Home PowerWash Simulator teams up with Warhammer in unusual collaboration

PowerWash Simulator teams up with Warhammer in unusual collaboration

Cozy game PowerWash Simulator is launching a Warhammer 40,000 Special Pack in a surprising collaboration — launching next week, on February 27, 2024.

PowerWash Simulator, a game centered around using a power washer to clean dirt off objects and buildings to earn in-game money, has announced an unusual collaboration with Warhammer, a miniature wargame with a medieval fantasy setting. The clash of modern and medieval is a unique one, but from what’s been published so far, it does work.

A trailer demonstrates how players will be able to uncover Warhammer symbols and clean up war machines used in the games using the titular powerwasher. The more you clean, the more you’ll wear down your new “adversary”: Dirt.

The initial gameplay shows players hosing down tiny symbols and enormous ships and pieces of armor in both individual and multiplayer modes. There are references to different areas of Warhammer, suggesting there’s plenty of content included in the upcoming DLC.


The PowerWash Simulator DLC ‘Warhammer 40,000 Special Pack’ will launch on February 27, 2024. It’s priced at $7.99 /£6.49 / €7.99 and will be available to play on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store. You can find the DLC in the online store for your console or gaming PC store of choice and will be able to automatically integrate it with your existing game save once you’ve purchased it.

Who else has PowerWash Simulator worked with before?

While this might seem unusual for a powerwashing simulator, it’s not the first time the popular game has teamed up with some surprising titles. In the past, we’ve also seen DLC content created in partnership with Final Fantasy VII and Tomb Raider, two other franchises where a powerwasher would look somewhat out of place.

Still, with three collaborations now under FuturLab’s belt at PowerWash Simulator, something must be going well with these unique gaming partnerships.

Featured image: FuturLab

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Rachael Davies
Tech Journalist

Rachael Davies has spent six years reporting on tech and entertainment, writing for publications like the Evening Standard, Huffington Post, Dazed, and more. From niche topics like the latest gaming mods to consumer-faced guides on the latest tech, she puts her MA in Convergent Journalism to work, following avenues guided by a variety of interests. As well as writing, she also has experience in editing as the UK Editor of The Mary Sue , as well as speaking on the important of SEO in journalism at the Student Press Association National Conference. You can find her full portfolio over on…

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