Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web

    Gen Y is taking over. The generation of young adults that's composed of the children of Boomers, Generation Jones, and even some Gen X'ers, is the biggest generation since the Baby Boomers and three times the size of Gen X. As the Boomers fade into retirement and Gen Y takes...

  • Web
    Report: Slowing Economy Finally Catches Up to Online Ads

    "The Internet is recession proof," is a sentiment we've heard trumpeted over and over and over again the past year. However, guest author Llew Claasen argued on this blog in February that paid search ads specifically are actually not recession proof, and a new report out today appears to confirm...

  • Mobile
    Android Developer Challenge I Winners Announced: Our Picks

    The Android Developer Challenge is a two-part contest whose goal is to encourage developers to build apps for the new Google mobile platform, code-named "Android." In this first round, dubbed "Challenge I," submissions were accepted up until April 14th. Yesterday, the top 50 entries were announced. Each of these application...

  • Web
    Too Many Choices, Too Much Content

    Sometimes it's just hard to keep up. In this technology-focused niche we all live in there are new applications, new initiatives, and new platforms that spring up every day, not to mention constantly breaking news that fills our RSS readers. Take a day off and you're behind. Take an hour...

  • Web
    Here Come the Geo-Smart Apps: Yahoo! Opens Location Database to Developers

    Yahoo! today released a developer preview of its Yahoo! Internet Location Platform, a collection of in-depth geo-location based APIs. We expect to see location be more smartly used in many applications around the web thanks to this platform. The gist of what's being enabled is this: applications can provide the...

  • Web
    RSSmeme Launches API, Provides Filtering Tools Galore

    Benjamin Golub has been busy. He runs the site RSSmeme, an RSS aggregator that displays the top Shared Items items from Google Reader users. For a brief time, RSSmeme was the only Google Reader aggregator in town after ReadBurner closed up shop. But not too much later, ReadBurner was purchased...

  • Web
    FuelFrog: Track Your Gas Mileage

    Yesterday I filled the gas tank of my Toyota Camry and it came to just under $60. To be fair, it could have been a lot worse -- compared to many parts of the country, where I live gasoline is still relatively cheap. But in this world of rising fuel...

  • Web
    5 Tools Everyone Working Online Should Have (IMHO)

    The number of people whose work is touched by the internet these days is hard to imagine. Many of us have been working full-time online for a while, but for the vast majority of people online today that's not the case. Here at RWW we communicate with people with a...

  • Web
    Is Tiny Seesmic Going to Take Over the World?

    Andy Plesser at Beet.TV got the scoop from video chat platform Seesmic that the company will be powering video comments for Moveable Type and TypePad blogs beginning next month, just like they have for since last month. Founder Loic Le Meur wrote this week that Seesmic will this month...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s Brand Confusion Runs Deep

    The LiveSide blog today took a look at all the different bits of Microsoft's search universe and found that while the new look may live up to the stated design principle of "Simple and powerful. Human. Fast." it doesn't provide a common, unified experience. LiveSide found four different search...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 28 Apr – 2 May 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side: this week we took a look at our readers' favorite web apps, we covered the social news space in depth (including posts on digg, Mixx and a new app called BlogRize), we...

  • Web
    Interview: How Will Live Mesh Integrate With Windows Live?

    One of the highlights last week at Web 2.0 Expo was the launch of Microsoft's new cloud computing play, Live Mesh. Mesh is a new development platform for syncing user data between the desktop and the Web, and across multiple devices (currently just Windows computers, but it'll support mobile, Mac...

  • Web
    Adobe to Publish Flash File Format Specs

    Adobe is today announcing the "Open Screen Project" which will seek to create a consistent runtime environment for rich media across a myriad of devices. In other words, Flash on the web, mobile, desktop, television, and other consumer electronic devices. As part of this initiative, Adobe will be releasing the...

  • Web
    Report: In Emergencies, People Turn to Facebook

    A study that will appear in tomorrow's New Scientist magazine found that social media sites, blogs, and instant messaging services were better at connecting people and providing warnings during emergencies than traditional sources of such information, according to the Telegraph. Dr. Leysia Palen, an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at...

  • Web
    Strands Acquires Expensr, Launches moneyStrands

    In the first real sign that recommendation engine Strands (formally MyStrands) is branching out from mobile and music, the company has announced the acquisition of Expensr, an online personal finance application. Strands is also launching moneyStrands, a personal money management solution. We've noted before that Strands is a company to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 21-25 April 2008

    This week was a hectic one, with a number of RWW writers present at the annual Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco. The big Internet news of the week was the launch of Microsoft's Live Mesh. Yahoo also announced key support for Social Graph and data portability. In social networking...

  • Web
    Internet TV News: Three More Netflix Set-Top Box Partners, New Hollywood JV, PS3 Movie Download Service

    Lots more Internet TV-related coverage on our network blog last100 this week, including news of a new joint venture from Viacom, Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate; Netflix has secured three new set-top box partners who'll add support for the company’s ‘Watch Now’ video streaming service; more speculation surrounding Sony's forthcoming movie...

  • Web
    There is No Web 3.0, There is No Web 2.0 – There is Just the Web

    Something struck me while listening to Tim O'Reilly's keynote speech at the Web 2.0 expo yesterday: glancing at my notes after he walked off stage, I noticed that his current definition for Web 2.0, is a lot like the definition he's given for Web 3.0. Based on this, plus past...

  • Web
    Tim O’Reilly: Tackle Big, Hard Problems With Web 2.0

    The ReadWriteWeb team is at the Web 2.0 Expo. Tim O'Reilly opens the Web 2.0 Expo keynotes with a discussion on the opportunities in web 2.0 today. Here are some real-time notes on his session. His main message is to "not follow the headlines" and the hot consumer apps, but...

  • Web Launches Public Beta

    There are a lot of ways to collaborate online - wikis, forums, social networks - but there are very few providers that package all the tools together that a group might need., a social groupware provider, aims to address that problem by providing its users one single package of...

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