Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Microsoft, B&N Release Windows 8 Nook App: Is A “Nook Surface” Next?

    Barnes & Noble and Microsoft have finally delivered a Nook e-reader application for Windows 8 and Windows RT, giving Microsoft's Surface tablet a dedicated bookstore to compete with tablets and e-readers from Apple, Amazon, and Google.The Nook app is downloadable from the Microsoft Store for Windows 8 and Windows RT,...

  • Web
    Windows 8 Boss Sinofsky Out At Microsoft

    The shakeups keep coming in the world of tech. Two weeks ago Apple booted out Scott Forstall, who oversaw development of the iOS operating system. And now Microsoft is losing its top development boss - Steven Sinofsky, who ran Windows 8 and was perhaps the most powerful person in the...

  • Web
    Is The iPad Mini The “Real” iPad?

    Apple’s iPad mini goes on sale this Friday, and big questions for Apple include: How will it affect overall iPad sales? Will it cannibalize bigger, more expensive iPads? Will it sell out, despite a price premium over competitors like Amazon’s Kindle Fire?Based on early reviews, it appears the iPad mini...

  • Web
    How Badly Do Windows 8 And RT Need Dedicated Apps?

    As Microsoft hosts thousands of app developers in Redmond for its BUILD developers conference, the question needs to be raised: How badly does Microsoft need dedicated apps? More specifically, how badly does Microsoft need apps for Windows RT?Microsoft almost certainly needs dedcated Windows 8 and Windows RT very very badly....

  • Web
    Hurricane Sandy Rewrites The Script On Google’s Nexus News

    The launch event for Google’s new Nexus 4 phone and Nexus 10 tablet was supposed to be in New York. That was canceled at the last minute, thanks to Hurricane Sandy. So instead, Google announced the devices in a blog post Monday morning. Isn’t it a pain when real life...

  • Mobile
    ReadWrite Survey: Consumers Like Windows 8 & Surface, But Prefer Windows 7

    A survey of 2,000 Internet users say they’re impressed with Microsoft’s Windows 8 and Surface tablet - but they still like Windows 7 even more.In fact, according to a poll conducted by Toluna QuickSurveys for ReadWrite, users even prefer Windows XP over Windows 8. With that said, more users indicate...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Wants You To Forget About the Surface Pro, For Now

    Microsoft has quietly set out to convince consumers that they should buy a Surface tablet now, rather than wait for a Windows 8 version to arrive.In a way, it’s reminiscent of a line from Ghostbusters: “There is no Dana. Only Zuul.” Likewise, there is no Surface with Windows 8 or...

  • Mobile
    What’s Going to Sell Windows RT Tablets? Features, Not Price, Say Hardware Partners

    Microsoft’s first Surface tablet with Windows RT has been released at a price that’s substantially higher than competing Android tablets, so Microsoft’s hardware partners have decided to ... sell it for more?Both Asus' VivoTab RT and Dell's XPS 10 will be priced equal to or higher than the Surface with Windows...

  • Work
    Fasten Your Seatbelt, It’s Windows 8 Day

    Today will be one of the most important days in Microsoft's nearly 40-year history. The company that ruled the PC era rolls out a long-awaited new version of its flagship operating system that could determine whether Microsoft can regain its standing in the computer industry and carve out a place...

  • Mobile
    Don’t Make The Mistake Of Preordering A Windows Surface RT Tablet

    With all due respect: If you pre-ordered Microsoft's Surface with Windows RT tablet on Tuesday, you're a foolhardy optimist.I’m sorry I said that; I’m not really trying to be antagonistic. Nor am I saying that you’ve necessarily wasted your money. But I’m certainly not convinced that the Surface RT is...

  • Web
    Just How Hard Is It To Get And Use A 3D Printer?

    3D printing seems to be everywhere these days, used to create everything from handguns to headphones. But what does it really take to get started: How much does it cost, how difficult is it to use, and how do you actually get your hands on a 3D printer?Last week, a...

  • Mobile
    Sorry, Samsung, iPhone Is Not Your Mother’s Smartphone

    The iPhone owes its ongoing success partly to Apple's success at making it one of the coolest devices a consumer could buy. But perception is shifting, and now the iPhone is coming to be seen as “your Mom’s smartphone.” At least, that's what Samsung wants you to believe.The culmination of...

  • Web
    Top 10 Windows 8 Features #1: The Windows Store

    Microsoft never has had to be the innovator in a given market to succeed. More often than not, it has followed a successful path set forth by a predecessor, only with a bit more capital and marketing panache. This time, the competition has left a clear set of footprints for...

  • Mobile
    Intel’s “Clover Trail” Chip For Windows 8 Tablets Challenges Windows RT

    Intel introduced a new wrinkle into the Windows 8 tablet market on Thursday by launching an upgrade of its entry-level Atom chip line best known for (under)powering netbooks. The more powerful but still low-cost  Windows 8-compatible microprocessor challenges the need for Windows RT tablets powered by ARM chips.At the debut...

  • Mobile
    iPhone 5 Will Benefit Business… Eventually

    The arrival of Apple's iPhone 5 is a source of much joy for many consumers who long to get their hands on the latest gadget from Cupertino. But right now it might be causing some some headaches for businesses dealing with some half-baked software and potential jumps in their data...

  • Cloud
    Top 10 Windows 8 Features #3: Shared Media

    If Windows 8 succeeds, it will be because its users come to embrace three of its exclusive elements as critical to the way they work and the things they do. Here we address the first of those elements:   Windows 8’s approach to sharing media.Unlike almost any other mass-produced product,...

  • Work
    Inside Intuit: How A Software Kingpin Is Remaking Itself For Mobile & Services

    Not long ago, Intuit was a traditional software vendor, selling boxed desktop programs like TurboTax, Quicken and QuickBooks. With that business fading, however, and company has been retooling itself for the era of mobile computing, cloud-based services and big data. It’s a neessary transition for old-school software makers hoping to remain...

  • Social
    Book Lovers: If You’re Not Already On Goodreads, Here’s Why You Should Be

    My next series of posts is entitled Social Books. Over five posts, I'm going to explore how book readers and writers use social networking tools. Three of the posts will be from the point of view of readers, starting with this one today about the leading social network for bookworms:...

  • Mobile
    Is Microsoft Blocking Antivirus Apps from Windows RT?

    If you’re looking to buy a Windows RT tablet, security vendors said, don’t expect to be able to protect it with third- party antivirus or other security software. In fact, it seems that Microsoft may block third-party antivirus vendors from developing security solutions for Windows RT.Microsoft won’t allow such software...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch Update: The Unlucky 13

    If there’s one thing the DeathWatch knows, it’s that all things must come to an end. So we’re pausing to review the fortunes of our first 13 unlucky inductees. The fates of some of them may surprise you.In reverse chronological order, here’s a look at the initial baker’s dozen and...

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