Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Feb – 6 Mar 2005

    Time for your weekly dose of Web 2.0. This week: Yahoo yahoo yahoo (is there an echo in here?), Wikipedia, Web 2.0 start-ups, AutoLink (I know, but bear with me...), Ruby on Rails. btw what's the best time of the week to publish this regular feature of R/WW? OK let's...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Definition and Tagging

    I'm trying to figure out what 'Web 2.0' means to people. These are the reasons why I'm trying to figure this out:* I want to define it so that my tagline makes sense to people :-)* Web 2.0 is my niche topic. It's my little piece of The Long Tail...

  • Web
    Schwartz on Network Services

    Listened to the latest Gillmor Gang Show, with Jonathan Schwartz as guest. Sun's Schwartz is one very smart cookie and a very effective speaker. The following quote in particular stood out for me:"We [Sun] want a world where there are tons and tons of interesting, interactive iPod equivalents - where...

  • Web
    Joel’s Best Software Essays of 2004

    UPDATE 6/11/04: I decided to nominate The Fractal Blogosphere and Evolution of Corporate Web Sites for the Best Software Essays of 2004 book that Joel Spolsky is editing. If you enjoyed either one of those articles, please leave a comment on Joel's discussion board to support my nominations. Click here...

  • Mobile
    Portable Internet

    The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has just released a report entitled The Portable Internet. From the press release:"A new set of advanced wireless technologies now promises to bring affordable, high-speed Internet connectivity to the masses. This set of technologies, and the market opportunity they create, has been termed the "Portable...

  • Web
    eBook Culture Strategy, Part 1

    It's about time I published my strategy for my new topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Although upon reading Erik Benson's post tonight about getting on and building something rather than "talking about it but never building it", I now feel a bit guilty about writing yet another grand plan instead of...

  • Mobile

    September is the Month of Mobility at Read/Write Web, I've decided. This month I'm going to explore the intersection between the Web and mobile devices. Principally mobile phones and PDA's, although there's also a trend of convergence of those two devices into "smart phones". And let's not forget new ground-breaking...

  • Entertainment
    Multimedia Blogging

    Jon Udell has kicked off a series of articles at O'Reilly Network on what he calls "hypermedia blogging":"The two-way Web unleashed by the blogging revolution is, and will remain, largely a textual medium. And yet we're clearly at an inflection point. It's increasingly feasible to create and share media content....

  • Web
    Analysing Bloglines Subscriber Stats

    I love Bloglines. It's a browser-based RSS feeds aggregator that almost singlehandedly proves the case that web applications can be better than desktop-based ones. I say this in the context of Joel Spolsky's already classic essay on why web browser apps are winning the war against so-called rich or smart...

  • Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management for Generation Y

    In my travels today I came across some articles about how Generation Y (people born in 1980's or 1990's) use Information Technology. I'm a Generation X'er myself, so Generation Y has always been something of a curiosity to me -- as other generations always are, no matter which part of...

  • Web
    Interview with Marc Canter

    Read/Write Web is pleased to bring you this special feature, an interview with software pioneer Marc Canter. Marc is one of the founding fathers of multimedia, having created tools and content in the medium since the late 70's and early 80's. He formed a company called MacroMind in 1984 and...

  • Web
    CSS layouts vs Tables: What’s the Pragmatic Choice?

    There's a debate going on in the Web world about Lockergnome's backwards conversion from a modern CSS design to a 1997-era HTML tables design. The web design community is outraged by the decision, because it's basically a slap in the face to the Web Standards movement. Photo Matt compares table-based...

  • Web
    How my PDA is mobilising my read/write lifestyle

    I got my first PDA for Christmas, a Palm Tungsten T2 - cost about $700 in New Zealand dollars. It's already changed my reading/writing habits for the better. For a start, my information management has improved because I now have my goals and 'To Do' list on me all the...

  • Web
    The Drowned World of Data

    Too. Much. Information. Data floods my mind and my actions become water-logged. What to do? There's too much to do. Information washes over me, my head is submerged. Metadata fills my nostrils. I'm drowning, help!I'm being melodramatic :-) But actually I do feel this way sometimes. Right now I am...

  • Web
    The will to publish

    2003 has so far been a year of hype for weblogs and k-logs. Blogging is on the cusp of the mainstream. Or is it? A few posts recently have me wondering: why would normal people want to publish to the Web?Mark Pilgrim: "... itís possible that an unfiltered... unedited... personal...

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