Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    More Smartphone Users Now Use Their Phones to Shop Online

    Smartphone users are becoming increasingly comfortable with using their phones to shop online. According to new data from Compete, about 37% of smartphone users have purchased something with their handset in the last six months. Among the most popular items that these users bought were music, books, DVDs, video games...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s List of Kid-Friendly Online Resources

    In an ironic twist of fate for 2009, Fox's IGN Entertainment, a company known for its game reviews of products like Zombie Apocalypse acquired What They Play. The newest member of Fox Interactive is touted as the "family guide to video games" and offers reviews, warnings and suggested products. Under...

  • Web
    Why and How Embargoes Work in Tech Blogging

    An embargo is something that tech companies use to set a time when their product will launch and the press can publish their reviews of it. Embargoes aren't as simple as they sound and they aren't uncontroversial, either.We believe they can be a good idea, though. Below we discuss why...

  • Web
    5 Sites to Help You Set Up Your New Gadgets

    It's been almost a year since I last worked with DIY repair site FixYa but I still remember the traffic spike we'd see every Christmas. While families would be thrilled to unwrap smart phones, netbooks and flat screen monitors in the early morning, they'd find themselves lost in a sea...

  • Web
    Best BigCo of 2009

    In one of ReadWriteWeb's longest-running traditions, every year we review the top Internet companies and their impact over the past 12 months. Today we're announcing the 6th annual Best BigCo, a.k.a. big Internet company. Next week we'll announce Best LittleCo and Most Promising Company.In 2008 the Best BigCo went to...

  • Web
    Use OutLook? Liaise Intelligent Assistant Available Now

    Outlook users can now use email plug-in Liaise to automatically extract action items, delegation and priority levels from the free text of email conversations. This is software that's so cool it makes me jealous of Windows users.Liaise launched in September and won the Peoples' Choice Award for Enterprise Products at...

  • Web
    Apple Kicks Cheating Developer Out of the App Store

    Apple has just booted a major iPhone developer out of the iTunes App Store along with their catalog of 1,000-plus apps, a number so high it represented almost 1% of all the apps in the store. The developer, Molinker Inc., has been accused of attempting to game the ratings system...

  • Web
    Boxee Beta Releases New Social Dashboard

    In a world where content is king, Boxee has found a way to give entertainment producers the royal treatment. After a successful App challenge and calculated rollouts of its Mac, Windows and Linux releases, internet television platform Boxee is launching into private beta with a new and improved look. ReadWriteWeb...

  • Mobile
    How Google Will Infiltrate the Real-World: Mobile Coupons, Barcodes, and Visual Search

    The rapid growth of the mobile web is a force that could be disruptive to Google, a company that built its search engine for a desktop-based world. On the handheld, all bets are off. Anyone with an innovative concept for improving mobile search could gain ground, possibly even overtaking Google...

  • Work
    In the Same Space as Google Docs? The Service Better Measure Up

    When a service shows similarities to Google Docs, we expect there to be some key differentiating factors. Otherwise, the new service provider runs the risk of being perceived as trying to ride the coat tails of the leader. The product better work, too, without requiring any significant degree of support. In our...

  • Web
    The Day The Highway Went Coast-to-Coast: 70+ SocNet Feeds Normalized by New API

    Cliqset is a Florida-based technology startup that end-users have had a hard time understanding. The company just released a new product that developers should have no trouble with at all and that could send waves of innovation across the social web.Called Cliqset FeedProxy, the service consumes user activity feeds from...

  • Web
    Top 10 Consumer Web Apps of 2009

    Every year at ReadWriteWeb, we look at hundreds of new web apps aimed at everyday users. Occasionally, we come across a service that stands out from the pack because it offers a novel solution, disrupts the way incumbent market leaders do business or changes the way we experience the Web.Here is...

  • Web
    Like Google Wave for Developers: Real-Time, Collaborative Code Editing

    Our startup-minded readers may remember Mike Trotzke, our good friend who, with a little help from his good friends Marc Guyer and Brad Wisler, founded a startup incubator called SproutBox earlier this year.One of the latest sprouts to emerge from the box is Squad, Trotzke's gift to developers everywhere -...

  • Mobile
    How to Prepare Your iPhone for Black Friday

    The holidays are now upon us and after today's turkey is digested, it will be time to strap on your most comfortable shoes and prepare for an early day of marathon shopping. "Black Friday," the unofficial retail holiday that lands the day after Thanksgiving, kicks off the season with deals...

  • Web
    What Twitter’s New Geolocation Makes Possible

    Twitter turned on its long-awaited Geolocation API today, meaning that users can opt-in to having their messages annotated with their exact locations. The significance of this is made clear by comparing it with last week's release of 500 million time-stamped Twitter messages for analysis."You take this data, mash it up...

  • Mobile
    The Top 10 Mobile Applications of 2012

    Research firm Gartner has just put out a list of the top ten mobile applications of the future. Well, not the distant future, but the far off year of 2012. Nothing on the list is all that surprising or, in many cases, even all that new. Instead, the list includes...

  • Web
    Rdio: First Screenshots Leaked of Skype Founders’ New Music Service

    We've been lucky enough to get our hands on leaked screenshots from one version of Rdio, the forthcoming music app from Skype, KaZaA and Joost creators Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. Zennstrom and Friis were the original financiers behind peer-to-peer file sharing site KaZaA, but Rdio won't be following a...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: The Rise of the Micro-Screencast

    Editor's note: we offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write 'Sponsor Posts' and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: The Web in 5 Years, Hulu’s Plans, Google Wave Use Cases, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze how Google CEO Eric Schmidt thinks the Web will evolve, review Hulu's latest plans to make money, investigate use cases for Google Wave, ask why VCs aren't investing in Augmented...

  • Entertainment
    Why Aren’t VCs Backing Augmented Reality?

    Some people believe that Augmented Reality (AR), the class of technologies that place images or data on top of other views of the physical world, could be the web browser of the future. AR has rocketed out of the research labs and is catching mass market interest fast - from...

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