Home Ansca Mobile Releases LaunchPad: New Marketing & Analytics Services for App Developers

Ansca Mobile Releases LaunchPad: New Marketing & Analytics Services for App Developers

Ansca Mobile, in partnership with InMobi and PapayaMobile, has today announced LaunchPad, a suite of marketing and analytics services targeted towards mobile application developers using Ansca Mobile’s Corona SDK. The services will allow developers to better market their apps, increase distribution, improve monetization and better understand their audience, the companies say.


The idea behind LaunchPad is to give developers a jumpstart on getting their application noticed. For starters, Ansca Mobile has provided a Marketing 101 Guide that will walk developers through all the steps needed to get an app discovered.

They’ve also patterned with app review sites Technobrains and AppShrink.com, where they have negotiated discounts to get developers featured reviews. And if a developer wins “App of the Week,” they get a free review. Ansca says it will also select other applications for additional app reviews and placements.


The included analytics product in Corona has also now been improved too. No longer will app developers have to create app ID’s through a third-party provider, a task which the company thought was “a little bit clumsy.” Starting today, developers will have access to easier-to-use, basic analytics, no app ID required.


On the gaming side, Ansca partnered with PapayaMobile to offer developers access to its network of 22 million users worldwide. PapayaMobile’s SDK has now been integrated into Corona’s SDK, and the game network API have been unified under a single gameNetwork” library interface.


For monetization, Ansca parntered with InMobi’s advertising network, which serves over 36 billion ads across 165 countries. In tests, Ansca Mobile says it seeded the new library to select developers and found that InMobi generated up to 3 times more revenue than AdMob.

New SDK and More

The LaunchPad release comes alongside the latest version of the Corona SDK, which includes the features, improvements and bug fixes from the daily builds of the last 4 months. The back end has been updated for faster build times, too, especially for Android which is now 2.5 times faster than the previous public release. The new release also bundles several 3rd-party tools, with 30-day trials, including Corona Project Manger, Kwik, and Spriteloq.

Full release notes are here.

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