Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Microsoft acquisitions and product strategies

    The Microsoft VC Summit 2006 happened a week or two ago, but I've only just had a chance to review the posts that came out of it. If you're interested in where Microsoft is headed with its product range and general Web strategy, there are some nuggets in the coverage....

  • Web
    Yahoo Analyst Day

    Yesterday Yahoo! held their Analyst Day - the 188-page slide presentation is here (12MB). There's too much in the preso for any one mind to fully comprehend, but here are the things that stood out for me...Yahoo's Big Bets for the Next 5 YearsSee slide 16:1. Next Generation Experience -->...

  • Web 2.0

    The BBC has always been at the vanguard of new media in the Web 2.0 era, thanks in part to their public service charter - but also they obviously have a lot of smart, innovative thinkers on board. Today they announced " 2.0", which will be a full-on attempt to...

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    Top Ten Reasons To Give Up Blogging

    So Russell Beattie has decided to call it a day. I admit his decision surprised me, because I've always enjoyed reading Russ' well-informed commentary on the mobile Web. However it did make me wonder - what would cause other people to give up blogging?Here are the top ten reasons I...

  • Web
    Google Base begins to roll out the verticals

    A lot of people have been seeing new Google Base verticals popping up - and indeed the Google Base homepage has suddenly had a number of new categories added to it. As I noted on ZDNet, the full list is now:Screenshot of Google EventsWhile the 'blogs' category seems odd and...

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    Does Media Still Enthrall?

    Tushar Vyas, from mOne-Group M: "Traditionally, media enthralled people. Today it doesn't happen - customers are multitasking and fragmented. Today's customer wants to gain perspective, personalise the experience, get involved and participate. Digital allows this to happen."Quoted by Dina Mehta at Digital Summit 2006 - Integrating Online into the Traditional...

  • Web
    It’s all happening…

    Sorry for lack of updates recently, I've been busy getting married :-) I see others have been busy too - Mike Arrington's expanded the Crunch empire with a new mobile blog called MobileCrunch, Susan Mernit's been hired by Yahoo! (does this mean I get my name on the 5ive page...

  • Web
    Main Themes of Internet Companies at CES

    There's been a ton of CES news to digest these past few days, especially in the past 12 or so hours. Yahoo released Go and CEO Terry Semel made a speech at CES; Google released Google Pack, Google Video Player and Google Video Store; Larry Page did a speech at...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Go – A Portal That Spans Devices

    Yahoo! Go is being advertised as "a new suite of products and services for your PC, mobile phone and even your TV". The main aim is to enable people to connect with their content (e.g. email, photos, music) across a range of devices. Right now the Go product range is limited....

  • Web
    Yahoo and the Future of Television

    Yahoo will broadcast a reality tv series called "Wow House" on their Web portal within the next few months. The SF Chronicle calls it an early step in Yahoo's ultimate goal to create television of the future. Wow House has a technology focus, as families participating in the show compete...

  • Web
    A Year of Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Ups

    On 9 January 2005, I published the first of my Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-ups. When I launched it I described it as "a weekly summary of news and views relating to Web 2.0 (Web as platform)." I pumped out one a week for the rest of 2005. In many ways...

  • Web
    Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2005

    Last year about this time I did a post celebrating the best Web companies of 2004. I was planning on doing a mega version of that this year, extending it to software and services. But then Dion came up with his excellent list of best Web software of '05, as...

  • Web
    Is Yahoo using Australia and NZ as a testing ground for rich media?

    Yahoo! has joined forces with the Seven Network, one of Australia's leading television and media companies. A new 50-50 holding company will be formed that will own Yahoo Australia & NZ and operate under a new name, to be announced in January. A PDF presentation about the deal is here,...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Nov – 2 Dec 2005

    Note: The Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up is back with a new publishing day (Fri) and a new format, a countdown of the Top Ten Web 2.0 issues or news stories of the past week. Also I'm on the lookout for a new sponsor for the Weekly Wrap-Up. It's had 3...

  • Web
    Do Entrepreneurs Dream of Electric XML?

    Thinking Outside the VC Box is a fantastic, almost Philip K. Dick-like, essay by an unnamed SOA Web Services Journal writer. It's on one of my favourite themes, the virtual office. Among the things discussed is "the momentary enterprise", defined as a temporary business that leverages "pervasive data". It seems...

  • Web
    International Web 2.0 Events

    The UK has its own Web 2.0 Conference on 11 November in Brighton, in the form of d.Construct:"d.Construct 2005 is the UKís first grassroots Web 2.0 conference. It is an affordable, one-day event aimed at those building the latest generation of web-based applications. The event will discuss how new technology...

  • Web
    Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0

    Summary: My Day 1 impressions of Windows/Office Live are positive and I think Microsoft is taking up the challenge of an increasingly Web-based software world, while at the same time sticking to their desktop software knitting. I'm particularly intrigued by the Xbox 360 relationship and I think we'll see a...

  • Web
    Cautious Optimism and Cynical Buzz

    For me the Web 2.0 conference has been really exciting and the air has been full of energy. But I'm new in the Silicon Valley, so I've been curious to listen to what other conference attendees have been saying. A lot of them share my enthusiasm, but there's also a...

  • Web
    Zimbra UI Minute

    Open source client platform for messaging, communications. Shows email interface with links embedded in each message - with web services calls to various apps/services. e.g. mouse over for Google map, appointment, events, fedex package updates. Lots of mash-ups. Impressive.APIs are open, can write mash-ups. Has the ajax magic going on....

  • Web
    3D Web Services

    This is a Show Me of new technologies. Rolf Herken talking, founder of mental images. 3D visualization component software. mental ray photorealism - worked on The Matrix, Alexander, 2046. "Rendering the imagination visible".Thinks there's need for 3D on the Web. e.g. 3D online entertainment, e-commerce, product stuff, mobile.Very heavy data...

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