Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Blue Beanies Pop Up Around the Web Today in Support of Standards

    Today has been declared Blue Beanie Day, an only slightly tongue-in-cheek day for supporters of web standards to show their solidarity with the cause. Originating in the mind of Douglas Vos, founder of Facebook’s Designing With Web Standards Group, the day uses a blue hat as its symbol in honor...

  • Web
    Social Graph & Beyond: Tim Berners-Lee’s Graph is The Next Level

    Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, today published a blog post about what he terms the Graph, which is similar (if not identical) to his Semantic Web vision. Referencing both Brad Fitzpatrick's influential post earlier this year on Social Graph, and our own Alex Iskold's analysis of Social...

  • Web
    Visualizing Social Software Best Practices: Three Approaches

    Here in the US it's the busiest travel day of the year and while media events and new product launches lay low, entrepreneurs and geeks are hard at work building the software that will launch in coming weeks. There's no better time to kick back and let yourself get philosophical....

  • Web
    Let’s Focus on Web Innovation Again!

    We've discussed before on Read/WriteWeb about how we've entered The Digestion Phase of the Web, a term that Alex Iskold coined. He defined it as "a period of time for us to reflect, to integrate, and to understand recent technologies and how they fit together." Tim O'Reilly has also been...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 12-16 November 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsIt was a relatively quiet week in Web news, after all...

  • Web
    A Look at Mugr’s Facial Recognition Platform – 100 Invites to Private Beta

    Arizona-based img surf, LLC is an angel-funded startup that was formed in July 2007 to develop Mugr, a facial recognition search site designed to show off their developer platform that let's outside sites integrate image based search into their services. The site opened last month in limited beta. We were...

  • Web
    Hyped New Platforms: Explaining the Difference Between One and the Other

    Platforms here, platforms there - everyone's launching a platform it seems. Today's newest platforms, a content storage platform from and a content publishing platform from social network Bebo, are just the latest. Facebook, OpenSocial, Android - who can tell them all apart? What is a platform? It's a technical...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 November 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Note: If you would like to sponsor the Weekly Wrapup - which...

  • Web
    More Web Conferences (Including Ticket Giveaways, Discounts)

    Last week we told you about some upcoming Web Conferences. We also gave away a ticket to Defrag, which is on right now. The winner was Kevin Cawley, so hope he is having a good time :-) R/WW has a few people at Defrag - Sean, Alex and Charles Knight...

  • Web
    E-Government Meets Web 2.0: Goodbye Portals, Hello Web Services

    Gartner recently released a couple of reports on how web 2.0 technologies are being used in e-Government. The reports are entitled The E-Government Hype Cycle Meets Web 2.0 and Government and Web 2.0: The Emerging Midoffice. Both are about how modern e-government efforts are moving away from the 'one stop...

  • Entertainment
    NPR Music Launches Compelling New Site

    National Public Radio, the US radio network too long lagging in the technology department, relaunched NPR Music late last night. The new site is a real joy to use. While the old NPR website ran all media through RealPlayer or Windows Media, the new site employs a slick Flash pop-up...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 29 October – 2 November 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Note: If you would like to sponsor the Weekly Wrapup - which...

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    New Release: Tumblr 3.0 & Interview with Founder on Read/WriteTalk

    For the most recent episode of Read/WriteTalk I sat down with David Karp, the founder of Tumblr. Tumblr is a platform that makes it easy to create Tumblelogs - which Wikipedia defines as: A variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated...

  • Web
    Google Stock Mania Continues – $700/share

    Google's stock price broke $700 for the first time today, reaching as high as $704.79 in morning trading. That means it has taken Google under a month to go from $600 per share to a staggering $700 share price.Since mid-September Google has added 30% to its stock price and an...

  • Web
    Poll: Are We Still Changing the Web?

    Steve Rubel has written a post bemoaning the lack of innovative Web products these days:"...I miss the days of 2004 when the class that includes Flickr, and others started. They really were about changing the web, not making a quick buck (they did so only because they added value)....

  • Web
    Hulu Peeks at the Public with a Whimper

    Hulu, the online video project from Newscorp and NBC/Universal, with participation by Sony, MGM and others, has begun its highly controlled opening to the public this week. The Hollywood-content-only, wildly over funded project is opening up a private beta to a few thousand users it told reporters before a midnight...

  • Web
    ActionThis Launches Online Task Management Service – Free Offer for R/WW Readers

    ActionThis, a Wellington, New Zealand based startup, today launched a "Get Things Done" task management app. It enables people to create and track project management items and tasks, either using a browser interface (free) or within Microsoft Outlook (premium, subscription-based). Note that at the bottom of this post, there is...

  • Web
    Online Citizen Journalism Now Undeniably Mainstream

    It's interesting to see how the techniques and technologies of amateur, citizen journalists are adopted, co-opted, and integrated by the mainstream media. Take blogs, for example, which earlier in this decade seemed like just an outlet for amateur web publishers. Fast forward a few years and you'll be hard pressed...

  • Web
    Instant Messaging Round-Up

    There are more and more ways to get your instant messaging done, with a large number of new online and offline clients from third parties. With so many instant messaging options, it's hard to figure out which one to use. Below, we've listed a large number of online and offline...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 15-19 October 2007

    Sponsor:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsMySpace Evolves - Developer Platform Details, Partnerships, Growth Figures This week News Corp chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, and MySpace...

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