Results for "mobile"

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    Health 2.0 Conference Review

    Editor's note: this week the Health 2.0 Conference was held in San Diego, CA. The following is a review of the event, by Bill Allman from who struggles with healthcare in America – and that’s probably just about everyone – has a pretty good grip on the myriad problems...

  • Web
    6 Ways to Filter Your RSS Feeds

    RSS is easily one of the best things to happen to web publishing in the past 10 years. It allows users to easily keep track of news from multiple web sites because updates are delivered directly to them. But the problem many people face is that there are so many...

  • Mobile
    Nokia to support Microsoft’s “Flash-killer” Silverlight

    Nokia today announced that it has reached a deal with Microsoft to put Silverlight, Redmond's so-called "Flash killer," on its S60 Symbian OS-powered smartphones, as well as Series 40 devices and its range of Linux-based Internet tablets. ReadWriteWeb network blog last100 has the details.Securing Nokia’s support marks a major coup...

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    Yahoo! Experiments in Reality Mining with Bluetooth MyBlogLog

    Yahoo! owned MyBlogLog is stepping into dangerous waters with a new experiment in mobile presence tracking through Bluetooth. Demonstrated at the eTech conference today, says it allows users to: "Bind your Bluetooth address to your MyBlogLog account and discover others nearby and [sic] find out if you have any...

  • Social
    The Future of Social Networks at Graphing Social Patterns

    Charlene Li gave the opening keynote at today's Graphing Social Patterns conference. The keynote was titled "The Future of Social Networks" and Charlene clarified that specifically she was focused on five to ten years out in her presentation. Her basic thesis is that in the future, 'social networks will be...

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    Poll: Will Your Mom & Dad Ever Use Twitter?

    We've been very bullish on Twitter here at ReadWriteWeb. We named it our Best Web LittleCo of 2007, because it "has captured the imagination and become a new hybrid of chat, social networking and blogging." Twitter also received the Best mobile start-up award at the Crunchies in January. And as...

  • Mobile
    How iPhone is Evolving From 1.0 (Now) to 1.5 (SDK) to 2.0 (3G)

    The future of the iPhone is coming into focus, even if it is a bit abstract at the moment. Reports are beginning to surface that Infineon, a German chipmaker, will provide Apple with a new chip set for the next-generation iPhone — let’s call it iPhone 2.0.Syndicated from last100, our...

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    SXSW Breakout App of 2008: What Will it Be?

    The SXSW extravaganza in Austin has been an application king maker for the last two years at least; Google's Dodgeball blew up there in 2006 and Twitter went from elite-chic to massively popular there in 2007. Who's it going to be in 2008? We look at five possible contenders below,...

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    35 Ways to Stream Your Life

    It's a pretty good bet that if you're not making a Twitter or Facebook application, you're probably making a lifestreaming application. Okay, so not everyone is into lifestreaming, but it is one of the hottest areas for development out there, and there are an overwhelming amount of services offering a...

  • Web
    YouTube Launching Live Video This Year, Chen Confirms

    YouTube co-founder Steve Chen has confirmed that the service will use Google's vast resources to launch live streaming functionality this year, according to a video interview on Sarah Meyer's new show Pop17. (Placemarked interview embedded below.) This appears to be the first confirmation of such plans. YouTube live is probably...

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    Is Web Technology Making Your Life Better?

    Technology, broadly, is a tool or set of tools aimed at making some aspect of life better, easier, or more efficient. On the web, that could mean scripting languages that make it easier for developers to create applications, or it could mean applications that make it easier for us to...

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    Technology Populism: Risks & Rewards

    Thanks to a more technology-savvy workforce, ubiquitous broadband, online collaboration, and social networking tools, it is individual workers, and not IT organizations, that are creating a new trend in business, a trend being called "technology populism." Despite the rewards of using web-based tools and the ease-of-use they provide, this new...

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    How To Manage Your Online Reputation

    You've spent a lot of time building up your reputation and image both online and off, so it's important to make sure that someone isn't out there dragging it through the mud. The latest tool for reputation management is Trackur, but its bottom-level price is $88/month, so the question on...

  • Web
    Pulse of Open Source: A Look at Niche Conversations

    Pulse of Open Source is a new site that aggregates the Twitter messages of thought leaders and participants in the Open Source Software community. It's a great example of the value that can be added on top of a simple aggregation of dynamic niche content. It's also a good example...

  • Web
    10 Recommended Recommendation Engines

    Alex Iskold just posted Rethinking Recommendation Engines, a product type that we here at ReadWriteWeb have explored a lot over the past year or so. In this follow-up post, we present 10 recommendation engines that we like. And we don't include the obvious ones, such as Amazon, Netflix,, Pandora....

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    Comment of the Day: “Google Docs is Chock Full of Fail”

    In his post Why Google Apps is a Serious Threat to Microsoft Office, Bernard Lunn argued that the collaboration features in Google Apps are good enough to take on Microsoft. Commenter Karim took him on, with a well-written defense of MS Office. Also check out Bernard's response and the further...

  • Web
    Why Google Apps is a Serious Threat to Microsoft Office

    This is the perspective of a “skeptical, later early adopter”; the sort of person who Microsoft needs to retain and should have been able to retain easily. I don’t spend time on productivity tools that may at some date make me more productive, but which today are just a frustrating...

  • Web
    Semantic Web: Where Are The Meaning-Enabled Authoring Tools?

    By Nitin Karandikar Much has been written recently about the concepts, approaches and applications of the Semantic Web. But there's something missing. In terms of understanding, finding and displaying content, there is no doubt that the Semantic Web is slowly becoming real (e.g. there were some great demos at a...

  • Web
    Cloudo, an Internet OS, Launches Alpha

    Cloudo, a Swedish-based based startup, is now inviting developers to sign up for the alpha of their Internet Operating System. The Cloudo IOS, previously called Xindesk, is a virtual computer on the web. Cloudo's offering closely resembles a PC-like experience, but also has some unique features which could make it...

  • Web
    WhyGoSolo Bridges Your Online and Offline Worlds

    WhyGoSolo, a completely self-funded startup from Washington D.C., wants to help you transition your online relationships and friendships to the offline world. For some people, the interactions they have online are so fulfilling that they are overlooking the importance of having real-world relationships. With WhyGoSolo's online community and tools like...

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