Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 9-13 June 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we covered the iPhone 2.0 announcement, reviewed 6 Adobe AIR apps for work, checked out the new MySpace and re-designs, looked at Coke's social media play, and interviewed the co-founder of...

  • Web
    Poll Result: 52% Like or Love iPhone 2.0

    Earlier this week we ran a poll about the latest version of the iPhone announced at Apple's WWDC event in San Francisco. The results were a little surprising, in that only half (52%) of respondents thought iPhone 2.0 was a solid release -- just over 1 in 5 of those...

  • Web
    What’s Next for Microsoft and Yahoo!

    Update:Yahoo! and Google have indeed announced a partnership in the form of a non-exclusive deal allowing Yahoo! to run Google advertising alongside search results. The press release is here.The clumsy $44 billion mating dance that began in February between Microsoft and Yahoo! officially came to an end today. Yahoo! and...

  • Web
    Will the Future Novel be More than Text on a Page?

    We all know what it looks like when a novel is adapted for film or television. But what would it look like when the novel format is adapted for the Internet? We reported in March that more and more reading is being done online, especially by the younger generation, but...

  • Web
    Skydeck: Will It Be The First Billion Dollar Social Graph Company?

    "...someone is going to build a billion-dollar company around the implicit social graph. And I'm betting on Skydeck." Jason Devitt Welcome to the second installment of our new People in Tech series. In this post we interview Jason Devitt, CEO/Co-Founder of Skydeck. It's a mobile web startup built on the...

  • Web
    Live Blogging Future of the Web Debate

    The Rensselaer interactive debate on the future of the Web is just starting now and is being webcast live here (note: Silverlight required). You can watch the debate and submit questions - including while it is happening - by clicking here. Update: The debate is now over, see our comprehensive...

  • Web
    Do You Trust Google to Resist Data Mining Across Services?

    Google's breadth of services is truly awesome and the amount of information the company touches concerning our lives and world can sometimes feel downright frightening. While almost no one takes the old phrase "Don't Be Evil" seriously anymore now that there are billions of dollars on the table and Chinese...

  • Web
    SharePoint To Run Enterprise 2.0?

    Nine companies are saying "yes," having recently launched Enterprise 2.0 offerings that integrate with SharePoint technology.If there's one thing that any I.T. pro knows it's the value of "maximizing their investment" in whatever servers they run, technology they use, or services they've signed up for. With strict budgets in place,...

  • Mobile
    iPhone-less? Try Tiled Browsing Instead

    Yesterday was the big unveiling of iPhone 2.0. Even with its lowered price, many customers are still locked into contracts they can't break yet, and others still - believe it or not - are happy to continue using their mobile devices of choice, be them Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung,...

  • Web
    iPhone 2.0 Big in Bubbleland, But 2-3 Years Behind the Times in The Real World?

    Tech blogs have been literally stampeding over the top of each other today to report on the latest version of the iPhone, announced at Apple's WWDC event in San Francisco. Our network blog last100 has an excellent overview of the news. Personally I'm a huge iPhone fan and so I...

  • Web
    And You Thought the Tech Blog Echo Chamber was Bad

    You see it happen every day: a story breaks on Techmeme, and 30 minutes later, the headline is followed up by tens of "discussion links." Some bloggers weigh in just to get the trackback link, or the link on Techmeme, some because they're generally interested in the news, and some...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 2-6 June 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we analyzed Adobe's new Web Office suite, investigated a worrying exodus of sellers from eBay, looked some more at Yahoo's Search Monkey, and showed you 6 tools to save links with. On...

  • Web
    How to Comment About Your Company on Blog Posts, Without Being Spammy

    For every 1000 people who read a tech blog post, there may be one that leaves a comment. Lurking in the crowd are any number of people who work for companies related to the subject of the post. They almost never comment, and when they do they often come across...

  • Social
    Could Facebook Be the New Ning?

    Earlier this week something interesting happened in the world of social networking: Verizon, which this week became America's largest mobile carrier after moving to acquire Alltel, moved its branded social network to Facebook. The company announced a plan to shut down its Verizon Community site -- a moderately popular corporate...

  • Web
    I.T. 2.0

    How Changing Technology is Having Big Impacts on Business In case you haven't heard yet - the I.T. world is changing. The rise of social computing technologies, generally branded as "Web 2.0" and including things like wikis, blogs, social networking, RSS, and more are slowly making their way into the...

  • Web
    Plurk: Unique or Just Another Twitter Clone?

    Plurk, the latest lifestreaming service to make the rounds, certainly has one thing going for it - a sense of humor, albeit an odd one. The site is currently riding a wave of new registrations due to a mention from Leo Laporte, but is it worth your time or is...

  • Web
    Microsoft Silverlight to be Installed on Millions of HP Computers

    Microsoft announced this morning that HP computers will soon be shipped with as their default search engine. The big news, though, isn't that Live's hit-it-with-a-stick ugly search results will be placed in front of millions of eyes. The most important part of the announcement is that the search toolbar...

  • Social
    6 Great Tools to Save Links for Later

    Unfortunately, there just aren't enough hours in the day. This seems to be especially true when you take on a lot of projects. Between blogging, researching, emailing, and real life, reading all of your feeds isn't something we can do all the time. Sometimes, we see something that we'd love...

  • Web
    Happy Anniversary AltSearchEngines

    On Monday, June 2, RWW network blog AltSearchEngines will be celebrating its one year anniversary with a post-a-thon! There will be one post every hour for 24 hours announcing...NEW relaunch of our forums!NEW AltSearchEngines conference!NEW Top 100 Alts list for June 2008! [more after the fold]NEW get money back for...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 26-30 May 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we covered announcements by Google about Gears and App Engine, we looked at some compelling Yahoo! Pipes apps, we checked out Strands Lifestreaming, and we reviewed promising Semantic Apps Faviki and Freebase....

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