Tushar Vyas, from mOne-Group M: “Traditionally, media enthralled people. Today it
doesn’t happen – customers are multitasking and fragmented. Today’s customer wants to
gain perspective, personalise the experience, get involved and participate. Digital
allows this to happen.”
Quoted by Dina
Mehta at Digital Summit 2006 – Integrating Online into the Traditional Media Mix
Where enthrall = To hold
spellbound; captivate; to hold your full attention
I would consider myself enthralled by the Web, but then I’m a bit odd that way 🙂
Normal people use a variety of media – tv, iPods, Xbox, mobile phones, IM, email, etc.
Especially Generation Y, those born between 1977 and 1994, who are known to multi-task on
all these things and more.
Dina also covered a session called Why search is Hot, Impact of
the Echo Generation (Gen Y is also known as Echo Generation). She noted:
“The American teenager is online too, but they are also simultaneously listening to
music, reading, chatting on the phone, watching TV – so implications on how to market to
those who multi-task. Also, this generation
Two-three broad trends — looking for affinitiy groups, collective mindset, mass
customizaton and expression. They are also highly networked – it is reflected in why
people use networking groups, communities, blogs. They are also interconnected, and
therefore influenced by what happens within these communities.”
So even though there may be a lack of focus in Gen Y, little to enthrall them, there are a lot of digital, social and creative things that interest them – and opportunities for Internet media to serve that need.