Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Social
    iPhone Apps For Social Networks

    The iPhone App Store is here and if you have an iPhone like most of us at ReadWriteWeb, the App Store is the one place you'll probably be for the majority of the weekend. There are a ton of great social network apps available in the iPhone's App Store. From...

  • Web
    Loopt Brings Yelp Reviews to 3G iPhone

    The iPhone App Store has just gone live and one of the apps getting early attention is Loopt, a location aware mobile social network startup we profiled in June. Loopt enables users to broadcast their status to a broad set of services and find interesting locations and reviews nearby. Their...

  • Web
    Apple’s App Store Launches

    As the hype around the iPhone 3G launch tomorrow is kicking into high gear, Apple has released a new version of iTunes, which includes the long-awaited App Store. According to Pinch Media, there are currently 552 applications available in the store. More than 25% of the apps are available for...

  • Web
    PlanetEye: A One-Stop Travel Destination

    Today, the Toronto-based travel site PlanetEye officially launched its new travel planning service, which combines extensive travel content, booking, mapping, and geotagged photo sharing. PlanetEye aims to be a one-stop travel destination, where users can prepare for a vacation, book it, and share their experiences after returning from the trip....

  • Web
    Confirmed: PaidContent Bought By the Guardian – Here’s How Media History is Made

    The trailblazing blog PaidContent, specializing in coverage of the business of new media, will be acquired by the Guardian Media Group, writes Kara Swisher tonight in a very sweet scoop. As Swisher says, it's a coup for new media - but it's another great move by the Guardian Media Group...

  • Mobile
    Medialets Launches iPhone Ad Platform: Think DoubleClick for iPhone Apps

    The iPhone isn't just a mobile phone, it's truly a next-gen computing platform. Although all mobile devices run an OS and are essentially mini-computers, the iPhone is arguably the first device to get the user experience right. Along with iPhone's rich feature set there's now also the App Store, a...

  • Web
    Telco Greed Overshadows iPhone 3G Launch

    Yesterday we reported on the outlandish iphone 3G pricing plans of Vodafone New Zealand, which is charging up to $250 per month for data plans and $1129 local currency for the 16 GB phone by itself - a far cry from the $199 Steve Jobs was promoting last month. But...

  • Web
    Exclusive: First Look At Genome, A Next-Gen Social Networking Service

    What are the number one problems facing today's social networks? According to the young developer Vladislav Chernyshov they are: privacy issues, distraction and time-wasting, quantity over quality, ads, and lack of control over your identity. That's why he, Dmitry Gorpinchenko, and Andrew Chernyh, all students at Novosibirsk State Technical University...

  • Web
    Vodafone NZ Charges “Like a Wounded Bull” For iPhone 3G

    New Zealand will be the first country in the world to get the Apple iPhone 3G, because of the country's position on the international dateline. Vodafone NZ is the carrier which is offering the iPhone, but its pricing plans - released today - have attracted a storm of criticism. Vodafone...

  • Web
    Could a Government Mashup Contest Top McCain’s Battery Project?

    Last month US Presidential hopeful John McCain announced an ambitious new proposal that would award a $300 million prize to the inventor of a better battery for powering automobiles. It is a laudable idea and one that could tackle some of the biggest problems the world faces - but it's...

  • Web’s New Strategy in Search: Focus on Answers isn't a bad search engine. In fact, the company has launched some innovative features over the years that have demonstrated their ambition and drive compete with search giant, Google. From walking directions in Ask Maps to voice-activated ones for when you're mobile and from 3D interfaces to smart answers...

  • Web
    Get Great Tech Product Coverage With Tech NewsJunk

    There's a new aggregator in town folks. If you're a fan of Dave Winer's political NewsJunk aggregation site, Techmeme, or FriendFeed, then you're going to love Winer's counterpart to the political NewsJunk site, Tech NewsJunk. Created because Winer wasn't getting enough news about products, Tech Newsjunk is the latest product...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 30 June – 4 July 2008

    It's time to review the week that was on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we looked at Adobe's announcement of searchable Flash, checked in with online TV service Hulu, reviewed a couple of innovative new web apps (Gnip and and reviewed Firefox's recent world record. On the trends side,...

  • Web
    Six Ways To Update Your Status

    As Twitter began to fail on a regular basis, many of its users turned to other micro-blogging services to continue on with their 140-character lifestyle. Some returned to Jaiku or Pownce, others starting plurking, and just recently, an open source Twitter clone launched called which has people "denting" (Yes,...

  • Web
    Posterous: Minimalist Blogging

    Posterous is such a simple microblogging platform, it almost makes Tumblr look overly complicated. The Y Combinator funded startup is a bit of a mix between a blogging and lifestreaming service, with a little dose of Twitter thrown in for good measure. To start using it, users only have to...

  • Web
    WordPress Stays Hip with the Times, Adds Gears and Looks to OAuth

    Open source blogging platform WordPress may have won most peoples' hearts as the best blogging platform in town, but that doesn't mean its core developers are resting on their laurels. The company made two statements last night about moves its users are sure to love. WordPress announced last night on...

  • Social
    Schedule Social Network Messages With Sendible

    There are several different social media message-sending apps out there, but arguably, HelloTxt is one of the most well-known and most often utilized thanks to its support for a wide array of the most popular social sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, bebo, Pownce, Jaiku, Brightkite, and Plurk. They even support...

  • Entertainment
    Rhapsody Embraces DRM-Free MP3s: Another Nail in The Coffin of DRM

    Real Networks' Rhapsody music service, which had only been a subscription service so far, is joining into the every expanding fray of music services selling DRM-free MP3 files. Real has signed deals with Universal, Sony BMG, Warner, and EMI to sell songs at $.99 cents a song and $9.99 per...

  • Entertainment Launches API 2.0

    The popular social music service features an API that lets anyone build their own programs using data, whether those programs are on the web, on the desktop, or on a mobile phone. In the past, we've listed some of the best mashups built using this API from MusicPortl...

  • Social
    Best of RWW: Making Facebook Useful

    The weekend is a good chance to play around with web apps and social networks. With that in mind, on a rainy Sunday I found myself checking out Sarah Perez's classic post from May: How to Make Facebook Useful Again. You may also want to read the comments for other...

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