Results for "Product Reviews"

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  • Social
    500 Billion Impressions: 16% of Users Generate Majority of Brand Impressions on Social Media Sites

    Today, about 145 million Internet users in the U.S. use social web applications. In total, all of these users generate close to 500 billion online impressions on each other. According to a new report from Forrester Research, a mere 16% of online consumers generate a grand total of 80% of...

  • Web
    Lessons From Yelp’s Ordeal: Retaining Customer Trust is Key

    Here at ReadWriteStart, we've mentioned the importance of credibility as an entrepreneur when meeting with venture capitalists and potential investors, but it is also important to carry that credibility forward into your company as you interface with customers. Amid rumors that it was extorting businesses by offering to de-emphasize negative...

  • Social
    OneForty Unveils Twitter Toolkits: Get App Advice From Guy Kawasaki, Steve Rubel & More

    One of the best ways to find out who to follow on Twitter is to find someone you really find interesting, look at who they follow, and go from there. Taking that same idea, Twitter app store OneForty, which we dubbed one of the top ten startups of 2009, will...

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    Why You Need to Be Developing for the iPad Right Now

    On Saturday Apple let the public get their hands on their newest creation, the iPad, setting off a flood of hype and media coverage which has likely yet to reach its peak. Yes, this is yet another post about the iPad, and my apologies go to those who are tired...

  • Web
    Wolfram Alpha Admits Mistake: Mobile Site is Back; iPhone App Down from $50 to $1.99

    Once upon a time, Wolfram Alpha tried to charge $50 for its iPhone app while, at the same time, offering a free iPhone-optimized mobile site. Then, the company shut down the mobile site of its "computational knowledge engine" altogether. Now, however, Wolfram is reversing this strategy and is not just...

  • Web
    Want to Read Good Journalism? Try NewsTrust’s New Personalized Filtering Tool

    Fair, thorough, enterprising and in context - that's what we're looking for in the journalism we read, isn't it? At a time when shallow ranting takes up so much space in public discourse, a new media evaluation technology offers hope, inspiration and is a lot of fun to use.NewsTrust is...

  • Mobile
    Smartphone Users Want Mobile Coupons, Barcode Scanners & Location-Aware Ads

    Once upon a time, smartphones were mostly about connecting busy professionals with their email accounts while on the go. Now that smartphones have reached the mainstream consumer market, however, people are looking for more than just email access - and a surprisingly large number of smartphones hardly ever leave their...

  • Mobile
    Springpad Takes on Evernote with Semantic Technology, Barcode Scanner

    Springpad, a rival to Evernote's popular cross-platform note-taking service, has just bumped the competition up a notch with a new release that integrates semantic technology to automatically enhance the notes you save with relevant info. What this means is that if you save a movie, Springpad is smart enough to...

  • Work
    The New Windows Phone: How Does The Enterprise Fit In?

    The Windows Phone 7 received a lot of praise after its launch at the Mobile World Congress today for its elegant, minimalist interface. From what we've seen, it does look striking.What we also find to be crystal clear: Microsoft is putting far more emphasis on the consumer market than its...

  • Mobile
    MeeGo: A New Linux OS to Fight iPhone, iPad and More

    Nokia and Intel have just announced the creation of MeeGo, a new Linux-based operating system designed for portable devices including netbooks and smartphones as well as other non-desktop platforms like connected TVs and vehicles. The new OS is a combination of Nokia's Maemo and Intel's Moblin, both Linux-based computing environments....

  • Web
    Live Blogging from Google: Launch of Google Buzz

    This morning, Google is announcing some exciting new features for two of its most popular applications.Team Red, as we affectionately call ourselves, is present at the Googleplex in Mountain View, and we'll be live blogging the event, giving you, dear reader, a fascinating play-by-play. Stay tuned for updates! The event...

  • Web
    VMware Partner Exchange 2010: What happens in Vegas Comes to your Enterprise

    If you're releasing products integrated into the VMware ecosystem, you're likely enjoying enjoying the Las Vegas Strip this week. VMware Partner Exchange 2010 kicked off at the Mandalay Bay hotel today, and it is the place to learn about the current state of affairs and how to quantify tangible benefits...

  • Social
    Facebook Shows Its Cards With Bing on Ad Strategy: Full House

    As we've seen from some of the previews of the new layout, search is becoming more of a focal point for Facebook, and today's announcement seems to back that up. Microsoft and Facebook announced this morning an expanded partnership, making Bing the default search engine for Facebook's more than 400...

  • Mobile
    Siri: Your Personal Assistant for the Mobile Web

    Siri is one of the most ambitious mobile services we have seen in the last few years. Imagine if you could just talk to you phone and tell it to call you a taxi, reserve a table at your favorite restaurant or tell you what the weather in New York...

  • Social
    Privacy, Facebook and the Future of the Internet

    Today is the 3rd annual international Data Privacy Day and a whole bunch of companies are listed on the organization's website as participants. Google, Microsoft, even Walmart. Facebook is not listed as a participant and has stirred up a lot of controversy with changes to its privacy policy lately.Why are...

  • Web
    How To Find a Great Startup Mentor

    If you're an early-stage entrepreneur and this is your first startup company, you are not alone. Thousands are toiling over code in the hopes that their product will gain users and revenue. The problem with being someone who can build a great product is that you might know more about...

  • Web
    Google Looks Beyond Review Sites: Now Aggregates Posts from Local Blogs on Place Pages

    When you search for a local business on Google Maps, Google displays general information like address and opening hours about this business. Since December 2009, Google Place Pages also present a sentiment analysis based on comments on sites like CitySearch, Zagat, OpenTable and TripAdvisor. Now, Google has started to display...

  • Web
    Always Be Testing: 8 Services For Usability Feedback

    Over the weekend we had a chance to highlight - a company that opted to release early (and imperfectly) in exchange for valuable user feedback. As companies look to their peers and audiences to help define product features, there's a greater need for scalable testing platforms. Here's a summary...

  • Work
    Gauging Mass Opinion: Don’t Label it Social Media

    In the first generation of the social Web, the marketing groups and public relations teams would develop reports to provide metrics for a particular campaign. They were pretty much the sole users of "social media," technologies.That's a problem as far as WiseWindow is concerned. Social media is a poor label...

  • Web
    Will 2010 Be the Year of the Smartphone?

    For more details about the launch of the Nexus One, see our live blog of Google's press event. Later today, Google plans to unveil its own smartphone, the Nexus One. According to new data from research firm Forrerster's new U.S. Omnibus Survey, Google is launching this phone at just the...

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