Home Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 June 2007

Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 June 2007

The Weekly Wrapups have been a feature of Read/WriteWeb since the beginning of January
(when they were called Web 2.0 Weekly Wrapups). Nowadays the Wrapup is designed
for those of you who can’t keep up with a daily dose of RSS. Here then is a summary of
the week’s Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly
Wrapups, either via the special
RSS feed
or by

Top Web News

This week was dominated by iPhone Fever, which ended Friday
evening US time when they were finally released to the public (as you can see from the
photo on the left). The hype and anticipation around Apple’s launch of the iPhone – for
those non-geeks among you, a next generation mobile phone based on iPod and other
innovations – was incredible. Read/WriteWeb focused on the web applications being
developed for the iPhone. See our post iPhone Web
Development Frenzy
for an overview of the web apps being readied for the iPhone. Also
we looked at Office Apps on
the iPhone
, in particular the brewing competition between iPhone and the leading
corporate PIM/phone device, the Blackberry. We also reviewed
the first iPhone Development platform
, created by Morfik.

Somewhat overshadowed by Apple was the Day
of Silence
from Internet radio stations. last100
covered this too
. On Tuesday thousands of US-based webcasters went silent for a day,
in a unified effort to draw attention to the Copyright Board’s pending 300%
Internet radio royalty hike. Notably absent: last.fm, which was recently acquired by

There was plenty of other news this week:

Analysis Posts

This week we explored recent trends and activities around some of
the big companies: Yahoo, Facebook, Google, Microsoft. Here are those posts:

For the more developer-inclined among you, you will enjoy Alex Iskold’s proposal for
, which Alex says will result in a Web with Less Search.

We also continued our popular Top Web Apps international
series, with a look at the Top Web Apps in
. As you will see from that post, Canada is home to a lot of innovative web
services and the population there is very Internet-savvy.

Featured Posts

Josh Catone brought us 3 new market review posts:

R/WW Network Blogs

Our Digital Lifestyle blog last100 tells us
3 features they wrote this week:

Over on AltSearchEngines, there are some excellent
reviews of new search engines – including green ones,
, and
cooking search engines

Startup Action

This week’s Startup of the Week is Zude, aStart
Page on Steroids
that Phil Butler reviewed. We also reviewed, in depth, the following
new Web products Fairtilizer,
a new Online Music service
(with an odd name!) and the much hyped Spock,
which Alex Iskold says is vertical search done right.


Our poll this week asked: will you buy
an iPhone; and if so – when?
. We had a little under 1000 votes (as at press time) and
here are the results:

I’ll buy it as soon as it’s available in my country (June 29 for US) 19% (185

I’ve already got an iPhone! (e.g. you’re press, or won a prize, etc) 0% (3 votes)

I’ll wait a few months, then buy one 22% (214 votes)

I have no plans to buy one, at this stage 42% (406 votes)

I’ll never buy one! 17% (160 votes)

So 42% have no plans to buy one at this stage, while a further 17% say they’ll never
buy one. Somewhat surprising that nearly 60% of respondants won’t be buying an iPhone in
the near future, given that Read/WriteWeb has a very early adopter audience. Only 19%
said they’ll buy it immediately.

That’s a wrap for another week! Enjoy your weekend everyone.

iPhone pic: lead.salad

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The ReadWrite Editorial policy involves closely monitoring the tech industry for major developments, new product launches, AI breakthroughs, video game releases and other newsworthy events. Editors assign relevant stories to staff writers or freelance contributors with expertise in each particular topic area. Before publication, articles go through a rigorous round of editing for accuracy, clarity, and to ensure adherence to ReadWrite's style guidelines.

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