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New 'Brokewell' malware threatens Android users' bank accounts. The image compares two browser screens, purportedly for Google Chrome updates. On the left is a legitimate update page featuring a clean design and a clear message, "The browser built to be yours," along with a "Get Chrome" button and a notice about Google's use of cookies. On the right is a fake update page, part of the Brokewell malware scheme, which mimics the legitimate page’s design but includes subtle differences. The text "An update is required yours" appears unprofessionally phrased, and the button reads "Update Chrome." A misleading assurance, "The secure update is here," attempts to instill a false sense of security. The image illustrates the difficulty in distinguishing between legitimate and fraudulent online content.

Scam alert for Android users as ‘Brokewell’ malware threatens users’ bank accounts

Android phone users who use Google Chrome as their main browser are being warned about...

Suswati Basu 3 months

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