Results for "mobile"

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    Bubble or Bubble-let?

    Mary Meeker called where we're at now a "boom-let". We've gone from boom to bust to boom-let (presumably a precursor to the next boom). She thinks the first 10 years of Web were just the warm-up act for what will happen next. She's particularly bullish on mobile technologies, which definitely...

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    Mary Meeker talk

    Lots of data points. "Korea is goto place to figure out where the Internet is going"Innovation coming out of China - 5,6,7 yrs timewe're at "boom-let" stage now (after boom and bust)market valuations of top 5 companies huge (google, yahoo, ebay, yahoo japan, amazon), compared to 2000.entering 2 most profound...

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    Acquisition Rumors – Newsgator and Moreover

    NewsGator Technologies will be announcing "a MAJOR acquisition" at the Web 2.0 Conference on October 5-7. Hmmm, I wonder who it is. Looking at my RSS Spacespreadsheet, Newsgator is one of the leading vendors in the Reader Services category. They also have a presence in the Search space. I wouldn't...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 19-25 Sep 2005

    This week: Microsoft vs Google, Web 2.0 coverage galore, Web 2.0 Conference, The Real World: yoga blogging, Techie post of the week: Mini-Microsoft. Microsoft vs Google Over the last week the number of stories about Microsoft vs Google has reached a crescendo. The best one was a story by CNET...

  • Web
    The Future of Web Apps and Services, circa 2001

    I love reading old books about the Web and Internet. I'm in the middle of Stewart Brand's classic book from the 80's, The Media Lab, right now. Anyway I came across this 2001 web article from devx called The Future of Web Apps and Services, on the subject of Futurist...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 12-18 Sep 2005

    sponsored by:This week: eBay-Skype: Web 2.0 Ramifications, The Real World - Katrina response, Microsoft PDC - extended, Yahoo Shopping API and Shopify, New apps on the block.eBay-Skype: Web 2.0 RamificationsEarly this week eBay confirmed its acquisition of Skype for between $2.6 - 4.1 billion. On my ZDNet blog I looked...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s Web platform and why Windows devices remain key

    That's the title of my latest post on ZDNet. I'm pointing to it here because Bloglines is for some reason not fetching the Web 2.0 Explorer feed, so the 56 people who've subscribed already in Bloglines (in just a couple of days - wow!) have not yet been notified of...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 29 Aug – 4 Sep 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Social tools in disasters, VC trends, Custom Web 2.0 Business Plans, Web-based Office, Techie post of the week - APIs and control.Social tools help in Katrina HurricaneFirst things first. We've all been shocked by the Hurricane Katrina devastation. Dina Mehta has a couple of great posts that...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 22-28 August 2005

    sponsored by:Onfolio is offering R/WW readers a coupon code entitling the bearer to $30 off a purchase of Onfolio Professional before August 31st (a 30% saving off the normal $99.95 price). To use the coupon, enter it at the time of purchase. Coupon Code: RM857202This week: Google vs Skype, BBC...

  • Web
    IBM develops computer ‘soul’

    IBM's new 'SoulPad' is a virtual computer on a small portable storage device, like a USB key or an MP3 Player. According to IBM, SoulPad "enables a paradigm of mobile computing where a user can suspend his computing environment on one PC and resume it on another PC that he...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 27 June – 3 July 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Grokking Yahoo! My Web 2.0, What is Where 2.0, Entrepreneurs start your engines, RSS VC fund fever, Techie Post of the Week - Attention.Thoughts on Yahoo! My Web 2.0Yahoo's unveiling of a "social search engine" called My Web 2.0 got almost as much tech blogger coverage as...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Conference 2005

    John Battelle's posted details of the second Web 2.0 Conference, to be held in San Francisco on October 5-7. This is something I'd really really love to attend, but it's looking like the travel costs are going to be prohibitive - for a po' kiwi looking to become self-employed this...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 6-12 June 2005

    sponsored by:This week: 9-to-5 Web 2.0, Google Maps is where it's at, Caught between two worlds, Web 2.0 spreading its wings, New apps on the block.Web 2.0 in the 9-5 WorldI found a couple of posts this week about using Web 2.0 technologies in the workplace - a worthy topic.In...

  • Web
    Is Microsoft a Web 2.0 company? (alt title: The Center of the Universe)

    Summary: Yes Microsoft is a Web 2.0 company, because their goal is to use the Web as a Platform. The difference is they'll use the Web as a Platform via millions of Windows-run 'devices'. That'll be their interface into Web 2.0.The Yahoo Search team has a vision called FUSE -...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 Apr 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Macrobe/Adobemedia, sports RSS feeds, Google and Yahoo MojoWatch, Mobile Web 2.0 woes, Dan Gillmor's Web 3.0.Web Design Bigco: Adobe buys MacromediaThis was all over the Web Tech part of the blogosphere this week and the general feeling was one of surprise that two Web Design heavyweights have...

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    RSS and The Big 3

    I've been following what the 3 big Internet companies have been doing with RSS and I largely agree with Dave Winer's recent assessment:"Yahoo is dashing in front, with Microsoft close behind. Why isn't Google in the race?"Yahoo has been by far the most proactive company of the 3 this year....

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 21-27 Mar 2005

    This week: ETech notes, Yahoo love-in, Web 2.0 acquisition deals continue, Hacking Web 2.0, ubiquitous storage. ETech TakeawaysI was on holiday the week ETech occurred, so I've been spending the past week catching up. My food-themed notes are here. Also during that week the next Web 2.0 conference was announced -...

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    Eating ETech

    Plenty to chew on in coverage of the recent ETech conference. Here are some ETech tidbits that I snacked on over the past week and found to be rather tasty...Ideas and Products- the whole Remix theme. For Silicon Valley legend Danny Hillis, the remix theme begins at the breakfast table:...

  • Web
    Rev ’em up: 2005 Web 2.0 Conference

    I'm just back from sunny Gold Coast, all theme-parked out, and already I'm planning my family's next trip. I'd love to make it to the next Web 2.0 conference, October 5-7 in San Francisco. It'll be my first ever trip to America. Of course, the conference ticket price will be...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Mar 2005

    This week: Microsoft's RSS Aggregator, mobile web 2.0, open source web 2.0 (stats, adverts, topics), Structured Blogging, ETech.Well this week has been a blur of activity for me and my server. First off I launched an RSS statistics project with Jon Udell and Feedburner, then later in the week I...

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