Results for "Product Reviews"

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    2009 Tips for Big Web Companies

    2009 is approaching quickly, and the consensus is that it's going to be a really tough year. The US financial crisis is triggering a global recession. Yet, a crisis is also a time full of hope. It is a time to re-think, re-tool, and get ready for the next upswing.For...

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    10 More Semantic Apps to Watch

    In November 2007, we listed 10 Semantic apps to watch and yesterday we published an update on what each had achieved over the past year. All of them are still alive and well - a couple are thriving, some are experimenting and a few are still finding their way.Now we're...

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    The Slow Death of Print: RIP PC Magazine

    PC Magazine, Ziff Davis' flagship print publication, has announced that it will go 100% digital. The January 2009 issue will mark the end of PC Magazine's print edition after 27 years of continuous publication. Instead of the print version, PC Magazine will start publishing a digital version of the magazine,...

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    10 Semantic Apps to Watch – One Year Later

    In November 2007, we listed and reviewed 10 promising Semantic Web apps. A lot can happen in one year on the Internet, so we thought we'd check back in with each of the 10 products and see how they're progressing. What's changed over the past year and what are these...

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    Microsoft’s New Photo Sharing Service: Live Photos

    Microsoft today announced a new photo sharing product, Microsoft Live Photos, which integrates very nicely with Microsoft's Windows Live Photo Gallery desktop photo application, and is yet another product in the long list of Windows Live services that Microsoft introduced today. In many respects, Live Photos clearly competes directly with...

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    Hulu: Ugly Duckling No More

    It's hard to believe that it's been a year since Hulu - the joint online video venture between NBC Universal and News Corp. - began streaming content. Its initial reception, after months of anticipation and a good helping of ridicule, was less than warm. Old media companies trying to take...

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    Five Ways to Keep Your Momentum After A Big Announcement

    Congratulations! You made a big announcement and got great reviews, feedback and an influx of people to your website. Yesterday. Today, any number of other organizations and individuals are having the same experience and except for (hopefully) a long tail of residual late bloomers stumbling through your door - you...

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    Google Announces Labs for Google Apps

    Lately, Google has rolled out new features for its experimental Google Labs functionality in Gmail at a rapid pace. Today, Google announced a similar product that will bring experimental features to enterprise and small business customers: Labs for Google Apps. These apps are built on top of the Google App...

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    Some of The Smartest Companies on The Internet Sponsor ReadWriteWeb

    Here at ReadWriteWeb, we work hard to provide you with the smartest Internet news and reviews each and every day. The sponsors that give us the opportunity to spend our time writing are companies that appreciate the thoughtfulness of the whole community here, including our readers. Once a week we...

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    Go Virtual Window Shopping at Amazon’s New

    Amazon's is a new site introduced late last week which allows you to virtually browse through the best-selling products in various categories. You can scroll through the content and zoom in and out on product previews in a style that very much reminds of how the Cooliris browser...

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    Three Hot G1 Android Apps Already Out

    In June 2007, the world was eagerly awaiting a product that would turn mobile computing on its proverbial ear, the Apple iPhone. Comparisons between the days leading up to that launch and this week are inevitable, as we once again find ourselves anxiously awaiting a groundbreaking mobile product, the first...

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    Weekly Wrapup: After Web 2.0, Newsfeeds, Recommendation Technologies, And More…

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. On the trends side this week, we had a great discussion about what's next after web 2.0, celebrated the success of the newsfeed, looked at enterprise use of social media, helped Twitter find a revenue model, and...

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    MOO’s Business Card API And The Mashups Made With It

    The popular and quirky is a print shop providing stickers, postcards, business cards and personal introduction cards, which are narrower and longer cards. The products can feature artistic images you select from the site's offerings or can be printed using photos you upload to the service. Notable for promoting...

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    5 Ways to Sell Social Media to Your Boss

    I recently outlined why I'm sick of the 'ROI in web 2.0' discussion. To be specific, the debate as to whether there is one at all.In that post, I gave examples of how naysayers reacted to social media tools in the past - and how they were left in the...

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    PopGist: Yahoo Search Results in Context

    In the past, we have written extensively about the potential of BOSS, Yahoo's open search web services platform. BOSS is an open API that lets developers access and manipulate Yahoo's search results. A wide range of companies, including Hakia and Me.dium, are currently using it to power their own search...

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    Blogging Dream Team Joins Forces to Challenge Engadget, TreeHugger and More

    A team of leading bloggers from the early days of AOL-acquired Weblogs Inc. has come together again to build their ideal blogging software and raise a new network of blogs to challenge top sites in personal electronics, eco-awareness and other niches yet to be announced. Calling themselves Crowd Fusion, the...

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    Religion and Web Technology, Part 3: Inside Islam

    This week we're looking at how religious organizations are using Web technology. Today's post looks at a blog that aims to "challenge misconceptions and stereotypical perceptions about Islam and Muslims worldwide". The site is Inside Islam and we caught up with lead blogger Kaitlin Foley today to find out more....

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    Electronic Arts Evolves: Slightly Relaxes Spore DRM

    Spore was one of the most anticipated PC games of the year and launched to great hype. While most reviewers weren't too ecstatic about the game itself, it was Electronic Arts' attempt to stop piracy with an overly restrictive DRM scheme that got Spore a lot of its post-launch coverage....

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    Sometimes Google Isn’t Enough: New Research Engine Searches “Deep Web”

    What do you do when you need to research something on the web? You just google it, right? Using a web search engine like Google is usually fine for casual searches, but when you need to delve deep into a subject, it just won't do. What you really need is...

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    The Digital Office Part 1: Hardware & Gadgets

    If you had a 'clean sheet' opportunity to create the ideal digital office environment for you and/or your business, what would you buy? What hardware and software would give you a productivity advantage, while being fun and affordable? Here is what we did in our London based marketing agency. This...

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