Results for "mobile"

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    Top Web Apps in Austria

    Written by Sebastian Moser from Austria and edited by Richard MacManus With 4.6 million internet users (a penetration rate of 56.8%) and a broadband penetration rate of 61.8%, Austria is a little bit above the average for the European Union in internet usage. Besides the Internet, 8 million people use...

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    Sharpcast Releases Photos Beta 2 – All File Types Supported By End Of 2006

    In our previous post, written by John Milan, we explored the emerging world of "social business applications" - where Internet-connected data is synchronizable and accessible anywhere, online and offline. It's a fascinating article and I highly recommend you take the time to read it, if you're at all interested in...

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    The Marriage of Social and Business Applications

    Written by Guest Blogger John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. John is Senior Software Architect and founder of TeamDirection, one of the companies mentioned in this post.What amount of time is the right amount of time for two people to tie the knot? Three months? Two years? One decade?...

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    Weekly Wrap-up: Social Networking Special

    For those busy souls who don't have time to read blogs on a regular basis, here are the highlights from Read/WriteWeb this week. It turned out to be a Social Networking special, with a lot of our posts devoted to the future of social networks.Google SNS integrationThe founders of Dodgeball...

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    HeyLetsGo: Interview with CEO Roy Rodenstein

    Alex Iskold had a chat with HeyLetsGo CEO and Co-founder Roy Rodenstein at DEMO last week. HeyLetsGo is claiming over 90,000 users in its initial launch location of Boston. It is the latest in a number of events-focused social networks. As GigaOm noted during DEMO, others include Renkoo, Socializr, Involver,...

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    The State Of Web Development – Ajax set to surpass Flash in ’07

    Ektron and SitePoint did a survey of 5,000 web developers over the US summer, and have just released the results in a report entitled The State of Web Development 2006/2007. It's packed full of useful data, even in the 25-page preview (which is free). The bits that particularly interested me...

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    Thank you R/WW Sponsors

    Thanks once again to Read/WriteWeb's excellent sponsors, who I'm very grateful to for supporting the aims and ideals of this blog. The goal of R/WW is to provide quality analysis about web technology - and we think this focus on quality reflects very well on our sponsors. It also (may...

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    Orkut + Dodgeball: Why Google Will Merge Them

    I've been hearing whispers that Google will integrate their social network Orkut with the mobile social networking app they acquired last year, Dodgeball. While it's not rocket science to make the connection between the two products (both are social networking), the reasons to join the two are becoming more compelling......

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    VoIP Sans The PC – Jajah, Rebtel Make Announcements

    Lately there has been a lot of talk about new VoIP services that work without needing to be on your computer. Tonight two announcements were made:1) Jajah Mobile, which claims to take the computer out of the Jajah equation. Now you can make Jajah calls directly from your existing mobile...

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    Googleyness: Inside The Google System

    For some great weekend reading, check out this Fortune magazine article that gets inside the great Google brain. Some extracts that I enjoyed..."What emerges from months of interviews with employees ranging from fresh-out-of-college hires to the CEO is that Google firmly believes it has a framework for figuring out the...

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    Top Web Apps in Japan

    Next in our series on international Web markets is Japan. The information for this post was provided by Benjamin Joffe (CEO of Plus Eight Star Ltd) and Masashi Kobayashi (partner of Globis Capital Partners - one of the largest Venture Capital firms in Japan). We start off with an overview...

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    Read/WriteWeb Weekly Highlights

    In case your RSS Reader got the better of you over the working week, here's a snapshot of last week's Read/WriteWeb posts. The big web tech stories were Times Reader, Zune, Yahoo Mail Beta, iTV. Here are summaries of all our posts this week:New York Times Reader Launches - NY...

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    VCs on Web Technology: Judy Gibbons from Accel

    This is the start of a new interview series on Read/WriteWeb, about venture capitalists (VCs) and their thoughts on 'next generation web'. The aim is to find out what Web technology trends and products VCs are tracking - and at the same time provide some expert tips and advice for...

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    Sharpcast’s Desktop/Web Synchronization – Soon For All Types Of Files

    In our post entitled Webified Desktop Apps vs Browser-based Apps, Sharpcast CEO Gibu Thomas left a comment saying that his company fulfils the 'webified desktop' vision:"At Sharpcast, we believe the right user experience is something closer to how in a corporate Exchange server environment, Microsoft Outlook works seamlessly with Outlook...

  • Mobile
    Smartpox: Bar Codes For The Web is an interesting crossover between the online and offline worlds. The technology allows users to encode URL links, phone numbers, email, and text into 2D barcodes. These codes can then be read using a cameraphone running the J2ME Smartpox reader. So a Smartpox is essentially a 2-dimensional barcode, which...

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    Read/WriteWeb Discussion, 3-9 Sept

    There has been a lot of great discussion on Read/WriteWeb recently, so I thought I'd pick out some highlights from a few of last week's posts...Engelbart's vision exists!Douglas Engelbart's HyperScope 1.0 Launched: early this week saw the launch of HyperScope 1.0, an advanced browsing application based on tech legend Douglas...

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    Zimbra: Mashing Up The Office

    Over the next couple of months on Read/WriteWeb, I'll be profiling the main Web Office suite candidates - such as Zoho, ThinkFree, gOffice, Zimbra, JotSpot, Goowy and Morfik. Plus of course Microsoft's Office Live and Google's current jigsaw puzzle of Web Office apps. Today I'm starting with Zimbra.Zimbra is an...

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    China – World’s Largest Internet Market By ’07

    According to stats compiled by, China will overtake the US next year to become the world's largest broadband internet market:"The number of broadband subscribers in China is growing at a staggering 79 per cent annually, and will reach 79 million in 2007, consulting firm Ovum predicted in research released...

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    Top Italian Web Apps

    As well as being reigning world football champions, Italy has a number of world class web apps. Yes, Italy is the 10th country to be profiled in Read/WriteWeb's Top International Web Apps series. The others so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, China and Turkey....

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    Times Reader – Exclusive Screenshots Of As Yet Unreleased Microsoft App

    Times Reader is an upcoming new application from The New York Times and Microsoft, which lets users read the NY Times electronically using advanced screen reading technology from Microsoft. The app is due to be launched as a free beta soon - an article about it is now available at...

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