Results for "mobile"

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    Netvibes Launches “Coriander Edition” – a SUPER Personalized Homepage

    Netvibes, one of the leading 'personalized homepage' products on the market, today officially released its new version - nicknamed the "Coriander Edition". This edition has been under discussion for the past month on the Netvibes blog, but today it is being officially launched. Incidentally Netvibes is now using the term...

  • Web
    Video PageRank: Google Searches for The Holy Grail

    In yesterday's interview with Matt Cutts from Google, on the topic of next-generation search, we touched on how Google is tackling the issue of indexing (and advertising around) online video. Matt implied that Google is looking for an equivalent to PageRank for online video:" the Web we have this notion...

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    Spanning Sync v1.0 Launches – Apple, Google Sync

    Spanning Sync v1.0, an application that provides two-way synchronization between Google Calendar and Apple iCal, has launched after seven months of development - including a four-month beta period. As The Unofficial Apple Weblog noted, Spanning Sync also syncs between multiple Macs and Google Calendar accounts, with iSync-compatible devices like iPods...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsEarlier this week we reported that Yahoo's mobile social networking experiment Mixd had closed, after two months of testing. Actually it had shut down at the end of February, but it wasn't noticed by bloggers at the...

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    Amazon’s Series of Fortunate Events

    Way back when I was in high school I found myself in a high school science class. It was your typical experience, replete with bunsen burners, saftey goggles and a science teacher named Norbert. But one day Norbert had an inspriation - he let the class watch a video of...

  • Web
    TVNZ ondemand Being Positioned as “Third Channel”

    Today I was invited to TVNZ's headquarters in Auckland, along with several other local bloggers, to check out their new web-based television on demand service - called TVNZ ondemand and due to be launched later this month. It will have a mix of free (ad supported) and premium content; the...

  • Web
    Internet Killed The Television Star: Reviews of Joost, Babelgum, Zattoo, and More

    Television is big business. No, let's not understate it: television is very big business. The global broadcast and cable television industry generates billions of dollars worldwide annually from subscription, equipment, advertising, and service fees; and is dominated by huge media conglomerates like General Electric, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. The...

  • Web
    Segala Wants To Be The VeriSign Of Web Trust

    Segala is a specialist in web accessibility, mobile testing, mobile web testing and certification. Based in Dublin and privately owned, Segala provides a range of services to help you better understand what problems your website and mobile applications might have in terms of accessibility. Let's take a look at their...

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    MyStrands Links Music Recommendations To Wikipedia Info

    MyStrands, a music discovery and social networking site that covers the PC, mobile and physical worlds (see our profile in January), has released an interesting new recommendations feature. It uses the MyStrands Public APIs (called OpenStrands) to link their social music recommendations to Wikipedia information. Essentially it's a mashup of...

  • Web
    Yahoo Mixd Closes – Peanut Butter Manifesto in Action?

    After a two-month pilot, Yahoo's Mixd mobile service has closed down. Mixd first came to light in November last year. It was a group mobile messaging tool for the youth market and had an experimental, trendy design. Currently the Mixd page has some farewell text on it and a pointer...

  • Web
    FeedBlendr – Feed Remix Service

    FeedBlendr is a web service that lets you remix your feeds. It has just launched the public beta of its second version. At first glance FeedBlendr does not appear to have a lot of bells and whistles, but it is an interesting and intelligent service that lets you easily remix...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 26 February – 2 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsThe main Web tech news this week was Adobe's unveiling of Apollo, their next-generation web development platform which integrates the desktop with the Web. R/WW covered the news in this post, followed by Jay Fortner's analysis of...

  • Web
    Internet Portals Jump Into Bed With Media, Telecoms

    In New Zealand this week, two new Web portals were announced: Yahoo!Xtra and the launch of on 1 March 2007. The background, briefly, is that both of these new portals take over from previous market leader site "XtraMSN". Essentially what has happened in the NZ market is that Xtra...

  • Web
    Top 100 Alternative Search Engines, February 2007

    Written by Charles S. Knight, SEO and edited by Richard MacManus. The original version of the Top 100 Alternative Search Engines List appeared here on Read/WriteWeb on January 29, 2007. Every month, we'll be updating the list and selecting a "Search Engine of the Month". At the end of the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 19-23 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsThe launch of Google Apps Premier Edition was the big news this week. In our view, this represented a significant (but not earth-shattering) step forward for Google - in its bid to create a web-based Office Suite....

  • Web
    Pickle and Cellblock Re-define Viral, Using Widgets

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus Widgets are becoming increasingly important in sharing and displaying content over the web. Recently we chatted with two companies, Pickle and Cellblock, that provide photo and video widgets. Each service allows multi-user contributions to their widgets - forget user-generated content, these...

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    Future Of Web Apps, Day 2

    Written by David Lenehan of Polldaddy and edited by Richard MacManus. This is David's account of the second and final day of the Future Of Web Apps 2007 conference in London.Adobe Today started with Mark Anders, Adobe's senior principal scientist. Mark previously had worked on the Microsoft .NET project from...

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    Future Of Web Apps, Day 1

    Written by David Lenehan of Polldaddy and edited by Richard MacManus. This is David's account of the first day of the FOWA conference in London. Photos in this post are by donkeyontheedge (I hope he doesn't mind me using them). The Future Of Web Apps 2007 kicked off in London...

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    QQ – China IM Service Goes Web 2.0, With Half a Billion Registered Users!

    Written by Gang Lu and edited by Richard MacManus. China's is the world's 9th largest web property and in this post Gang Lu talks with Richard Chang, the Founder and Director of QQ Labs, to find out more about their Web 2.0 plans. Founded by Pony Ma in Shenzhen,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 12-16 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsIt was a relatively quiet week in Web news. There were various mobile announcements from the 3GSM conference in Spain and some product releases (e.g. MS Soapbox). Also Google acquired video game advertising company Adscape. Perhaps the...

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