Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Yahoo Mail Goes Ajax – Finally

    The Ajax version of Yahoo Mail has finally had its beta tag removed and is now the default interface for all Yahoo Mail accounts. The new service includes two interesting real-time communication features:1) Free text messaging to mobile phone numbers (but only available in the US, Canada, India and the...

  • Web
    Lypp: Simple, Free Group Calls

    Lypp is a free conference calling service that will launch in September. It will not be the most feature-packed group calling service, but it may be the most simple. The app will utilize existing instant messaging networks (AIM, Google Talk, iChat, ICQ, MSN, Jabber and Yahoo! will be supported) to...

  • Web
    Mefeedia Promises 2nd Generation of Online Video

    Mefeedia was one of the online video aggregators that Josh Catone reviewed in his Guide to Video Aggregation Sites. It claims to aggregates video blogs and web shows from over 15,000 websites. Their index include 3.3 million episodes from over 24,000 different video feeds.In a recent blog post, the Mefeedia...

  • Web
    Kyte: Distributed Video Lifecasting ‘Uber Network’

    When Kyte launched in April, I called it "Twitter that moves" -- which I think is still a fair comparison. Since it is online video week here at Read/WriteWeb, it seemed like a good time to revisit Kyte and try to get a better grasp on what they're all about....

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 13-17 August 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.NewsThe latter part of this week was dominated by the major outage suffered by popular VoIP product Skype. Also this week...

  • Web
    Extending Microsoft Money – The Web Needs an Alternative to Paypal

    last100 has an interesting post on Microsoft Points, a kind of virtual currency for the Xbox Live Marketplace and the Zune Marketplace. In a lot of ways, Microsoft Points act just like real money and functions in a similar way to Paypal. Mack D. Male wrote that "if you see...

  • Entertainment
    The Filter Releases New Version of Music Recommendation Software

    The Filter, a social music recommendation service backed by rock star Peter Gabriel, has released a new version of their software - featuring an improved user interface, a Facebook app and a partnership with Nokia. The Filter is a "playlist creation suite" for iTunes, iPod, iPhone and Apple TV. It...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 6-10 August 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email. Also our sister site last100 has a Weekly Wrapup too.R/WW Files: Personalizing Google This week's feature series was on Google's...

  • Web
    IBM Report on “Media’s Mean Streets”

    What's this? IBM going media 2.0? Big Blue has released a Noir-themed report entitled 'Navigating the Media Divide: Innovating and Enabling New Business Models.' It comes with a movie inspired design and pitch:"Traditional and new media are clashing. The old rules on content and distribution: gone. Traditional alliances: unreliable. Long-established...

  • Web
    Eric Schmidt Defines Web 3.0

    Google CEO Eric Schmidt was recently at the Seoul Digital Forum and he was asked to define Web 3.0 by an audience member. After first joking that Web 2.0 is "a marketing term", Schmidt launched into a great definition of Web 3.0. He said that while Web 2.0 was based...

  • Web
    Adjustables Debuts Video Ad Service at ad:tech Chicago

    The growing ranks of online marketers gathered this week at ad:tech Chicago. Big technology players like Google, DoubleClick, WebTrends, Omniture, and were present, along with email marketing firms, large online agencies, and whole raft of smaller players with new tools for RSS, mobile, and video advertising. The coolest new...

  • Social
    Social Networking Goes Global – Especially in North American Region

    With the attention-grabbing headling Social Networking Goes Global, comScore has released its latest stats on the large social network sites. According to comScore, MySpace is over twice as large as its nearest rival, Facebook. Both Facebook and Bebo have had extraordinary growth over the past year (270% and 172% respectively):These...

  • Web
    Top 10 Yahoo! Properties

    Most Web users probably use at least one Yahoo product on a regular basis. So as part of our 100 Days For Yahoo week, let's take a look at 10 that are among the leaders in their particular market segment, or are particularly innovative. These are subjective selections, because it's...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 23-27 July 2007

    Sponsor:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.News It was a relatively quiet week in terms of Web technology news. Perhaps the most exciting thing to happen was...

  • Web
    The Top 10 Things I Love About My iPhone

    After having my iPhone for a little over two weeks it is clear that it is the best gadget that I ever owned. I am not a gadget guy, but I certainly appreciate elegant design and useful tools. iPhone's ease of use, intuitive interface and great set of built-in applications...

  • Web
    Nokia Acquires Media Sharing Startup Twango

    Today Nokia has acquired the media sharing service Twango. Twango combines online storage with social networking, allowing users to organize and share photos, videos and other personal media. Read/WriteWeb wrote an in-depth profile of Twango back in January, in a post entitled Twango Tackles Lucrative Media Sharing Market. Well it...

  • Social
    Top 10 Facebook Apps: Utility

    Our list today will look at the top 10 apps for utility. These are apps that are in some way useful. This was a pretty broad list, and probably took us the longest to cut down to a top ten. As a result, we were unfortunately forced to leave off...

  • Social
    Top 10 Facebook Apps: Media

    In part 3 of my top 10 Facebook applications series, I will be looking at the top 10 apps that have to do with media. For the most part, these are apps that let users watch, display, look at, and remix video, audio, and photo content. This is a completely...

  • Web
    Democracy Player Reborn as Miro

    last100 has the scoop on the rebirth of the open source Internet TV application as Miro:Miro (formerly known as Democracy Player) is an open-source Internet TV application that combines a media player and library, content guide, video search engine, as well as podcast and BitTorrent clients. Developed by the Participatory...

  • Web
    Top 10 Twitter Apps

    Twitter has been a runaway success since the status message inspired web app launched about a year ago. Its rapid adoption, ease of use and extensibility resulted in a lot of excited developers taking Twitter's best bits and mixing them up to their own ends. FranticIndustries and the Twitter Fan...

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