

    Let's face it: If cropping was all you needed to do, you'd just use MS Paint. Photoshop, Adobe's industry standard for image editing, costs a whopping, unforgivable $600; and because there's no affordable and equivalent option for non-pro users, we're willing to wager Photoshop places high in the rankings for...

  • Web
    The Wearable Internet Will Blow Mobile Phones Away

    Earlier this year at the TED conference, Pattie Maes from the MIT Media Lab's Fluid Interfaces Group showcased a wearable computing system that allows users to display and interact with the Web on any surface - including the human body. The video shows the system's main developer, Pranav Mistry, taking...

  • Web
    Bits of Destruction Hit the Book Publishing Business: Part 2

    In part 1 of this series, we looked at the three big waves crashing down on the traditional book publishing business: Google Search, the Kindle and e-books, and print on demand. In this second part, we'll try to wipe the muck from our crystal ball and see how this could...

  • Entertainment
    Microsoft to Challenge Pandora, Later This Month

    Microsoft is planning on launching its own streaming music service by the end of July, Emma Barnett reported today in the UK Telegraph. A Microsoft exec told Barnett that the service would likely resemble Spotify, a popular European music startup that combines ad-supported free streaming music with a premium ad-free...

  • Web
    Remember Silverlight? Version 3 Launch and Features

    Microsoft's Silverlight 3 and Expression 3 were released on July 9th to favorable reviews. The original Silverlight shipped in Fall 2007 as Microsoft's first programmable web browser plug-in. It's a 4MB Flash/Flex competitor that runs on Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and mobile devices. While Flash definitely holds the market share...

  • Work
    Atlassian’s Crucible & Fisheye 2.0 Are Rough Around the Edges

    This month, Atlassian launched the 2.0 versions of Crucible and FishEye, their collaborative software for coders. For those who're unfamiliar, FishEye is a browser for source code repositories, and Crucible is a tool for peer code reviews. Both have had a complete UI makeover that shines, but despite a strong...

  • Web
    Search and Rescue: 6 Approaches to Semantic Data Collection

    It's been more than ten years since Tim Berners-Lee first spoke about the semantic web and computers indexing all web-based data. He said, "The day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The 'intelligent agents' people have touted for ages will...

  • Web
    Family Friendly Social Network Glubble Gets Photo Sharing and a New CEO

    Glubble, which provides families with their own free social networks and also features a Firefox plugin that makes surfing the net safer and easier for children and hooks right into Glubble's web services, released a major update of its service today. Most importantly, Glubble now features a very well thought-out...

  • Web
    As The Sun Sets on MySpace – Who Will Beat Facebook?

    The year was 2013. Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg was still the social network's public persona, but he had a young family and new-found loves of world travel, exotic regional cocktails and faux-native art. Facebook had become overgrown with spammy apps and awkwardly targeted advertisements. The company quietly gave Zuckerberg a...

  • Mobile
    What Are Bloggers, Tweeters and Forum-Posters Saying About the New iPhone 48 Hours After Launch?

    48 hours after the release of the much-anticipated iPhone 3GS and its new 3.0 software, people are just beginning to put it through its paces and report on their reactions. Norwegian consumer generated media (CGM) analysis firm Integrasco has been monitoring several social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and...

  • Web
    Twitter Event Suite Solves Planning Twubbles

    Twubs - it's not the mean-spirited nickname the kids called us in high school, nor is it the Miami Vice detective opposite Don Johnson. Similar to, Twubs is a Twitter aggregator that allows users to contribute on breaking news, popular trends, shared conferences and memes such as #followfriday and...

  • Web
    Evernote Launches Palm App

    Evernote just announced the release of its native application for the Palm Pre. The company recently celebrated its 1 millionth user despite the note taking product's initial mixed reviews. The company hopes to boost their mobile audience with the Palm release and have already implemented location-based functionality in the Pre,...

  • Web
    Are Trolls Ruining Social Media?

    You may have heard the newsthis morning about Trent Reznor quitting Twitter due to the behavior of internet trolls who made the experience both uncomfortable and upsetting. OK, he didn't quite use those exact words - his rant was much more profane - but you get the drift. However, Reznor...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Wave Hands-On, Microsoft Bing Goes Live, Real-Time Cellphone Data, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we have one of the very first hands-on reviews of Google Wave, we check out the new Microsoft Bing search engine, analyze another new Google product called Squared, look at what applications will be...

  • Work
    PBworks Launches Project Edition, With Free Access for Clients & Guests

    PBworks (which recently changed its name from PBwiki) has announced a new option for those seeking a hosted collaborative workspace, Project Edition. On top of the basic free wiki, PBworks will now have five specialized products available. The enhanced project management features of the latest edition is just one reason...

  • Work
    Atlassian Announces Confluence 3.0 & Plugin Exchange, Acquires GreenHopper

    Leading enterprise software provider Atlassian announced this morning the launch of Confluence 3.0, an upgrade to the wiki platform that we named one of the top 10 enterprise products of 2008. The new release significantly enhances the social networking side of Confluence, adding activity streams and Twitter-like status updates. Atlassian...

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