Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Turkey

    Turkey is next in this R/WW series on top international Web apps. It's the 9th country I've profiled so far - the others have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain and China. For the following information on Turkey, I have Emre Sokullu to thank (also Honor Gunday...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in China

    China is next in my series on top international Web apps. If you haven't been following, the other countries I've profiled so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia and Spain. As this series has gone on, the comments have become as important as the posts -...

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    Interview with George Moore, GM Windows Live

    At the Microsoft TechEd conference in Auckland on Monday, I got a chance to sit down with George Moore - GM for the Windows Live Developer Platform. He is of course based in Redmond, but was over in NZ for TechEd.I started off by asking George about the "largest blogging...

  • Web
    Windows Live Contacts Beta Launched

    Today George Moore, GM of Windows Live, announced the Windows Live Contacts Gadget beta at the Microsoft TechEd 2006 conference, in Auckland New Zealand (I'm here at the conference courtesy of Microsoft NZ). Live Contacts provides programmatic access to a user's contact list, providing secure access to 400+ M active...

  • Web
    Future of Browsers: Interview with Flock’s Geoffrey Arone

    Today I interviewed Geoffrey Arone, the co-founder of social Web browser Flock recently released its official beta, which they call version 0.7. They're currently positioning their product as a mainstream browser which enables people to share and create online. Flock is specifically targeting people who use social networking media...

  • Web
    Top Web 2.0 Apps in Russia

    Next in my series on top Web apps in international markets is Russia. To remind you of the previous countries profiled: Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea and United Kingdom. Other country profiles coming soon include Spain, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand (if I can rustle up enough web apps from the NZ2.0...

  • Web
    English language only 39% of all blogs

    The latest Technorati State of the Blogosphere report shows that 39% of all blog postings are in english. Japanese is the second-most popular language, at 31% and China third with 12%. Here's Technorati's pie graph for June '06:  Dave Sifry notes that there are some significant underreporting issues, especially in Korean...

  • Web
    Top UK Web 2.0 Apps

    Continuing my series on international Web apps, today I'll be covering the top products in the United Kingdom market. In case you missed it, over the past week or so I've reviewed Germany, Holland, Poland and Korea. This week I've got more great non-Silicon Valley startups for you!The information for...

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    Top Korean Web 2.0 Apps

    Next in my series on international web apps is Korea. I have Chang W. Kim, who runs a blog called Web 2.0 Asia, to thank for providing me with all the info. Korea is in many ways ahead of the curve in terms of the Internet. It has the highest household...

  • Web
    Visokio – Data Manipulation On The Web

    So I promised to start profiling more innovative, boundary-pushing Web tools on R/WW. The problem with this strategy is that a lot of innovative tools are hard to grok - which means more work for me. What have I gotten myself into? :-) Recently Thomas Bate of British data visualisation...

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    The Ray Ozzie Experience

    The text of Microsoft chief software architect Ray Ozzie's speech at Thursday's Microsoft Financial Analyst Meeting 2006, makes compelling reading. To me it sums up why we've moved far beyond the Web 2.0 trend and into something much deeper and richer. Web innovation, which is primarily what my blog explores,...

  • Web
    Gotuit Launches Broadband Video Portal

    Gotuit Media, an established player in on-demand video, today announced the launch of its new broadband video portal - I got a sneak peak of the new portal and spoke with Mark Pascarella (president of Gotuit Media) and David Laubner (Director of Product Marketing) about the launch. is a...

  • Web
    NY Times Headbutts New Media

    The NY Times reports that old media won out over new media when it came to World Cup coverage. The Times notes that television and newspapers benefited from the World Cup, but seems to overlook (or at least downplay) that Internet services did well too. While the Times article stated...

  • Web
    Japan Web Market

    Interesting article from PingMag, detailing the most popular web apps and services in Japan. The highlights...- SNS: "In Japan, social networking is represented mainly by Mixi, with GREE following a distant second." - Video: "To my knowledge there is no direct competitor to YouTube in Japan but there is an...

  • Web
    What Adobe’s Kiwi Project is about

    This post was written by Ryan Stewart, a Read/WriteWeb guest blogger. Note that Adobe's use of the terms 'Read/Write Web' and 'kiwi' is not associated with this blog. There is an interesting project going on over at Adobe that aims to combine the power of Flex 2 with the potential...

  • Web
    Widget services ramping up

    Paul Kedrosky points to a new service called PostApp, which is a new widgets syndication service currently in private beta. While the sign-up page doesn't go into detail about what PostApp does, Fergus Burns from Nooked has an interesting post on this subject:"A new space is beginning to develop -...

  • Web
    Rich RSS Readers: best of breed picks

    This post was largely written by Ryan Stewart, a guest blogger on Read/WriteWeb. I've added my own Best of Breed picks for each category. Feed readers can be divided up into two general camps: The web based feed readers - such as NewsAlloy, Rojo, Bloglines and Google Reader - are...

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    Worldwide Internet Penetration is just 15%

    According to the Miniwatts Marketing Group's Internet Usage and World Population Statistics (last updated March 31, 2006), worldwide Internet penetration is only 15.7%! So much for the World Wide Web... this is indeed sobering stuff for those of us obsessed with 'web 2.0' technology. Here's the main table of stats:Source:...

  • Web
    Mini apps – Bitty Browser and Wampad

    I've come across two nifty apps recently that demonstrate a couple of neat things: 1) mobile web utility, and 2) integration with other web services. Both of those things are becoming increasingly important on the Web. The first app is called Bitty Browser and you may've come across it recently...

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    Top Ten Underserved Web 2.0 Markets

    Recently I posted a meta-list of Web 2.0 lists. My current favorite list is the eConsultant's Web 2.0 Directory. It has "1007 Web 2.0 sites/services/links in 50+ categories". Sacred Cow Dung's is another easily-scannable catagorized list. As I scrolled through these lists today, I wondered which categories are currently underserved...

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