Results for "Product Reviews"

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  • Web
    Bing Goes Hyperlocal With Portland Food Cart Finder

    During an event at Alpha Broadcasting's new Bing Lounge in downtown Portland today, Microsoft announced the launch of its first hyperlocal Bing product: a food cart finder that provides Portland's food cart-crazy population with access to menus, directions and reviews for over 250 food carts. While this is obviously a...

  • Web
    Want To Get People’s Attention? Bribe Them With iPads

    Everyone wants to replicate Apple's smash hit, instant cool, stand-in-line-overnight success when it comes time to roll out a product or stage an event. Plenty of companies attempt this by imitating Apple, copying its sleek design or attempting to maximize hype using secrecy. Not surprisingly, that turns out to be...

  • Web
    Q&A: Janrain’s CEO Discusses OpenID in the Federal Government

    Janrain is a Portland company working with the federal government to replace login and registration blocks with an OpenID framework. The company is the only service provider that is working with the Apps.Gov site to provide OpenID-based login and registration tools.We asked JanRain CEO Brian Kissel to provide some background...

  • Web
    Apple Patents Travel, Hotel and Fashion Applications

    Three new patent applications that just became public on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website reveal that Apple is now patenting ideas for mobile applications. Specifically, these patents applications describe iPhone apps that would aid in making travel arrangements, booking hotels and shopping. The patent applications were uncovered...

  • Web
    Fake Chinese iPads No Longer Hot Sellers

    China's vibrant "shanzhai" (also "shanzai") industry, which modifies or knocks off existing electronic products, quickly pounced on the iPad as it did many other phones and devices., a site that reviews these ersatz gadgets, reported the first iPad clone in March. Since then the faux iPads have reportedly been...

  • Mobile
    Google Makes Finding Places Easier on Android’s Google Maps App

    With nearly 1.5 billion mobile users estimated to be using location-based search and information services by 2014, it's no secret that the race is on to take the lead in serving up local search results on mobile platforms. To that end, search engine giant Google has made efforts on multiple...

  • Web
    Twitter’s Earlybird: If You Can’t Be Good, Be Early

    Twitter launched its first sponsored promotion on @earlybird today, the official e-commerce account that ReadWriteWeb first reported on earlier this month. Followers of the account got a link retweeted for buy one get one free tickets to Disney's new movie Sorcerer's Apprentice.The contrast between this launch and the launch of...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Arrives For Linux

    Streaming music service Spotify may not have made its way to the U.S. quite yet, but it has arrived in another much requested realm: Linux. A product of "hack days and late nights," the Linux version is something that the company says it hopes to make sure "keeps pace with...

  • Social
    Facebook’s OpenGraph, Three Months Later

    It's been about 90 days since the f8 Facebook Conference and the debut of OpenGraph, a platform consisting of publisher plugins, semantic markup and a developer API. Every new vehicle needs time for a shakedown drive, to bang out the kinks and to see if users can make something of...

  • Work
    Cisco Entering Tablet Market with Android-Based Device

    Cisco announced today the Cius, an Android-based seven-inch tablet computer aimed at the enterprise. The device will feature both front and rear-facing cameras, Cisco TelePresence-compatible video conferencing and access to applications such as Cisco Quad, WebEx and AnyConnect Security VPN Client, as well as access to the Android app store....

  • Web
    Hulu Announces Monthly Subscription, Support for iPhone/iPad; Still Ad Supported

    The rumors about a paid subscription service coming to Hulu have turned out to be true, as the online video hub has announced Hulu Plus - a premium service that will give users access to more content on more platforms for a monthly fee. For $9.99, subscribers will be able...

  • Web
    The Trilogy of Webs for Machines: Mashing It All Together

    Almost one year ago we started a post series that presented three different webs that are all made for machines. Now it is time to connect those webs and look at examples of how they can be used. To recap, first we looked at the Web of Data, which contains...

  • Web
    Buy the New iPhone from your Current iPhone? There’s an App for That

    It's "pre-order your new iPhone day" and just in time, Apple has released its own branded iPhone application called simply "Apple Store." Not to be confused with "App Store," which houses the 225,000 mobile applications (at last count), this new iPhone application instead allows mobile shoppers to browse through official...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Don’t Waste Precious Years Of Your Life

    Today quite a variety of entrepreneurs presented their business ideas at my Online Strategy Roundtables. Several times I brought up how precious our time is and we need to treat it as such. So many people become enamored with technology and the building of the product before they ever think...

  • Work
    Gmail’s New API: Email as Enterprise Platform

    Google has announced the availability of a new Application Programming Interface (API) that allows 3rd party services to offer contextually relevant content and functionality inside the email interface of Google Apps Gmail users. It's just the latest sign that the email sector is heating up again. If you've noticed the...

  • Mobile
    MyCityWay: Portals Are Back, This Time For Mobile

    Last week in New York, I met up with two of the founders of MyCityWay. It's a portal for location-based mobile applications for city navigation, available on iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android. Around 50 different services are currently available in the MyCityWay app. Despite the 90's style user interface, in...

  • Web
    Ranching in the Cloud

    This is a follow-up to our earlier post on RFID and rustling. This is the first draft of a blueprint for a grassroots method a rancher could use, free of federal involvement, to employ RFID against rustling. This is not the finished product. Federal livestock-tagging systems have been tried before,...

  • Cloud
    Blockbuster Video Launches API to Open the Web, Mobile, Set Top Boxes and More

    Blockbuster Video is launching an API called "Blockbuster Everywhere." The new cross-channel API is designed to deliver films, reviews and real-time inventory to devices that include phones, set top boxes, gaming consoles and other point-of-sale locations such as gas stations.The Blockbuster story is another example of how companies are re-architecting...

  • Social
    Consumer Reports: Half of Social Network Users are “Oversharing,” Endangering Privacy

    Consumer Reports, a longtime trusted name in product ratings and reviews, has today released its annual "State of the Net" report, which finds that over half (52%) of social network users post risky information online. Among the transgressions: using weak passwords, listing full birth dates, ignoring privacy settings and making...

  • Web
    Startups and the Lure of the (Hyper)Local

    For a long time, technology has been touted as a force that can help us connect globally. But the urge to stay connected locally remains. And the same technological innovations that have facilitated global commerce and communication now seem to be turned towards helping us (re)connect to our neighborhoods, communities...

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