Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    New Apps for iPhone & Android, June 2011

    In our continuing tradition of rounding up new mobile application releases we found interesting and/or exciting over the past month, we present you with this new list of apps for June 2011. Previously in June, we shared a list of apps that came out in May and during the first...

  • Mobile
    AddThis Arrives for Mobile App Developers

    AddThis, Clearspring's online content sharing platform, has just arrived in a format for mobile app developers to take advantage of, on both iOS and Android ( the latter in beta). "Everything is shifting to mobile very quickly," explains AddThis CEO Hooman Radfar. "Our community of 9 million plus publishers are...

  • Mobile
    Some Apps Do Sell: Developer Makes $750K in 3 Weeks on Android Market

    In May, a pair of reports painted a troublesome portrait of the app economy on Google's Android Market. First, mobile analytics firm Distimofound that the vast majority of paid applications were downloaded less than 100 times, and a few days later, mobile search firm Chompreported that 97% of all Android...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Skype for iPad Details Leaked and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week we look at a...

  • Work
    New IBM Analytics Technology Helps Clients Unlock Big Data

    IBM's Netezza division today announced a new appliance that allows organizations to analyze up to 10 petabytes of data in a matter of minutes. The technology is designed to help industries uncover patterns and trends from large data sets and is the first new product since IBM acquired the company...

  • Web
    Can E-Books Save Barnes & Noble?

    The publishing and bookseller world as a whole has seen substantial shake-up over the last few years: the rise of the e-book, the collapse of Borders, for example. And the world's largest bookseller Barnes & Noble has received its own fair share of mixed reviews lately as well. On one...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone “Mango” Rethinks Our App Addiction

    Thereviewsarein. Windows Phone "Mango" is a hit with gadget bloggers. "Mango," the code-name for Microsoft's upcoming release of its mobile operating system Windows Phone, is a big leap forward with a total of around 500 new features. Many of those are addressing real pain points for current users. With Mango,...

  • Web
    The Chromebook: Ready for the Web, Not Ready to Replace Your PC

    The Chromebook is ready for the Web, but is the Web ready for the Chromebook? This is the fundamental question you must ask yourself before deciding to fork over $400 to $500 dollars for one of the new Google Chrome-powered notebook computers, available as of today. The Chromebook, with initial...

  • Social
    2WAY Summit Preview: Who’s Leading the Future of Location?

    According to comScore, 16.7 million people used location check-in services in March 2011. More than 12.6 million of those people did so through their smartphones. The rise of the smartphone and location services are inextricably linked as platforms like FourSquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places and Google Latitude become mainstays in people's...

  • Work
    Does Your Enterprise Have a Social Media Policy?

    If not, now is the time to craft one, or at least start thinking about how to go about the process. We've written earlier about the unintended consequences of social media posts and how there is no delete button for the Internet. But more important than removing posts is in...

  • Web
    Introducing Our New Business Channels Editor: David Strom

    Over the past couple of years we've been growing our ReadWriteWeb channels. These are subsites of ReadWriteWeb that are targeted at a specific audience. We now have six channels: ReadWriteEnterprise, ReadWriteCloud, ReadWriteHack, ReadWriteBiz, ReadWriteStart and ReadWriteMobile. As our channels have grown, the opportunity has arisen for an experienced editorial manager...

  • Mobile
    NFC in 2011: ViVOtech, the “Brains” Behind NFC

    ViVOtech may not be a household name like Google, Visa, MasterCard or even VeriFone, but it is a company at the forefront of the NFC industry. This software-and-systems company connects banks, retail stores and mobile phone providers who are offering NFC products and services to consumers. More recently, ViVOtech has...

  • Web
    Google Street View Goes Inside Businesses With Google Business Photos

    Today at the Social-Loco conference in San Francisco, Google VP of Product Marisa Mayer announced the newest addition to Google Places and Street View - Google Business Photos.With Google Business Photos, Google Street View no longer stops at the front stoop of that French bistro you've been wondering about but...

  • Mobile
    Quixey: New Dashboard for Developers to Aid with App Discovery

    Of the many challenges mobile application developers face today, one of the most pressing is that of app discovery. There are over 330,000 apps for iPhone, 75,755 for iPad and 206,000+ for Android, at the last count. It is not enough to simply launch an app anymore - the app...

  • Mobile
    Bing Becomes Default Search & Maps on BlackBerry Phones, Deeply Integrated in OS

    This morning at the BlackBerry World conference in Orlando, Florida, RIM President and co-CEO Mike Lazaridis was joined by RIM's industry partners to talk about and demonstrate the company's products and solutions in action. One of those partners was a surprise guest: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who announced Microsoft's new...

  • Mobile
    Adobe Flash Player 10.2 Ready For Honeycomb; Honeycomb Not Ready For Anything

    Adobe released its new version of Flash Player 10.2 for Android Honeycomb yesterday with a promise of features and functionality for Android tablets. Yet, there is a problem.Android tablets cannot yet support Flash 10.2.In a note sent along with the release, Adobe said, "Please note that users of the Motorola...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Developers – Would You Kill Your Free App?

    In a long and detailed blog post, Marco Arment, creator of the popular "read later" application Instapaper explained why he decided to kill off the app's free version. According to Arment, his decision was due to the "significant costs in development and support," "the undesirable customers" the free version attracted,...

  • Mobile
    Is RIM Acquistion Headed for the PlayBook?

    Research In Motion is continuing its "development by acquisition" strategy as it announced today that the company has acquired calendar and scheduling application words "calendar" and "BlackBerry" have been together a lot recently. That is because RIM's new tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, shipped without a native calendar, contacts or...

  • Work
    Paul Greenberg Launches CRM Idol Competition

    Paul Greenberg announced this week a fun new project called CRM Idol that will have 60 small CRM-related companies go up in front of a panel of judges and be reviewed.The problem Greenberg outlines is one that we're familiar with here at ReadWriteWeb: bloggers, journalists, analysts, venture capitalists, etc. are...

  • Mobile
    Consumers Don’t Want Prototypes (They Want iPads)

    There's an interesting trend happening in mobile these days. Companies - major companies like Samsung, Motorola, Kyocera, RIM and Microsoft - are launching unfinished, unpolished products and then asking us, the consumers, to buy them based on their "potential." Despite the fact that the new BlackBerry tablet computer has no...

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