Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    European Startups and Web Innovation Around The World

    Saul Klein, the former Skype global marketing VP who joined VC firm Index Ventures this week, has a great post on his blog about the European startup scene. I spoke to Saul earlier this week and I will write up a post about that conversation next week. But for now,...

  • Web
    Windows Live Confusion – One Year On

    Mary Jo Foley from ZDNet has done an excellent analysis of Microsoft's Windows Live brand. Her conclusions are quite damning of Microsoft's marketing department:"Problem No. 1: Live isn't a consistently applied term: Sometimes it refers to services (like Windows Live Messenger), sometimes to desktop applications (a k a Windows Live...

  • Web
    Online Video Industry Index

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusThere are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players. Our thanks to Ali Dagli of...

  • Web
    Poll: Does Location Matter in Web Innovation?

    This week's poll relates to a somewhat controversial NY Times article over the weekend, which suggested that Silicon Valley is more likely to create innovative and successful tech products than elsewhere in the world. Obviously Silicon Valley has a lot going for it - it's a hub for smart Web...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsAll of the big Web companies were in the news this week, but probably the one that made the most impact (as usual) was Apple. Steve Jobs is the master of getting attention, and his call for...

  • Web
    Pre-Teens and the Web: An Overview of Popular Websites, Trends and Online Activities

    Written by Sramana Mitra. Note: this is an excerpt from a report written by Sramana Mitra, an entrepreneur and strategy consultant in Silicon Valley.Worried your kid is spending too much time in front of the computer? Blame it on websites like,, and, which are attracting kids...

  • Web
    Customized Video Advertising Disrupts Ad Industry

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus The New York Times has an interesting report about companies that offer customized video advertising, such as Spot Runner and Visible World. Marketers are excited about this technology, because it means they can utilize demographics to deliver targeted advertising across several...

  • Web
    30 Boxes Turns One: Review of a Best of Breed Web App

    The 30 Boxes blog celebrated today the first anniversary of their product launch. The online calendar space has been a tough one, ever since Google released its calendar app in April last year. But right from the start 30 Boxes has been recognized as an innovative app and not just...

  • Web
    Next Generation of Online Invitation Sites

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManusAfter the Super Bowl and the defeat of my team the Chicago Bears, I checked my inbox to see how many Evite invitations I'd received for Super Bowl parties. Evite has been around for a relatively long time (1998), with very little...

  • Web
    Web News: China’s Internet Boom, Yahoo Panama Launched, Google Integration, Digg Anti-Gaming

    These summary posts are designed to be a 'quick fix' of the top Web news, for those people who don't have time to read the full articles but who want to stay informed.- Internet Boom in China Is Built on Virtual Fun; NY Times continues the western fascination with all...

  • Web
    Internet Traffic Jam, Flickr annoys old skool, Zune Phone, J Allard takes charge of Zune

    - Information Super Traffic Jam; "A new assessment from Deloitte & Touche predicts that global traffic will exceed the Internet's capacity as soon as this year. Why? The rapid growth in the number of global Internet users, combined with the rise of online video services and the lack of investment...

  • Web
    Gizmo Call Launches, Browser-based VoIP

    VoIP company SIPphone is at DEMO today, where it is launching Gizmo Call - an online service that makes VoIP phone calls possible from any web browser. It works via a Flash plugin, which enables users to make calls simply by typing a phone number into a text-field in a...

  • Web
    The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines

    Written by Charles S. Knight, SEO, and edited by Richard MacManus. The Top 100 is listed at the end of the analysis.Ask anyone which search engine they use to find information on the Internet and they will almost certainly reply: "Google." Look a little further, and market research shows that...

  • Web
    Inside Look At Collarity’s Personalized Search

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus When we did a poll asking what search approach stands the best chance of beating Google, personalized search came out tops with 22%. Collarity was the company we used as an example of such a service, so we wanted to find...

  • Web
    Proto – India’s Version of DEMO

    In Chennai, India, a DEMO-like event called was held this week to showcase 30 new technology companies. As of now there is no information on the official blog about the presenting companies, but organizer Vijay Anand sent me a list of the companies along with descriptions. The event wasn't...

  • Mobile
    Nokia’s Internet Tablet & Open Source Development Platform

    I've been impressed with the amount of Mobile Web action we've seen already in 2007. With Apple's iPhone, Google doing deals in Asia, Yahoo ramping up its Go platform, Microsoft hyping up Windows Mobile, small players like Dada doing good business, and innovative startups like Sharpcast and Smartpox, things are...

  • Social
    Twango Tackles Lucrative Media Sharing Market

    Twango is a new media sharing service, for video, photos and other media. It's similar to eSnips, Multiply and PeopleAggregator, in that it combines media sharing with social networking. Twango was founded by a group of 5 ex-Microsoft employees in fall 2004 and officially launched in October 2006. I spoke...

  • Web
    Software Mutation: Predicting the Missing Link, Part 2

    By John Milan. This is the second in a two-part series. Part 1 is here.What will the software solutions of tomorrow look like? They will be forged by four powerful elements: The Internet, Open Source, Mobile Devices and Web 2.0. We can debate the merits of each, but taken as...

  • Web
    Software Mutation: Predicting the Missing Link

    By John Milan. This is the first in a two-part series. Part 2 is here.What will the software solutions of tomorrow look like? They will be forged by four powerful elements: The Internet, Open Source, Mobile Devices and Web 2.0. We can debate the merits of each, but taken as...

  • Web
    Steve Jobs: iPhone Ain’t Opening Up

    OK so Jobs didn't use the word "ain't". But in a Newsweek interview with Steven Levy, Jobs put the kibosh on any talk about the iPhone opening up its platform for third party developers:‚ÄúYou don‚Äôt want your phone to be an open platform,‚Ä? meaning that anyone can write applications for...

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