Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Bill Gates at CES: No Web Fridges, But You Can Watch TV on Your Xbox 360

    One of the highlights of CES (Consumer Electronics Show) each year is Bill Gates' keynote speech, available here as a webcast. Every year ReadWriteWeb analyzes Gates' keynote, highlighting the main themes and trends that he discusses. This year there were a slew of products and partnerships announced. It was less...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 31 Dec 2007 – 4 Jan 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Highlights this week: Richard MacManus ended 2007 with a review of the...

  • Web
    Questions to Consider in the Coming Privacy Wars

    It seems obvious that privacy is going to be a major point of contention in the near-term future. It's only going to get hotter as major online services compile huge amounts of data about us, as Open Data advocates push for that data to be freed up for reuse and...

  • Web
    The State of Innovation in India

    10 years ago, in 1997, I wrote an article called Playing Against 5 Aces for a technology magazine in India called Dataquest. The article looked at how the deck was stacked in favor of American technology companies, because they were playing with 5 Aces in the pack:1. A large domestic...

  • Web
    What’s Next on the Web: a ReadWriteWeb Toolkit for 2008

    Some people say that the bubble's going to take a downturn in the next year or two - that huge numbers of copycat startups are going to shut down, people are going to be out of work and Web 2.0 cheerleaders are going to eat their (our) words. While startup...

  • Web
    5 Ways You Can Fall in Love With Tagging Again

    Tagging content online is something that doesn't seem to have taken off the way some people expected it to. Is it too complicated for widespread adoption? Is it too arbitrary to have the impact that formal taxonomies offer? Is it just too much work while you're zipping around the web?...

  • Web
    Top 10 Web Tech Stories of 2007

    2007 was an eventful year in Web Technology, with the rise of Facebook, some frenzied acquisitions from the likes of Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, and of course the iPhone. To round out the year (and put an end to the December lists!) here is a look at what we think...

  • Web
    Best of ReadWriteWeb 2007, Editor’s Picks

    2007 has been a very busy year for ReadWriteWeb. We started the year with just one daily writer (yours truly!), a couple of regular feature writers (Alex Iskold and Emre Sokullu) and the occasional guest writer. We ended the year with 2 new lead writers and 3 more blogs (more...

  • Entertainment
    Digital Music in 2007- All About Experimentation

    last100 editor Steve O'Hear has written an informative and thorough overview of the digital music scene in 2007. Steve noted: "Ditching DRM, new mobile offerings, pay-what-you-want and other alternative business models - one word to sum up activity in the digital music space in 2007: “experimentation”."The post also predicts what...

  • Web
    Biggest Web Tech Flubs of 2007

    We've already revealed our picks for the "Best Web BigCo" and "Best Web LittleCo" of the past 12 months. But not everything was so rosy for some companies on the web this year. Below we've gathered our list of the top flubs in the web technology sector in 2007. In...

  • Web
    36 Startup Tips: From Software Engineering to PR and More!

    This is a collection of startup tips covering software engineering, infrastructure, PR, conferences, legal and finance. They describe best practices for an early-stage startup. We hope that you will find these tips useful, but also please remember that they are based on subjective experiences and not all of them will...

  • Web
    2008 Web Predictions

    What Web applications and trends will make it big in 2008? In this post the RWW authors ruminate on the current trends in Web technology and look forward to what 2008 might bring us. Topics include Google, semantic web, online advertising, recommendation systems, Facebook, digg, open standards, Mobile Web, search...

  • Web
    Mozilla Weaves Web Platform for User Data

    Mozilla today announced Weave, a new web platform that will store users' browser metadata in a cloud environment for access anywhere. Weave is a "framework for services integration" that will, according to Mozilla, "focus on finding ways to enhance the Firefox user experience, increase user control over personal information, and...

  • Web
    Finalists Announced for Crunchies Awards

    The finalists have now been announced for the Crunchies, the awards show we’re co-hosting with Techcrunch, GigaOm and VentureBeat. Voting will be live through to midnight PST Thursday, January 10. You can vote here, once a day.There are bound to be startups disappointed not to have made the cut -...

  • Mobile
    MIT Researcher Collecting Passive Social Graph Data From Cellphone Activity, Bluetooth

    Sandy Pentland, a researcher at MIT whose work has received funding from Nokia, is working on processing more than 350,000 hours of data collected from peoples' cell phones. More than just who calls who, Pentland is also studying proximity, location and activity data using information like interactions recorded between Bluetooth...

  • Web
    Internet TV: 2007 Year in Review

    From YouTube’s continued dominance, the television networks’ newfound willingness to experiment online, the rise of the desktop Internet TV application, and a number of new PC-to-TV devices and set-top boxes — it’s been a big year for Internet TV in all shapes and forms. In this post we look back...

  • Web
    Talis: Evangelizing and Quietly Enabling the Semantic Web

    This is a guest post by by Zach Beauvais.Talis is a bit different than most web 2.0 startups we hear about. It is a 40 year-old technology company with a significant presence in the UK - nearly a quarter of British academic and public libraries make use of its software....

  • Web
    BBC Celebrates 10 Years Online by Blogging

    The BBC's Internet presence came online ten years ago this past weekend on December 15th, 1997, and for the past few months on the new BBC Internet Blog, company executives have been reminiscing about the last 10 years and projecting into the future. Yesterday, Group Controller in Future Media and...

  • Web
    Consumer Apps: 2007 Year in Review

    "Consumer apps" is a rather broad topic to tackle, so rather than try to recount everything that has happened across the entire cosmos of consumer web applications in the past year, we'll focus on two areas that have had perhaps the most impact overall in the way we conduct our...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 10-14 December 2007

    Here is a quick wrapup of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.This week on ReadWriteWeb we did our annual review of Web...

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