Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Some Web Apps Work Better Together

    How many new websites can you fit in a Volkswagen Beetle? Sometimes it feels like that's what we're trying to do these days - but all these new applications and services don't have to be crammed into our heads and lives as separate things to try out and remember.Many new...

  • Web
    Has The Web 2.0 Cycle Come to a Close? No

    The selection process for DEMOfall 08 (RWW is a media partner) is coming to a close and Chris Shipley has been blogging her thoughts about it. She's identified a number of trends in the 'class of DEMOfall 2008', one of which is this claim: the Web 2.0 cycle has come...

  • Web
    Peering Into Microsoft’s Cloud

    On July 24th, Microsoft held their annual Financial Analyst Meeting (FAM), an event where many of Microsoft's top executives come together to talk about the company's progress and achievements. At this year's meeting, Microsoft Chief Software Architect, Ray Ozzie hinted at Microsoft's cloud initiatives, a part of their Software +...

  • Web
    Brandstreaming: What Is It & Who’s Doing It?

    If there's a hot new social media trend happening, you can bet that companies are trying to find a way to use it too. It happened of course with blogging, it happened with Twitter, and it is now happening with FriendFeed and other lifestreaming apps.UPDATE: On August 16, 2008 ReadWriteWeb...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 21-25 July 2008

    It's time to review the week that was on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we compared Nokia and Apple in the Internet mobile phone market, explored the new-look Facebook, checked out MySpace's moves to open up, and reviewed new products from Google and Microsoft. On the trends side we looked...

  • Mobile
    Android Is For The Masses, iPhone For The Rich

    Our network blog last100 has an interesting interview with Nicolas Gramlich, founder of - an online community for Android developers. As editor Steve O'Hear notes in his intro, there have been issues with Google's mobile OS of late - an incomplete and buggy SDK, favoritism towards select developers, lack...

  • Web
    WordPress Comes To iPhone

    Do you have an iPhone? Are you a blogger? Then you're going to love this news - there's now a WordPress app for iPhone available for download from the iTunes App Store. The software lets you update your WordPress blog from anywhere. We're not forgiving Apple for that MobileMe nonsense...

  • Web
    Qik Opens Public Beta – Come Chat!

    The live streaming video service Qik just opened up its previously closed beta to the public. Apparently, the public is so interested in the service that the site crashed completely just after the announcement was made (the site is back up now). Once it is back online, users will be...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 14-18 July 2008

    It's time to review the week that was on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we continued our ongoing analysis of the iPhone 3G and its accompanying App Store, we looked closely at a Gmail update to its contact management system, covered the US launch of Microsoft Live Mesh, and reported...

  • Web
    Blackberry is Not Microsoft (Sorry Apple)

    I did it! I resisted the cravings all week. I did NOT buy an iPhone. It took a lot of deep Buddhist meditation to deal with my cravings. The iPhone is just gorgeous - this is user interface design at the highest level of art. Plus, the developer platform makes...

  • Web
    Better Live Blogging: CoverItLive Adds Support for Qik, Mogulus and Ustream

    The Canada-based live-blogging tool CoverItLive added support for live video streaming to its application this week. Users covering live events can now add streaming video from Qik, Mogulus, and to their live blogs. Bloggers can simply copy and paste the embed code from one of these services into CoverItLive....

  • Web
    Google Gears Coming to Gmail and Google Calendar Soon

    According to Andrew Fogg from kusiri, Google will start rolling out offline support for both Gmail and Google Calendar through Google Gears within the next six weeks. Google enabled offline access to Google Docs earlier this year, after they had already been using if for Google Reader for over a...

  • Web
    Mesh, Deep Zoom, Netflix on Xbox: Is Microsoft Becoming “Cool”?

    Microsoft. Depending on who you are, their name alone elicits some pretty strong feelings. Some people love them, others love to hate them. Few people are neutral. However, everyone can pretty much agree that Microsoft has been fighting an image problem lately and one that has started to make them...

  • Web
    Breaking: Live Mesh Now Open to All of U.S.

    Windows Live Mesh is Microsoft's software+services data synchronization platform. Because of its complex nature, most people assume that file synchronization is all there is to Live Mesh, but in reality, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Microsoft has big plans for the service and syncing files between computers and...

  • Social
    KickApps Brings Userplane’s Chat to its Social Networks

    KickApps, the white label social networking platform, has partnered with Userplane to bring Userplane's chat technology to KickApps' affiliates. KickApps will integrate Userplane's Webchat and Webmessenger functionality, though it won't use Userplane's video chat functionality.KickApps is currently being used by quite a few high profile affiliates, including NPR, ABC Family,...

  • Web
    SugarSync Adds File Send Feature

    File synchronisation and backup is a growth area - Syncplicity, SugarSync, Mozy and Microsoft's Live Mesh compete in the space to provide cross-platform, cross-device and cloud-available data.One of the players, SugarSync (RWW review here), today announced a development that further blurs the lines between synchronisation and collaboration services. With SugarSync's...

  • Web
    Apple’s App Store: 10 Million Downloads Later

    Apple's App Store for the iPhone and iPod touch has been growing quickly over the weekend. Close to 250 applications have been added since Friday. As Medialets reports, at the same time, the average price of those applications has dropped. Interestingly, free applications are getting higher average ratings from their...

  • Web
    Bezos Invests in Social Gaming Network

    Jeff Bezos clearly thinks there is a future in casual gaming. Just this May, he invested $3 million in Kongregate. Today, Bezos invested an undisclosed amount in the Social Gaming Network (SGN), which develops games like Jetman and WarBook for social platforms such as Bebo and Facebook.This investment from Bezos...

  • Web
    gPhone? Just a Rumor – The Real Story Is The Android Developer Revolt

    Of course, we all know that the event of the past week (or perhaps we should say the event of the year, given the news coverage), has been the launch of the iPhone 2.0. Yet even amidst the iPhone news frenzy - the lines at the stores, the activations, the...

  • Web
    iPhone: The New Personal Computer

    When Apple first announced the launch of its iPhone platform, we wrote here that it is a game changer. Even the core of iPhone is a major advance in mobile computing, but with the platform iPhone becomes the new personal computer. The desktop from now on will be for professional...

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