Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • ai digital marketing
    How to Use AI to Create a Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Startup

    When you’re growing your startup, there are countless things to consider - from product design to hiring your team. One of the most crucial aspects, though, is digital marketing. No matter how amazing your product, you’ve got to get the word out to create an audience for it. This is...

  • group purchasing
    7 Questions to Ask Before Joining a Group Purchasing Organization

    There are a lot of situations where being smaller is an advantage, but negotiating with suppliers isn’t one of them. While giant corporations can negotiate on the strength of their purchasing power, smaller companies must find strength in numbers. A group purchasing organization leverages the collective buying power of its...

  • website significant to success
    4 Great Reasons Why a Website is Significant to Your Business Success

    Did you know that one essential way to communicate your business and make a better profit around the digital world today is by having a website? Do you still run a business without a website? With a website for your business, you can successfully accomplish different marketing strategies to help...

  • ai telephony sales coaching
    How AI is Revolutionizing Business Telephony from IVR to Sales Coaching

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology permeate every aspect of our lives, whether we realize it or not. It's easy to surprise many people with the presence of AI in some areas. They're baffled to learn that AI helps pollinate crops, brew better-tasting beer, and create new fragrances....

  • bluetooth
    Setting the Record Straight on Bluetooth Security

    As a follower and fan of technology news, you may have seen the occasional headline regarding Bluetooth security. More likely than not, a sensational “Major Bluetooth security flaw leaves millions of devices at risk,” or “Bluetooth bug leaves you open to attack.” The headlines catch your attention, making a vulnerability...

  • AI
    The Problem With Defining Bad Algorithms in Software Development

    Increasingly, our lives are run by algorithms. When we run to Google for search for the answer to a question that’s been plaguing us, we’re tapping into an algorithm that will find us the best possible result. When we open Facebook or Twitter for a rundown of all the latest...

  • brand
    10 Proven Ways to Improve Your Brand Value in 2020

    Every business owner wants to create a buzz when they launch a product or service. Being a businessman, you and many others have been spending a lot on advertisements and digital marketing. The purpose behind all the efforts is to let the business grow and to attract more valuable customers....

  • web presence business
    Building a Viable Web Presence for Your Business

    In today's digital age, any company that wants to succeed needs to have a robust online presence. A beneficial and robust web for your business can be a daunting task for small businesses, especially those that are too small to afford a marketing department. Here is how to build a...

  • ecommerce
    6 Smart Insights You Can Use to Guide Your eCommerce

    When eCommerce revenue hit $700 billion in 2017, statistics confirmed how rapid and constantly it will grow by 23 percent year over year. Meanwhile, this has always been the hope for eCommerce owners. Amazon is a prominent example; this company has confirmed how fast the shopping world is going. Amazon...

  • ai in mobile app
    How to Use Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps

    Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest trends in the app development industry. AI is slowly pouring into every routine activity of ours whether it’s education, production, medicine, or economics through mobile apps. Here is how to use artificial intelligence in mobile apps. The troubles and complexities with AI are...

  • onboard remote engineers
    How to Onboard Remote Engineers: A Practical Guide from an Expert

    Onboarding a new remote developer is arguably one of the most important things you can add to your core competencies if you want to assure your new hires’ success. Here is how to onboard remote engineers -- with a practical guide from an expert. Today, with COVID-19 making every new...

  • AI ML ecommerce changers
    How AI and Machine Learning Are eCommerce Tech Game Changers

    The trend in eCommerce has been driving quickly towards AI and Machine Learning. The onset of COVID-19 has accelerated this development for many companies. With a reduced workforce and many employees having to work at home, AI technology has been filling the gap and keeping eCommerce running at full speed....

  • website killing sales
    5 Reasons Your Own Website is Killing Your Sales

    More people than ever are shopping online. In 2019, e-commerce retail sales equated to 14.1% of global sales and by 2040, 95% of purchases are expected to come from e-commerce. Here are five reasons your own website is killing your sales. Clearly, there’s never been a better time to sell...

  • management in gig economy
    Performance Management in the Gig Economy

    Unlike the remote employee who operates in the gig economy, many employees working in traditional settings, and annual performance reviews are a normal part of their work-life as coffee breaks and paid time off. However, these annual performance reviews have proven to be highly ineffective and painful for both managers...

  • customer buying post covid
    The New Customer Buying Experience in a Post-COVID-19 World

    COVID-19 has accelerated the move to digital, and forced buyers’ hands to fully embrace and adopt e-commerce. Research from Adobe’s latest Digital Economy Index shows that online shopping during COVID-19 has exceeded 2019 holiday season levels and online spend for April and May is $52 billion more than what retailers...

  • PapalookWebcamVideo Webcam
    Product Reviews
    Papalook PA452 PRO: Webcam with Mic for Livestream, Recording, and Chat

    Remote work has definitely impacted how much time we now spend on everything from a video conference to video chat. Plus, more people continue to create videos for everything from YouTube and TikTok to Instagram Reels and Facebook Live. With the inability to meet in-person to create company videos, people...

  • freelancer opportunities
    Digital Nomad 2.0: Managing Income

    Do you know this simple yet effective exercise you can do right at your office desk? First off, stand up next to your chair. Then walk out of the office and never come back. Yes, a joke used to be a dream come true for most people working a 9...

  • compete as startup
    How Can a Startup Compete with Big Companies

    Entering the market flooded by well-known companies is quite a challenge. Yet, not for those who know the market rules and turn them into their advantage. If you’ve founded a startup and aren’t quite sure how to make a way among your renowned competitors, you’ve got to the right article....

  • customer service strategy
    Customer Service
    4 Actionable Tips to Improve your Customer Service Strategy

    Customer service is vital for any business to retain its customers and gain more value from them. Through top-notch customer service, businesses can reduce the acquisition cost of a new customer and cultivate a loyal user-base. Your user-base will act as brand ambassadors, and double as case studies and provide...

  • best live chat software
    Customer Service
    Top 10 Best Live Chat Software for 2020

    Did you know that 48% of customers would be more likely to return to a website with chat support, and 41% of customers trust the brand more when the chat support option is available? These numbers give insights on how live chat software is perceived and how much a business...

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