Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 23-27 June 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reported on Nokia's buyout of the open source mobile OS Symbian, reviewed a "memory augmentation" service and a semantic search engine, and looked at what LinkedIn's strategy tells us about the...

  • Web
    Google Media Server Launched – Google Enters the PC to TV Arena

    Google today made its own contribution to solving the PC to TV problem with the release of Google Media Server. The Windows-only software works in conjunction with Google’s desktop search application - Google Desktop - to locate various media (photos, music and video) stored on your PC and make it...

  • Web
    People in Tech: Mike Dunn, VP Interactive Media, Hearst

    The technologists behind large companies are always fascinating. Unlike entrepreneurs, who often code their vision into software, CTOs channel their vision through the engineers working for them. CTOs of modern media companies are measured on their ability to bring innovation to the market quickly. This installment of People in Tech...

  • Web
    Does Open Sourcing Niche Web Apps Work?

    Recently, we've seen a couple of our favorite web apps go open source. The code for FF To Go, the popular mobile client for FriendFeed developed by RSSMeme creator Benjamin Golub, is now available under the MIT license and Snackr, the RSS AIR app we adore has posted their source...

  • Web
    Nokia Acquires Symbian; Takes on Google’s Android

    Nokia isn't finished with its acquisition spree just yet. Tonight the Finnish company announced a plan to acquire the 52 per cent of Symbian it doesn't already own and make the platform open source. Nokia clearly aims to challenge Android, the open source mobile operating system of Google. Nokia CEO...

  • Web
    Evernote Opens to All: Fantastic Promise, Disappointing Execution

    The highly anticipated "memory augmentation" service Evernote opens to the public Tuesday and you'll probably want to check this service out just to see what it tries to do. We may change our minds after more lengthy testing, but so far this combination of a bookmarking, note taking and photo...

  • Mobile
    Why Nokia Acquired Plazes, a Location-Based Social Network

    Buried in Bob Iannucci’s discussion at Supernova 2008 last week was this comment: “Connecting people only through voice communications is limited,” the Nokia chief technical officer said.To us, that sums up everything Nokia is doing, including today’s announcement. Nokia, the world’s largest handset manufacturer, is purchasing Plazes, the location-based social...

  • Web
    Setbacks for Google’s Android

    The first phones using Google's Android platform were meant to go to market by the second half of this year. According to the Wall Street Journal, however, Google is facing some major setbacks thanks to the intricacies of the cell phone business.Google had planned to launch the first Android handsets...

  • Web
    Bored With Web 2.0? Demand Change

    In April, Umair Haque posted a manifesto on his blog on the Harvard Business Publishing web site where he called for today's investors and start-ups to start building applications to "change the world" instead of just making apps that make money. He challenged Silicon Valley to find a problem to...

  • Social
    Mainstream Web Watch:

    Last week we started a new series called Mainstream Web Watch, in which we'll be exploring how the Social Web is infiltrating mainstream culture. We started out with last week, to celebrate the end of the basketball season and the crowning of a new champion (Boston Celtics). In this...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 16-20 June 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we explored Yahoo's ongoing troubles, reported on Firefox 3's record-setting week, covered a new "universal edit" wiki offering, and checked out some Mobile Web apps. On the trends side, we looked at...

  • Web
    Hakia Announces Semantic API

    Semantic search engine Hakia today announced a set of APIs that opens up their natural language processing and search platform to developers. Hakia's Syndication Web Services really comes in two parts: search queries, which allow developers to add web search functionality leveraging Hakia's five billion page index, and XML feed...

  • Social
    Mainstream Web Watch:

    Welcome to a new series on ReadWebWeb, which we're calling 'Mainstream Web Watch'. Over the coming weeks I will be exploring a whole range of websites for RWW - from sports sites, to grocery store sites, to government websites, to banking sites, and much more.We're starting with a sports website...

  • Web
    China Web Boom: .CN Now More Popular than .Net

    China's top-level domain has now surpassed .net as the web's third most popular top-level and second most popular country-specific domain, according to a study by VeriSign says the Associated Press. VeriSign said that registrations of .cn domains had surged 23% in the first quarter of this year, and tripled year-over-year....

  • Web
    Info Overload: What Can We Do?

    This is post #2 of a 2-part post on today's information overload problem and how we can cope. Please read part 1 here. The information overload problem has reached a critical point. Workers drowning in their inboxes and jumping from task to task have now cost the nation $650 billion...

  • Web
    Social Media Used to Keep Flood Victims Informed

    Getting information out to victims and their families during a disaster is a major issue for any relief organization. So while the Central United States recovers from a spate of storms that has ravaged towns with tornadoes and flooding, the American Red Cross is relying on a number of web...

  • Web
    Yahoo Clings to Its Leading Web “Starting Points”

    Yesterday we questioned whether Yahoo is focusing enough on its core products. We wrote that "Yahoo's key properties remain, email, myyahoo, and even Answers can be considered special. In short, content is what continues to drive Yahoo and those core properties are still enormously popular." A leaked Yahoo memo...

  • Web
    Quillpill: Cell Phone Novels Escape Japan

    For better or for worse the concept of the cell phone novel is making a splash in Western countries via a Twitter-like app called Quillpill. Quillpill handles all the heavy lifting -- i.e., aggregating each post and displaying them in the correct order. Essentially, Quillpill is a mobile writing application...

  • Web
    eBay Launches Dev Platform – Too Little, Too Late?

    Online ecommerce giant eBay today announced "Project Echo" at the eBay developers conference, which will allow developers to create applications for sellers that will run inside the eBay Selling Manager. Previously, third party applications built for eBay via the site's API could only run off site. Project Echo, which will...

  • Web
    Yahoo: ‘Everything But The Kitchen Sink’ Approach Not Paying Dividends

    There's been a lot of hand wringing in the media over the weekend about Yahoo's rejection of Microsoft's takeover bid. Most of the coverage has focused on the (very serious) financial and people issues that Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang is now facing. But let's turn some attention to Yahoo's product...

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