Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    The Future of the Desktop

    Everything is moving to the cloud. As we enter the third decade of the Web we are seeing an increasing shift from native desktop applications towards Web-hosted clones that run in browsers. For example, a range of products such as Microsoft Office Live, Google Docs, Zoho, ThinkFree, DabbleDB, Basecamp, and...

  • Entertainment
    What Would the Perfect Streaming Music Service Look Like?

    Pandora's on the ropes, Imeem is taking off, Grooveshark relaunched today with recommendations and a long list of cool features, threatens to make Muxtape look like old news - the streaming music market online is expanding and contracting faster than a stadium rocker's pupils.What if the perfect service rose...

  • Web
    First Android Phone Approved By FCC

    Today, the news broke that the HTC Dream, the first handset to run Android (aka "the Google Phone") has been approved by the FCC. In the documents provided, it appears that we have now a release date for this highly anticipated phone: November 10th, 2008.So what will the HTC Dream...

  • Web
    Is It Finally Over? Yahoo Appoints Icahn Nominees to Board

    It looks like we can finally put the Carl Icahn vs. Yahoo fight behind us. As part of the settlement between the two, Icahn was given three seats on Yahoo's board - one for himself and another two for new members to be appointed by Icahn. After Time Warner denied...

  • Web
    Wuala Launches P2P Cloud Storage Solution

    Wuala puts a new twist on cloud storage. While typical cloud storage services move your data onto servers managed by the provider, Wuala also uses disk space on other members' computers. Files are encrypted on the user's own machine and the chopped up into little pieces and uploaded to Wuala's...

  • Web
    Zapproved: A Lightweight Decision Making App

    Want to go to fewer meetings at work? By making group decision making faster, easier and more accountable, new app Zapproved may help you avoid hours of painful face to face drudgery or endless email loose ends and get back to work. Zapproved is a lightweight hosted decision making service,...

  • Web
    How To Lifestream From Your iPhone

    Recently, we took a look at the growing trend involving lifestreaming and how more people are choosing to go this route instead of establishing a more traditional blog. But outside of certain celebrity lifestreamers like Julia Allison, the streams belonging to "regular folks" may serve more as a personal collection...

  • Web
    Obama to Announce VP By SMS, Email

    You know it's a new era when a US Presidential candidate plans to make a major announcement using a new technology. The campaign of Barack Obama has announced on the blog for its social network that it will be announcing Obama's Vice Presidential running mate first by mobile text message...

  • Web
    last100’s Smartphone Parade: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

    At last100[a ReadWriteWeb Network blog], we love the iPhone as much as anyone. Yet we remain convinced that for all of Apple's innovation - especially on the mobile browsing front and major improvements in usability - the iPhone in its current incarnation will have significant but limited appeal. There's only...

  • Mobile
    Are App Stores Coming to a Carrier Near You?

    There's an interesting discussion going around about the possibility of T-Mobile taking some cues from Apple with an app store of their own. Instead of offering it to a specific phone, T-Mobile wants to take things one step further and open up a platform for all of their mobile devices....

  • Web
    Say Goodbye To Phone Menus, Fonolo Does The Deep Dialing For You (+Invites!)

    RWW Readers, Please Check The Bottom of This Post For Invite Info! Do you hate calling customer service at a large company? It's safe to say we all do. Nearly every large corporation today utilizes phone menus to route your call to the correct department and it's nearly impossible to...

  • Social
    The Olympics & Social Media Marketing

    This week we're looking at how Web technology is being used in the Beijing Olympics. In today's post we check out how some of the world's leading brands are using social media tools in their Olympics campaigns. Our first post discussed how online video will be a big part of...

  • Web
    What’s Your Vision of the Future of the Web? Mozilla Wants to Know

    Everything's changing on the internet these days, so it's as good a time as any to make some drastic changes to the way we interact with it too. Mozilla Labs has put out a call for anyone in the world to share their vision of how they would like to...

  • Web
    Photoshop Express Adds New Features, AIR App

    Photoshop Express, Adobe's online photo-editing and storage platform, was temporarily closed late last week as they performed maintenance and added some new features. We now get to see what those features are. In addition to the new tools and abilities they added, one of the most notable additions is the...

  • Web
    GreasePocket: Greasemonkey for the iPhone

    We love us some Greasemonkey, the Firefox plug-in that lets users run simple scripts on top of their favorite web pages to add new functionality or remove unwanted distractions. At first blush Greasemonkey might seem more technical than many users feel comfortable with, but running the scripts is really just...

  • Entertainment Shuts Down: Doomed by Its Client?

    Mercora, which last year renamed itself to, was one of the earliest entrants into the music discovery market and launched to generally favorable reviews in early 2005. Now, however, as GigaOm reports, has shut down its service and its web site only displays blank pages (though Google managed...

  • Social
    Mainstream Web Watch: The Olympics & Online Video

    The Beijing Olympics starts in a few days and what better test of the mainstream web is there than the world's biggest sports event. This is the first in a series of posts that will look at the Web technologies powering this year's Olympics. One of the most obvious ways...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 28 July – 1 August 2008

    It's time to wrap up the week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reviewed a super-hyped new search engine called Cuil, analysed the BT acquisition of web telephony platform Ribbit, looked at why Google bought video startup Omnisio, and investigated why popular Facebook...

  • Mobile
    Location-Based Social Networking to Generate $3.3 Billion by 2013?

    According to a rather speculative report by research firm ABI Research, location-based social networks like Brightkite, GyPSii, Pelago and Loopt could reach revenues as high as $3.3 billion by 2013. The report, however, also warns that the business models might differ from what most analysts are expecting today. According to...

  • Web
    Twitter Versus Plurk: The UI Advantage

    When I first reviewed Plurk for ReadWriteWeb, I had only been using this new lifestreaming service for a little while. After using it for much longer, I've realized that there is really just one major difference between Twitter and Plurk - but it's that one difference that makes Plurk so...

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